Chapter 2

Odin sat on his golden throne, Gungnir gripped tightly with his right hand.

In front of him—kneeling on the floor—was a 7-foot-tall man with black curly long hair and a mustache. He wore golden armor with an orange cape. He was Lonkarr. An Asgardian warrior who was tasked by the All-Father to find previously undiscovered settlements and report back to Asgard.

"My King, I bring you news of Narcisson. A city shrouded by darkness and filth. On my expedition, I encountered the people that call this city home. They took me to be one of their Gods. And offered to sacrifice their children to me in exchange for favors. Once I rejected their offer I was attacked by one of their Gods who I slayed in retaliation. I-" Lonkarr was stopped from talking further by Odin, who banged his mighty spear on the Golden floor for silence.

"You were followed. Loki bring me Thor." Was all he said.

Loki who up until now was standing behind Odin next to Freya opened a portal to the base of the mountain he knew Thor liked to spend his free time on.

Loki knew his brother well, and he gathered that Thor had probably placed a ward over the mountain to prevent teleportation to its peak. He knew Thor liked his silence.

Unfrouantly there was no other way to contact Thor to come here himself, other than Odin calling upon him, or Heimdall. Loki knew not why Odin ordered him to go there instead of calling Thor here directly, but he gathered that Odin did not want him to be in the throne room.

'He said Lonkarr was followed. He expects an attack to happen. But who would dare attack the All-father in his own throne room?' Loki was bewildered but chose to not voice his thoughts. Instead, he looked up at the behemoth of a mountain and tried to make out the peak. However, that was an impossible task since the mountain stretched hundreds of miles.

Loki tried to fly up the mountain only to find himself unable to the ward placed on the mountain preventing him from doing so.

"*Sigh* Brother why do you have to make it so difficult for me" Loki lamented, before choosing to run all the way up. Absentmindedly thanking Thor for training his body who he had once neglected to train in favor of learning magic. Otherwise, he would have not been fast nor had the endurance to run hundreds of miles in mere minutes.



I was sitting down on top of a mountain idly tossing Mjolnir up and down leisurely by its hilt. My black armor helped disguise me from any onlooker that happens to be able to gaze twenty thousand feet up and see perfectly fine.

I sighed. Life was getting a bit boring.

It's been about 4 years since I got Mjolnir, I was now 16.

In the past 4 years, nothing really memorable happened. Just the occasional battle here and there with an occasional one-night stand(no matter how hard they try to make it more than one).

I, of course, knew that this was the calm before the storm, and that I should count my blessing while I still had the chance, but to be fair, living literally millennials before the dawn of humanity as I know it kinda sucks. Actually scratch that. It sucks ass.

No Netlfix or Disney+ to binge, no fanfictions to read, no Liverpool matches to watch(man do I miss those, even though I spent most of the time yelling at the players), hell I can't even get coffee.

Sure, it's significantly easier to get laid now, and sure I am literally a God. But it's fucking boring.

None of the avengers exist right now, and Wanda isn't even live yet to court.

Life is really goddamn boring.

Experimenting with magic was fun for a while before I surpassed my mother in knowledge and prowess, but then it got stale. I would have gone to Earth to learn Sorcery, but I have no idea who the current Sorcerer Supreme is or where the fuck he or she resides. And I am not gonna go to another person other than my dad that could actually possibly be able to kill me, without knowing who I am dealing with.

You see, I noticed how Odin's powers seem to be along the lines of his comic version. Which means if my Odin is GIGA chad comic Odin, then it's safe to assume that the Sorcerer Supreme is also GIGA chad Comic level Sorcerer supreme.

And you do not mess with GIGA chad Comic level Sorcerer Supremes.

Though, I might just go there in the near future to meet my mother.

One thing though that I genuinely enjoyed and hasn't gotten boring was my experiments with the Odin force, or I guess the Thor force now.

