
I gotta say I didn't expect to die.

Yes, I know usually people don't expect to die. But I don't think people expect to die while walking down the stairs.

No, I didn't fall down the stairs, have a heart attack, or suddenly combust in flames. It just happened. I was alive then I wasn't.

Weird I know, but that's in the past.

But what I really didn't expect was to be yoinked then placed into a fictional character's body.

A fictional character that I am quite familiar with. Not only because he is my favorite marvel character but also because I literally had a tattoo of the guy's hammer on my shin.

Thor motherfucking Odinson.

And not the MCU version of the dude, but the half elder god comic version.

Man, didn't I freak when I woke up as a baby and saw a giant lady with red hair holding me. Of course, she wasn't a giant I was just small, but my smol brain didn't process that for a quick second.

A quick second until my essences kicked in.

Archmage beyond genius intellect helped me make sense of my situation.

First, I was definitely killed by a ROB, which explains my mysterious ass death.

Second, if I ever meet the dude I am most defiantly going to thank them profusely. They not only placed me in Thors' body with his bullshit Odin/Thor force but they gave me both the essence of the Archmage and Blank as a gift.

Third, I am going to become the most overpowered motherfucker alive.

Then again, if this really the comic marvel universe, then Franklin Richards, The Beyonder, Cosmic Entities, and various entities exist that are multiversal+. So competition for that title is definitely not going to be an easy one. Maybe. I can munchkin the hell out of Marvel if I wanted to. That and the Odin Force is bullshit.

Archmage too.

Blank also.

Pretty much I am bullshit.


I ducked, dodging a sword slash that would have surely decapitated me before parrying it with my own sword then effectively disarming my opponent, then dodging again as a much more powerful and faster war hammer came flying at me with the speed of sound heading straight to my face.

I completely ignored the shockwave the hammer made due to breaking the sound barrier, and further ignored that earthquake it generated once it crashed into the golden pillar behind me as I reoriented myself to face my opponents. Well, more like sparring partners.

Sigrun and Volstagg stared right back at me with matching smirks, a war hammer and sword firmly placed into their previously empty hands. I could have easily used magic to disable their call-back enchantments on their weapons but the rules of this sparring session bar me from using any kind of magic.

When I hit the young age of 4 I wanted to begin training and since I wasn't old enough to begin physical training I asked my mother if she could teach me magic. She at the time was already teaching Loki magic(he had asked her a week earlier) and didn't see any reason to refuse.

Surprisingly enough I mastered everything she taught in seconds. Loki's face after I learned to do illusion magic(his specialty) better than him in less time was priceless. Frigga was beyond happy, however.

I even saw her literally bounce in happiness when I learned my first healing spell.

They knew my prowess in magic was very high and if I had used it this session would be over in seconds.

I wasn't the only one with a handicap, Sigurn decided to use a war hammer instead of her preferred weapon, that being a sword, and Vostalgg decided to follow in her footsteps and use a sword instead of his mighty war hammer.

No matter, I still have the advantage when it comes to pure strength and this was actually beneficial for me. My genius intellect let me learn their fighting styles and adapt to them, thereby increasing my own martial prowess.

I kicked the ground hard enough to leave visible footprints on the now cracked ground, moving at speeds that for passersby I would like a blur. I took care not to move at an insane speed I was capable of, not only because I didn't want to make this a fight of who the strongest is. I wanted to learn how to fight effectively not brute into things like canon Thor does but also because of the audience we have in the stands.

I don't want to accidentally kill anyone because I broke the speed of sound multiple times over. Sigrun's hammer throw was a calculated risk, and she is much more in tune with her own powers than I am.

Centuries of experience and war does that to you.

Which is why I wasn't even surprised when she easily deflected my overhead sword strike without any adverse effect due to my superior strength.

It takes a particularly skilled warrior to know what to do when a more powerful opponent comes at you, you know you won't be able to block his strike, so the best thing to do is to deflect.

Volstagg didn't get the memo it seems, as I turned mid-air and lashed out a strike towards him. Instead of deflecting my strike like Sigurn did, he decided to instead block with his sword. Fat load of shit that did to him as my sword shattered his own into two pieces easily

Volstagg wasn't dumb he knew that I am his superior when it comes to strength he was just taken by surprise. After all, you don't usually assume that a 12-year-old is able to think tactically and adapt fast enough to attack another opponent after his first attack was parried.