Shit is fun to use, it's basically reality-warping but costs energy to use. I seem to have a never-ending supply of it, which I chalked up to Archmage + Blank = Too Op please do not Nerf.

I sighed for what felt like the thousandth time before getting up from my sitting position. My feet crushed the snow beneath me. It was time to go back before Loki came running to find me.

"BROTHER!" A voice suddenly shouted, breaking the serene air

'Speak of the devil.' I chuckled, turning around to see a young black-haired boy with emerald green eyes wearing his signature attire and his iconic golden-horned crown. He had green robes on with white fur along the neck to provide warmth from the cold.

Not that he actually needs it being a frost giant and all, but Loki is into his fashion.

One thing that most definitely differentiated me from old Thor is my treatment of Loki. You see, back in my old life I had younger siblings and so I knew how to deal with them easily enough.

Sure, Loki still gets jealous here and there, mostly because I am better than him at magic, and largely because I am definitely the stronger and more loved brother in Asgard, but there is no malice in his jealousy. It's like having a brother who is richer and more handsome than you with a smoking hot wife. You would be lying if you said you were not jealous, but you also don't hate them for it.

To combat that though we have our weekly bar nights. Where we get piss drunk and get laid.

Mostly I help Loki get laid. The dude has no game yet.

Helping a man get laid will always have him indebted to you. Especially when I land said man a threesome with some Valkiryes.

I still see him with a moronic grin and a thousand-yard stare from time to time.

"No need to shout brother, I can hear you just fine. What brings you here?" I asked Loki, who just made it in front of me, I noticed his ragged breathing and sweaty face.

'Oh, I didn't take off the anti-teleportation ward on the mountain. He climbed all the way here huh."

Loki glared at me before taking a deep breath and speaking.

"It's Lonkserr! He came back from his expedition that father sent him on. He speaks of Dark Gods."

Welp, definitely not bored now.


It didn't take us long to reach the throne room, a simple portal that I conjured up took us there in less than a second. Counting the time Loki wasted to reach me, it was less than 10 minutes from the time Odin ordered Loki to retrieve me, and us reaching the throne room.

However, in that time Odin managed to call on all the Aseir and Vanir Gods currently in Asgard and in the other nine realms. All of which were seated on their respective thrones under Odin's own golden throne.

Hlidskjalf. The all-seeing throne.

With the exception of Frigga(On Odin's right-hand side), Hela(next to my throne), and Balder(next to Frigga's throne) who all sat next to Odin on their own much smaller thrones. My throne was on the left-hand side of Odin, it was, unlike Odin---all black with golden highlights and carvings. You can't go wrong with Black and Gold.

My throne was, of course, smaller than Odin's, but it was the second largest in the whole room.

Perks of being the strongest Asgardian after Odin.

I could see my brothers Tyr and Hermod sitting on their thrones significantly away from us. I knew why of course. Tyr because he lost his position to me and he is a bit salty(just a bit). Hermod because he frankly did not care.

I didn't pay much heed to the stares on me from the various Gods, I was used to gathering quite a few stares whenever I go. I made sure to not have my eyes wander anywhere near the Enchantress, while she is hot I'll admit, she is probably the loosest and most degenerate woman I have ever encountered in both my lives. I once caught her getting gangbanged by a bunch of dwarves and a horse—a horse that suspiciously had bright emerald green eyes, and a long black silky mane—I honestly wish I didn't have an eidetic memory because I need brain bleach just to get those images out of my head.

' Oh god, those hairy assess, the smell. Why was she licking that poor horse's asshole? And the smell.. oh god the smell' I shivered as I sat down, the images in my head playing on repeat. It doesn't help that she has been gunning for my affection ever since she first saw me.

"Since Thor is now here I should begin by telling you to expect war. "Odin's deep voice broke me out of my reverie. I was thankful for the small mercies and so I didn't really comment or ask questions.

'That, and I can feel some divine being on the edge of Asgard watching us.' He can't hear us or anything like that. The wards on the throne room prevent that. Hell, he can't really 'see' us, but he can gaze on where we are.

'Hm, his power is pretty close to the Old man. Maybe a Skyfather? But his divinity is too Dark for it to be anyone on the council of the godheads. He feels like some type of Death God or Darkness-aligned God. '

Hades maybe? He isn't that powerful though. Nyx is out since we would all be dead by now if it was her. An alien god then? Most probable.

Surprisingly enough, none of the Gods present asked any questions or kicked up the fuss. They just waited in silence for Odin to continue.

'Heh, guess we are better than the Olympians.' I chuckled internally

" When I used to wander through the nine realms back when I was young I came across a city deep in the recess of space. It was a city completely opposite to that of Asgard. Where Asgard was a utopia for all, Narcisson was a dystopia. There, slavery, sacrifice, rape, and pillaging are practiced and encouraged. Like us. Narcisson is ruled by Gods, however, unlike us, they call themselves Dark Gods. " Odin grunted out " I and Hemdiall had kept our gazes on those savages for the past millennia, however, lost my gaze on their whereabouts suddenly a couple of moons ago, and had sent Lonkarr on a mission to find that city and to report back onc- " Odin stopped talking suddenly and I knew why immediately.

The sudden spike of power the likes of which only Odin, and I could ever conjure up hit the entirety of Asgard. The power was foul, dark, disgusting. It made me almost throw up from sheer disgust. It didn't, in any way, affect Odin, Hela, or I, at least outside of disgust at the feel of the aura.

The other gods around the room however were not as lucky.

"W-w-what is this p-p-power?" A god stuttered out, heaving and on the floor kneeling.

"By Odin's b-b-balls" Another goddess who had just gotten done vomiting said.

" I feel l-like my organs are moving around, what is this?" My brother, Baldur, said his tone showing no fear, just confusion.

"By the nine realms, this is insanity"

"By Odin's beard, I haven't felt power like this since the celestials"

"Who or what in the Hel is this? "

Mutterings and fearful exclamations continued on until I got tired from all the noise. I released a bit of my aura to encompass the entirety of Asgard and put just enough power in it to lift the pressure placed on the citizens and gods.

"Enough" I didn't shout this out loud, instead I borrowed a trick from Voldemort and projected my voice into everyone's head.

'Okay, maybe we are not as good as the Olympian. Seriously though these guys are ancient, calm down a bit.'

Everyone settled down after that, and I noticed Odin giving me a nod of approval from my peripheral vision. Hela, I couldn't see since she was behind me, but I could smell her arousal.

Odin did too if his scrunched-up face is any indication.

'Sorry father, your daughter is just weird.' And hot. But I won't add to his pain by saying that to his face.

"And you, if you're kicking up a fuss, why don't you come here face to face, you rowdy cunt" I made sure to not project my voice inside children's heads, don't want my mother on my case.

There was nothing but stunned silence in the throne room, the gods who just now made it back to their thrones were looking at me like I grew a second head, they continued looking at me like that for a solid 30 seconds before Odin started chuckling causing them to turn their still incredulous gazes to him.

He stopped chuckling though when shadows started moving around the throne room to form a human shape in the middle of the throne room.

'Of course, shadow control. Everyone and their mother has shadow control.'

So unoriginal.

I leaned my head on my right hand and continued to watch the big bad make his dramatic appearance. I can feel a gaze boring into the back of my head for my perceived arrogance.

'Don't look at me like that mother, it isn't like I am not doing anything'


The storm brewing outside was ready to rumble(heh puns). My mother seemed to get the message, her eyes widened though once she saw my hand glowing blue.

It took a solid 2 seconds for the human shadow to turn solid, before suddenly receding and revealing a behemoth of a man. He wore blue armor with black highlights here and there. It looked similar to Asgardian or Destroyer's armor in design, just with spikes pointing up coming out straight from the shoulders and neck/torso area.