Volstagg isn't by any stretch of the imagination physically weak and usually in fights he has the advantage in terms of raw strength so his go-to move is to block not parry, it was an instinctive move, not a tactical one.

Still, in the air, I moved to the right dodging Sigrun's counter-attack via an overhead hammer throw, and while she was mid-swing kicked at her hand holding the hammer, however, Sigrun read my attack fast enough to bring her left arm to block my kick leaving a significant enough dent in her metal gauntlet that one more kick would probably shatter it.

Sigrun didn't even wince in pain or show any emotion before making a 180-degree turn, hammer in both hands, and proceed to whack it in my direction the force of the hammer alone caused a cyclone of wind to be blasted in all directions creaking the ground and ruffling the clothes of the audience, I heard quite of few ladies screaming in embarrassment as their dresses kicked up due to the wind-generated.

However, this provided me with an opportunity. I let the air between the hammer and me push me further away from Sigrun giving me space and enough time to jump over the hammer place my hand on its hit and yank it out of Sigrun's hands hard enough that due to the velocity of her movement from before, and my yank she flew into the stands behind me. Before she could crash into an unfortunate soul she flipped mid-air and landed gracefully on her feet, looking like nothing occurred.

Which to be fair, nothing really did. I just disarmed her, doesn't mean that the fighting is over, or that I have won. And she and I both knew that she wasn't even trying her hardest.

Volstagg joined her similarly disarmed and both stood in front of me waiting for my move. I dropped the sword in my hand and began walking calmly towards Sigrun and Volstagg intending to engage them in hand-to-hand combat. I saw the two tense in preparation for the upcoming fight. However, before I could make my way to them a silky smooth British accent cut through the arena.


I turned my head towards the direction the sound came from already knowing who called me.

A dark-haired green-eyed beauty stared at me affectionately. She wore a skintight black suit with green with silverish green stripes with holes in the suit where her shoulder, leaving her shoulder bare. She didn't have her black cape on or her ionic headdress. But no one can mistake her for anyone but Hela Odinsdottir the Goddess of Death and ruler of Hel.

I was surprised when I first found that Odin didn't seal up Hela like he did in the movies, and I was doubly surprised that Odin is actually Hela's father and not Loki.

I assumed that I was reincarnated in the 616 marvel universe since I knew that Jord or Gaia was my mother but it seems so far that the universe I reincarnated into is a mixture of both the MCU universe and the 616 comic universes.

Which actually makes sense, I look like a young Chris Hemsworth, and my Father is identical in appearance to Anthony Hopkins. My mother however and Hela look like their comic counterparts.

"Yes, sister?" I asked after nodding to Sigrun and Volstagg in respect indicating that the sparing session for today is over. They nodded back before leaving. The audience in the stands dissipated realizing that the show was over.

My sister, after seeing there was no one to witness what was about to happen strode towards me and proceeded to trap me in a bone-crushing hug lifting me up in her arms like I didn't weigh over 200 pounds, placing her head into the crook of my neck her hot breath tickling me.

Asgardians were tough by nature, able to easily deflect bullets off their skin and as a consequence, our skin and skeletal structure were thicker than humans. Which made me a particularly heavy 5 feet and 4 inches 12 year old without the obesity.

"Father calls for you dear brother" Hela whispered, placing a kiss on my neck in affection not minding my sweat.

Hela has always been obsessively affectionate with me to the point that I honestly think she might rape me, hell one time I saw her give a death glare to one cute girl who gave me a flower while I was walking the streets of Asgard.

Considering that she has the ability to kill by sight, that girl was lucky to walk away alive.

I still had no idea how Hela wasn't sealed up by Odin. What I assume happened was when big old daddy asked Hela to stop waging war she actually did stop and thus didn't need to get sealed up like in the MCU, or just ROB hijinks.

Either way, I ended up with a yandere half-sister. And I can't say I can complain. Yanderes are hot.

"Do you know why sister?" I asked, accepting my fate of being a teddy bear.

Sniffing my neck(which is eh weird? But kinda also maybe hot?) Hela placed me back down reluctantly, however she still kept one hand around my shoulders.

"I couldn't tell you brother, but what I could tell you is that he is in a good mood. So I assume it won't be something particularly bad." Hela answered walking toward the exit and due to her hand on her should also be dragging me along.