He had a smug look from what I could see from underneath his helmet. Granted, I couldn't see much except his eyes, a part of his forehead, his nose, and his mouth.

"Huh took you long enough. Your mustache looks like absolute shit by the way, might want to shave that. Cool cape though." I wasn't one for wasting time, and the guy annoyed me with his smug-ass look. I ignored the gaping mouths of my fellow gods, and locked gazes with our guest "What's thee's name?" I wanted to use that old form of speech at least once in my lifetime.

I might have fucked it up though. I think I was supposed to say thine instead of thee.

'Meh, semantics'

I wasn't insulting him only because I was annoyed, but to make him act irrationally and attack us if he fought us now, without knowing just how strong we are(more me, and less Odin), we could kill him now and save us a tough battle.

His power from what I could sense was almost equal to that of Odin, with the Odinforce however, I don't think he stood a chance.

'The problem, however, is that Odin still hadn't had his sleep. So he is pretty much running on fumes right now, which leaves most of the fighting to me. Damn it Lonkarr, why did you have to come back now? Couldn't you pick a better time?'

The mystery man didn't seem to bite the bait and instead flourished his cape in a grand gesture before opening his mouth. His voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

'Tsk, well that plan is out' No plan survives first contact with the enemy I guess.

"Greetings people of Asgard, I am Perrikus, God of power unlimited and energy infinite, and ruler of the Dark Gods. I come here to see revenge on the death of my wife at the hands of one of your people."

'Seems reasonable enough' I mean, if my wife got killed by someone, I would also look for revenge. Still, it was self-defense, I won't hand Lonkarr over for that.

"Your fellow godling decided to come to our territory and kill my wife in cold blood, this CAN NOT be forgive-"

I tuned him out as he continued his monologue.

'Hm, wait. He is monologuing? I can work with that' You gotta love cliche big bads. They make everything so easy. '

I gestured to Odin using my eyes and stomped my legs, once, twice, thrice, acting like I was bored and playing with my feet. Masking what I was doing from our guest.

He continued monologuing for 30 minutes(the dude just wouldn't stop talking) or so as Odin and I worked behind the scenes. Before Odin gestured to me with his eyes that everything was ready on his end.

"...-nd so I demand the death of every, man, woman, and child before sundown to do so yourself or else the wrath of the Dark Gods of Narcsiion shall raze this golden filfth of a city to this ground, raping, impregnating, and pillaging your woman, while your children watch in fear as I-"

I didn't let him finish his rant, I already had a fist up his throat before he can blink. Odin force and my own force locking him in place, and paralyzing seals(runes) that I had placed on the throne room while he was talking, up and running.

I locked our gazes my fist still up his throat holding his tongue "I dislike monologuing, do say hi to the One Below All for me" I didn't let him utter a sound, he was already dead the minute I touched him.

'Hakai' And in a flash of blue light he was erased from existence.

If I hadn't caught him by surprise, the liberal use of the Odin force from the man himself, the full force of my own force, and seals(read: runes), this would have been a fight I would be hard pressed to win.

I conjured a handkerchief and wiped the saliva away from my hands. Then threw it casually toward a nearby basket

'His energy output that I sensed was close to Odin's own without the Odin Force, and while I am sure he wasn't as versatile with his energy as Odin or even as powerful, he would have put up a fight that might have destroyed a decent chunk of Asgard before he was put down by me, or Odin.' I made sure to ignore Amora catching the handkerchief and pocketing it. 'And if Odin fought now, he would be forced to go into the Odin sleep for significantly more time than he would have without fighting a life and death battle with a deranged god, leaving Asgard unguarded from its enemies. '

Thankfully, I had the time to charge up Hakai while he was monologuing, I still haven't completely mastered the technique, it would have been easier if I saw it being used in person, but since this isn't the Dragon Ball universe but Marvel I was just going off meta knowledge to recreate it.