"I see. Sister give me your hand " I shrugged Hela's hand away from my shoulders and I held out my hand I didn't want to walk all the way towards the castle, we were about 30 or so miles away from the castle since this particular training ground was used by Asgardians soldiers and not the Royal family.

So instead I planned to use a trick Zeus used in the Percy Jackson books that I recreated.

Lightning travel.

The easiest way to travel via lighting is of course by calling up a storm, and while I can do that easily, doing so would be dumb because not only would create damage all throughout Asagrd that is unneeded, but also because I could just walk there and not create any problems for the general population, which calling a storm would definitely cause.

So instead I did the next best thing, traveling via atmospheric electricity. At first, when I first started to try and travel via lightning, I needed a storm or as least a cloud in order to travel from point A to point B. I then slowly started to progress towards traveling without needing a storm, then without needing a cloud, then without needing any electricity, all the way to where I am at now.

Knowing what I plan to do my sister happily took my hand in her own and without taking a second I turned both of us into electricity and zoomed straight towards the castle. It didn't even take us a second for us to appear inside of the throne room where my father sat in all his golden glory.

There were no guards in the throne room so my appearance didn't cause a cliche scene where the guards attack us in surprise while shouting profanities at us. Honestly, Odin needs no guards, the guards need him.

My all-knowing daddy didn't even blink his eye and just stood up while gesturing me to follow him.

I looked at my sister in exasperation only to receive a shrug in return.

I sighed deciding to just roll with the punches and follow my father. The dude wants to be mysterious for a couple of seconds I'll let him.

We didn't walk long if I was keeping time on how long it took us to reach our destination it wouldn't even be more than 2 minutes.

The vault wasn't far away from the throne room.

I stared at the tall and opposing golden doors without any awe or expression on my face. I was desensitized from anything relating to gold or wealth, which makes sense because the whole of Asgard is made out of gold.

My father didn't wait or spare me even glance, he just pushed on the golden gates lightly and went in the nonverbal "follow along now boy" was heard loud and clear. So follow him I did.

I wasn't sure exactly what he wanted, Odin for the past 12 years that I knew him was a man who you can't really predict with conventional means. I had thought I would know Odin's personality and his thought process pretty easily since I read about the dude and watched him on the big screen in my old world and while I could predict most of the time what he is thinking or will do sometimes like this instances, for example, I had no idea what he wants.

While I was having my internal monologue Odin stopped in front of a pillar his huge body was covering what was in front of him from my sight making me unable to see what he was looking at.

"I have something for you boy. " Odin said his deep voice rumbling similarly like a certain God of War.

I shrugged choosing not the ask a stupid question like 'what is it?' and just moved around my father in order to see what he has in store for me.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw that was on top of the pillar.

'Well, I'll be damned.'

In front of me lying innocently is one of the most powerful objects in the omniverse.


I knew eventually that I was going to get Mjolnir, it wasn't a question of if but of when, I just thought that I was going to get it the way canon Thor did, which was after multiple trials where I prove myself worthy enough to wield it.

Either that or the way in one of the Ragnarok cycles where Thor actually had to go to the dwarfs and ask them to build it for him by order forms Odin.

I glanced at Odin only to see him with his eye closed as if to say "go on now".

Odin is a man of few if no words at all.

I refocused my gaze on the hammer and the runes inscribed on it.

"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

I have never been more thankful for Archmage than I was now. I knew for a fact that I wasn't worthy of Mjolnir.

I wasn't pure of heart, or particularly that noble. If it wasn't for Archmage's ability to learn any 'magic' even unique ones upon seeing it once or understanding enough about it. I do not think I would actually be able to lift the damn thing.

With Archmage, however, lifting the hammer is a piece of cake. The minute that my eyes gazed on Mjolnir the runes and enchantments on it were easily deciphered to the point that once my hand was placed firmly on its handle I was able to for the lack of a better term 'hack' the enchantments placed on the hammer to allow me to lift it easily.

Before I lifted the hammer I saw from the corner my father open his one good eye and stare at me intently.

I didn't want to keep him waiting so I stopped being dramatic and just lifted the hammer.

'Huh surprisingly enough it's very light I idly thought.

'Hm?' I saw some lighting start to discharge from the hammer while some danced around the handle and around my fingers.

I could sense that storm clouds were gathering around Asgard and the wind starting to kick up outside.