The task of recreating was even harder since I had to rework it to my(Marvel's) brand of magic. So it took me a solid 30 minutes just to charge the attack up in order to use it. Making it completely and utterly useless when in battle, where time for charging up attacks is virtually nonexistent. That's not even mentioning that the person the technique is being used on had to be standing still which is pretty much an impossibility in the middle of battle.

Thankfully the guy was big bad and monologued, otherwise, I would have to pray that a couple of lightning bolts infused by the cosmic storm in Mjolnir from the superstorm brewing above would have done the job.

Somehow I doubt that would have been the case. Might have slowed him down, but probably wouldn't have killed him. Then it would have evolved to a full-on battle, and well, that would have been catastrophic.

Oh, I had no doubt in my mind that I would have won, the problem was that civilians would have died due to the clash between us, not to mention a lot of property damage. And Odin might have been forced to be involved, not only to fight but to also revive all lives lost due to us duking it out in the middle of Asgard.

Which would weaken him even further, prolonging his sleep. Opening us up for our enemies to attack.

I made my way to my throne ignoring all gazes on my person, especially the perverse ones—Hela, Enchantress, and…huh…Sif.— I didn't sit back down instead I stood next to Odin, leaned down, and began whispering in his ear.

"Father, I am sure you know this already, but the rest of Perrikus's underlings are going to make their way here to Asgard for revenge. Usually, I wouldn't tell you what to do in this situation, because you are the one that obviously has the more experience between us, but I suggest we go to them instead." I stopped what I was saying in favor of looking around the room, absentmindedly noticing that some of the gods were trying to listen in. So I did, what I probably should have done from the beginning and drew a rune in the air, more specifically a silencing rune that then encompassed Odin and I in a bubble.

Odin glared at some of the gods and they cowed back in fear.

"As I was saying, We should go to them and nip our problem from the bud. They will not expect us to go to them right after killing their King, instead, they would expect us to huddle up and start planning their arrival. We should go there and kil-" I stopped again when I noticed Odin was already convinced, I was beyond thankful that my version of Odin was actually a wise king and not the abusive idiotic shithead of a father Odin in the comics was.

"A sound plan, although I think, you, Hela, and I are enough to deal with them. Perrikus was probably the only one that could have given us trouble, good thinking on letting him monologue as you drew those runes underneath" Odin characteristically praised me.

One of the major differences I noticed immediately was that this Odin wasn't the abusive, dumb fuck up version of Odin from the comics or the MCU. No, this Odin was actually a caring father and a wise king.

I like this version of Odin.

Odin got up from his throne waving the Gods off in a gesture that basically said 'fuck off you are not needed anymore.' Took my mother's hands and made his way out of the throne froom.

And fuck off the gods did. All of them teleported out of the room. Even Loki didn't say anything, he was too rattled about the fast-paced events that just occurred and just wanted time to digest what the fuck happened.

'Or at least that's what I think he is thinking

Odin stopped his stride and turned towards me and the still-seated Hela. Frigga's hands still clasped in his own.

"Hela, Thor. You have 7 hours to prepare."


There is always a ritual I partake in before going to battle. In fact, it's a ritual that most warriors partake in before going to face death. Even when the battle I shall partake in the coming hour won't be a battle at all. More of a massacre in fact.

However, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't take part in my usual ritual. The oldest ritual known to man.


The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed around the room. Sweat glistened off my body as I slammed my pelvis into Brunnhilde's chocolate-colored ass. Her pussy gushing and squirting like an open fire hydrant.

'Damn she hasn't stopped orgasming ever since I put it in. Just how pent up was this woman?' I went even faster my hips a blur, both of hands on either side of her sweaty waist, as I fucked her doggy style.

"Yes, yessss, more! Fuck me more! HARDER!" She screeched, moaning so loudly that I am pretty sure even Odin can hear her from the other side of Asgard.

'Okay, I probably shouldn't have thought about my father while fucking his second in command, or fucking anyone for that matter.' I took a hold of her hair and pulled back. Her vaginal walls clenched in perverse pleasure at being manhandled, cumming a little.

For a strong woman like her, only a handful of men could ever do that to her, and there was only one other man other than myself that could have done that without getting all bones in his body broken into mince meat.

'But I just said I won't think about him while having sex so let's not bring him up again' I smacked her ass hard. Leaving a red handprint on her now jiggling muscular ass. I ignored the absolutely horrendous perverse moan that just came out of the strongest Valkyrie mouth in favor of sticking my middle finger into her winking asshole.

"YESSSSSS, Stick your finger up my asshole my prince!! Fuck that little hole with your fingers! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, OH GODS I AM CUMMING!!! I AM CUMMMMING" Brunnhilde screamed like a mad woman, before convulsing in pleasure like was having a seizure. Instead of foaming at the mouth, however, she drooled, unable to close her mouth from the euphoria she just experienced.

'Jesus, woman. Talk about being an anal slut' I didn't stop railing into her even while she was cumming her brains out, not letting her come down from her high, and prolonging her orgasm.

"By Thor's hammer, FUCK ME MORE" ….did she just swear using my name?

Well, that's one way to know you really are a god.

I continued plowing into her now creamy pussy, occasionally grunting when she clamped up on me from her continuous none stopping orgasms.

'Okay, I haven't orgasmed yet, It's been a couple of hours now. This is getting ridiculous. I know my stamina was sky-high, but Jesus man. Guess it's time to get kinky' I stopped fucking her, took my dick out—ignored her whine— and slammed my cock up her asshole, proceeding to continue to move my hips, blurring from the sheer speed of my movements.

"FUCK!" Brunhilde yelled in ecstasy. Rocking her hips back into me, effectively fucking herself on my dick"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" She was too far gone to do anything but utter that word as she felt my shaft slam into her arse over and over again.

As my dick inside her rocked her needy asshole, she could only repeat one word.

"Please! Please! Please! PLEASE! " She screamed begging, her pussy gushing and her asshole clamping on my cock in a vice grip 'DON'T STOP! FUCK MY ASSHOLE RED! PAINT IT WITH YOUR SEED! JUST DON'T STOP FUCKING M-" I spanked my hand on her right buttcheck to get to her stop screeching.

"OHHH YES! SPANK ME MORE!" She moaned, orgasming again, this time my dick was not blocking her pussy causing a literal fountain to squirt out of her pussy. Soaking the sheets and splattering some on the floor.

Instead of doing as she said I leaned down into her sweaty back—not minding the smell or the stickiness— took ahold of her waist, and rammed into her harder and faster. My balls slapping against her pussy lips further adding to her pleasure.

"OH OH OH OH OH! I THINK I AM GOING TO PEE, OH BY THOR DON'T STOP!" She further leaned back into me and contorted her body to suck on my neck. Not seeming to mind lapping my sweat into her mouth.

That was my undoing.

I grunted slamming my dick into her asshole with enough force to shatter a building, and came into her. Filling her asshole with my cum.

"OHMYFUCKINGGODSYOURHUTCUMISFILLINGMYASSHOLE.IAMCUMMMMMINGNOOOOOIAMALSOPISSING" What came out of her mouth was an intangible mess of words, yet I understood enough of her gibberish to pull out of her now cum filled red and gaping asshole and get 20 feet away from her.

I may be into a lot of things. I may be a degenerate with countless kinks, however, watersports isn't one of them.

Immediately after escaping 20 feet away a stream of piss and cum exploded from her, wetting the whole bed.

Foruntualy for Brunhilde she immediately collapsed on the bed and passed out. So she didn't have to experience utter embarrassment right after the high of her orgasm.

"Damn, I would have liked to get a blowjob before I had to leave" I sighed, saddened that I didn't get to cum again.