A lighting bolt straight from hell sounded outside the castle and that heralded the start of a truly calamitous storm. Lightning spawned like there was no tomorrow the ringing of Thunder almost felt like one continuous note with the ground shaking just from the sound. Wind the likes of which would be comparable to a category 5 hurricane swept through Asgard. Thankfully Asgard's buildings were more than capable then sustaining winds at such speed and were not picked up like ragdolls.

' Mjolnir is really a drama queen' I knew the hammer was sentient or at least the storm trapped inside it was sentient so I wasn't really surprised that it summoned a storm on its own to herald it getting a wielder.

While I could have stopped the storm in its tracks the minute I sensed it gathering or even now, I decided not to do so and just let Mjolnir have its moment. I just redirected any stray lightning bolts away from buildings and civilians while making sure not to flood Asgard from the rain.


"Yeah okay, that's enough of you. " I spoke out loud not expecting the hammer to actually listen to me, I was going to hijack the storm and metaphorically shut it down but surprisingly enough the hammer actually listened to me as I sensed the behemoth of a storm outside start and dwindle.

'Huh, this gives me an idea'


Odin stoically watched as his son lifted Mjolnir, not showing any of the turbulent emotions he was experiencing currently.

When Thor was born Odin noticed that he was an anomaly. He was different from the previous Thor incarnations.

Radically different in fact.

He was so different that Odin almost thought that someone might have swapped Thor with a Frost Giant, no matter how impossible that would be.

He wasn't the only one that noticed just how different Thor was compared to the majority of babies, even Asgardian babies.

He didn't cry or fuss much, except when he wanted to change his diaper, or for substance.

He was incredibly intelligent, enough to differentiate between people and even somewhat communicate.

Magically Odin noticed how insanely powerful his magic was in capacity and strength. If Odin had to compare it to something, he'd actually compare it to himself and his own magical prowess. And Odin knew that the only reason he was even so powerful himself was because of his brother's lifeforce and his sacrifice to the Mimir's well. Thor had none of that.

He wasn't the only one that noticed just how different Thor was, but Frigga also.

However, While Frigga wasn't aware of the Raganorck cycle and thus chalked it up as his half Elder God genes acting up. Odin was however and he was baffled.

Most incarnations of Thor are boisterous, arrogant, and not particularly very gifted in the intelligence department. They usually shed their arrogant nature when they are in their mid-hundreds or so and after getting accepted by Mjolnir. For a Thor to be naturally intelligent, nay! Genius has never happened in any of the Ragnarok cycles. Let alone for a Thor to be so gifted in sorcery.

It has never happened in the countless hundreds of Ragnarok cycles, and because of that Odin decided to not give trials to this particular Thor before he is allowed to try and wield Mjolnir, this Thor didn't need it, he already was significantly better and more humbled than just about any Thor he had seen.

And the best thing was he didn't have to do anything to cause that.

Odin almost invaded Thor's mind to find out what made him so different, but he knew had he actually found out the reason Those Who Sit Above In Shadow would also know, and he can't have that happen.

He didn't know why they hadn't done anything yet to this Thor, surely they knew that he was more powerful than the rest of his incarnations? Or had they assumed that this was just an anomaly and was inconsequential to their plans?

Surely they are not this arrogant?

But as Odin saw his son summon a storm that encompassed the whole of Asgard, he didn't care if the ones in shadow cared about Thor, this Thor was different and maybe, just maybe this one was the one. The one to finally break the Ragnarok cycle and free his people.

Those Who Sit Above in Shadow are in for a wild ride. And Odin? Odin is here for it.


Discord: https://discord.gg/4j4yC6EEK8

Essence Chosen:

1. Essence of Blank

By taking this essence, you gain but one benefit:

Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purpose

2. Essence of the Archmage

By consuming the essence of the Archmage you gain several boons Perfect memory with infinite storage Beyond genius level intellect Capacity to learn any 'magic' even unique ones upon seeing it once or understanding enough about it. This also includes things like Ki, Chakra, soul power, etc. Possess a supernatural reactor that can adapt to any supernatural energy to fuel spells, enchantments, powers, etc. this reactor provides a steady supply of power that will grow over time, right now you could use high consumption abilities with wild abandon and still not make much of a dent after a few hours. Can teach others systems even if they previously lacked the capacity. Manipulate entire systems or combine then with experimentation. are capable of casting any spell as long as you have the energy not requiring any extra element like a focus or materials. The time required to cast if any remains however.