I unheedingly waved my hand and cleaned the whole room(including Brunhilde) from the stench of sex, sweat, and piss—Brunhilde would thank me for the last one in particular, after getting over her embarrassment of course—turned the naked Valkriye on her back, and covered her with the now clean comforter.

I didn't stick around after that, Instead picking up Mjolnir off the floor and teleporting to my room.

Once I was there, I hung Mjolnir on the key rack and made my way to the bathroom and under the shower.

It was only after I was under the scalding hot water that I voiced my thoughts.

"Guess it was true" I ran my hands through my hair "It's always the silent ones that are the kinkiest."


Space was magnificent, something I never thought I would be able to see in my old life.

The billions upon billions of stars, the occasional black hole, the cosmic storms, and the trillions of planets with all kinds of different species and cultures.

All of them were magnificent.

Except for what I am seeing in front of me.

"This is disgusting" I was currently floating deep in the recess of space, Hela, and Odin next to me, both in their respective full-body armors.

"They really are the complete opposite of us" Hela replied her voice echoing inside my head.

We were using telepathy to communicate since sound cannot travel in the vacuum.

" Another reason to cull this place. There is no room for filth like this in our universe" My father added, surprisingly more emotional than I have ever seen him.

'I don't blame him' I cringed in disgust as I gazed at the huge floating piece of land a couple of thousands of miles away from us.

It was similar to Asgard's layout, a flat piece of land, with a metropolis built on it.

Unlike Asgard however, the city was dark. Really dark in fact. The buildings were black, the roads were black, hell the sky was black. The whole city almost looked like the shadow realm.

But this wasn't why I was cringing in disgust. No, I was disgusted at the atrocities that I can see were happening inside said city.

Men raping women, Women raping men, Slavery, Disease, self-immolation, cannibalism, rituals involving sacrifice, and more.

The residents of this place were acting like it was nothing like it was normal. A part of their everyday routine.

"This place. It's absolutely lawless. " I saw a woman that just got raped pick herself up, cleaned herself, and walk towards a grocery store to buy food, like she didn't even get sexually assaulted. In fact, she was smiling and joking with the cashier "No, not lawless. This is the law for this them. It's like they perverted everything good and replaced it with the bad." I wasn't a paragon of justice or anything like that, but even I knew that laws were needed in order to control a civilization, but this place. Narcission? Narcisson ran on lawless behavior. Or at least what for me is considered lawless.

DC, had a place like this if I remember. It was called the antimatter universe if I recall correctly. Good was bad there, and bad was good. I.e heroes were considered villains for trying to save and protect people, and villains were considered heroes for hurting and killing people.

'God, this is fucking with my brain' I truly didn't know what else to say, but this goes against everything I ever learned or lived through.

"Father, why are you here and not in Odin sleep? Thor and I could handle these deviants easily" My sister asked pulling me from my thoughts. " Hel, Thor alone could handle these reprobates." She looked at my father in askance.

I also looked at my father, wanting to know his reasoning. I could make a hypothesis as to why he is here but hearing the reasoning from the man himself is much easier and better.

"For insurance." He rumbled inside our minds.

Heh, I really like this Odin.

"Are you ready son?" Odin asked me.

Ah yes, we weren't just floating around in space thousands of miles away from our destination in order to sightsee. No, we were thousands of miles away because of the attack I have been charging up for the past hour or so.

'I really need to master my fucking spells more, they take a ridiculous amount of time to charge up.'

To be fair to myself though the attack I am about to unleash deserves the time it costs to charge it up.

"Yes I am, Hela," I turned locked gazes with my sister " Make sure no one escapes."

I didn't wait for her reply choosing to instead let go of the spell I was charging up for the past couple of hours.

Suddenly in gigantic sun appeared in the middle of space about 15 times the mass and size of Sol. I am sure it appeared a couple of a million miles shy of Narcisson mostly because I didn't want the inherent gravity to pull the planetary body towards it.

The star started deteriorating changing in colors as it aged.

It cycled through, orange, red, yellow, white, and finally blue. All while I was pulling hydrogen and helium from it, depriving it of nuclear fuel. Causing the star to start collapsing on itself under the weight of its own gravity.

And in a flash, it exploded.

Now, if you know your science. You know what comes next.

A black hole. A stellar black hole.

I grunted, straining, trying with all my might to hold the spell(now black hole) in its place and not let it run rampant.

"Hela now" I practically screamed out into Hela's mind.

Hela, didn't waste a nanosecond and did what I needed her to do. She took the entirety of Narcisson—which admittedly isn't that big of a place, probably the size of the United States— under her magic, trapped it into another dimension, then teleported it straight into the black hole I just formed.

All of this—not counting the literal hours it took for me to cast my spell, and the time Hela took to make that dimension from scratch— took just about 5 seconds.

5 seconds, was all it took to kill about half a million people, some of which were beings capable of destroying planets.

'5 seconds was all it took for me to end a civilization' My magic was refilling already, and there was no scratch on my being. Hell, I wasn't even sweating.

'Yet why do I feel so tired?' Logically and intellectually I knew why.

I just committed genocide. A well-deserved genocide, but a genocide nonetheless.

I felt Hela hug me from behind, her breasts being mushed into my back. I went slack in her embrace as she hugged me into her tighter.

I was human once, I didn't forget my time then. It's been only 16 years after all. I knew the consequences of my actions. And while killing one or two, or hell! A 100 frost giants never made me feel bad, I never killed millions of people in the span of seconds.

It wasn't something that would haunt me for ages or anything like that, but it was something that will stick with me for a bit. Not the fact that I killed so many people, but the fact that I was powerful enough to kill millions of people so easily.

'All of this for Asgard am I right?' I looked at my father as I leaned my back into Hela's warm(she must have cast some magic for that, space is fucking cold) embrace.

"You really are the one." I heard my father mutter.

I was too tired to care about what Odin was saying at this point.


Author Notes:

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Never really saw the Dark Gods as anything special in comics so decided to just get rid of them early on. Plus with a smarter Odin, an overpowered Thor, and a 'good' Hela. I do not think they stood any chance.

Here's the explanation though. They got fucked because of A. They didn't see a fucking black hole coming, B. Their only warrior capable of doing any kind of damage to a prime Odin, and a jucided-up Thor got shanked and finally, C. Hela basically put them in a different dimension preventing them from escaping.

Anyways, here's the Harem.

Harem: Hela, Wanda, and Natasha.

I do not know if I am going to add anyone else other than this three. If I do add anyone, It's between, Storm, Athena Parthenos(never saw her in any marvel pairing), Emma Frost, Gaea(yes I know incest, but we are already going there with Hela, might as well do the Devils tango with his mother) Aldrif Odinsdottir(Also incest) and Emma Frost., Athena, and Gaea being the top contenders. The maximum amount of girls I would add to the harem is 5.

So, vote on the poll on who you want to see in the pairing. You can also suggest girls, and if I like them I can add them to the poll.

I am sure I will get some questions about how strong Thor is. He is a bit weaker than Odin. So really, not that strong in the grand scheme of things.

Sure, the dude can make blackholes(technically speaking he created a star then turned that star into a stellar black hole), and basically has a one-shot technique. Those however take what would be considered ages to use in a fight. No one is gonna let Thor cast that shit mid-battle. This isn't Dragon Ball. Plus some of those beings can just outright ignore blackholes or even Hakai.

Celestials, Sky fathers. Fucking Odin, Mephisto, Galactus, Elder Gods, and more. All are more powerful than him.

For now at least.

Anyway, this is the only arc that I will condense into one chapter, except other arcs like say? God Butcher, Godbomb, or The Surtur Saga to take a couple of chapters each. I just really fucking hate the Dark Gods.