Chapter 3

On an uninhabited planet somewhere in the universe.

The smell of salt greeted my nose. A stale, sulphury smell, familiar to my senses invaded my nostrils.

"Anything catch your line son?" Odin said from next to me. He was wearing a pair of shorts, flip-flops, and nothing else, having decided not to wear any shirt—something about liking how the air feels as it glides across his skin.

He was sitting next to me, on a small wooden boat, one that if not for our magic would have sunk under our weight.

Today, Odin and I decided to hang out a bit. Have a father and son day. Relax from the previous events that took place last week. Even though neither of us was particularly tired at all. We just used that as an excuse to get away from the rest of the gods in Asgard.

Loki especially…. dude gets annoying when he wants attention sometimes.

"Nothing yet," I said. We decided to not use any of our powers or senses, it would have been boring otherwise.

"How goes your domains then?" his voice rumbled.

Unlike the usual hogwash in most marvel universes, the gods are not just higher life forms, we are actually gods here, once we are born, we embody the concepts of the universe.

Not as much as the aspects. But we in of ourselves are concepts made manifest.

I didn't answer, instead preferring to gaze out into the ocean's depth.

My father, ever the wise god picked up on my dilemma.

"Do not be afraid of encroaching on other god's domains my son." He said, looking me in the eyes. "Do not halt your advancement because of fear."

"I am afraid." I said, my voice unwavering. "but not of the gods."

In order for gods to advance in power they need to expand their domains, and since there are multiple pantheons in the universe, some of which have gods that also embody the same concepts, expanding your domain would be similar to a nation invading another.

However, they don't lose access to their domains, they just lose the sovereignty of the domain.

They become less powerful in that particular domain and abide by the rules of the sovereign.

That sovereign of sufficiently powerful enough could also in theory remove access to that domain completely from other gods. Though that's just a theory, it never actually happened before.

Zeus is currently the one that embodies the sky and lighting the best. The very concept of lighting and the sky are set based on his rules. However, he isn't someone I am afraid of. Even if he is as powerful as my father.

"Ah, you speak of Lord Chaos and Chthon." My father acted like he didn't know this already. I noticed though that a fish was caught on his angle.

If I didn't feel the wave of the Odin force that came before my father said those two monstrous names I would have been ready for battle the minute the first syllable came out of my father's mouth.

"Yes, and the Mystic principalities" I nodded.

When I was born, like Thor I embodied lighting, thunder, the sky, and strength. Unlike Thor, however, I also embodied Earth, Chaos, and Magic.

Two of those domains I can easily elucidate come from my mother and Archmage.

Chaos? I have no idea how I acquired that one. My best guess was the fact that the mythological Thor was also a god of chaos, and this universe seemed to be more conceptual than the 616 comic universes. Or that somehow Archmage had something to do with it.

"While I agree, that you should be afraid of Lord Chaos. I do not think you need to worry about the mystic principalities." Odin said as he reeled in a gigantic fish, probably the size ten-story building. "The War of the Seven Spheres is coming up in the next century, you have more than ample time to participate in it and further your dominion over magic."

"Hm, Chthon also represents the more mystical side of chaos than chaos itself" He hummed stroking his beard in thought, telekinetically holding the fish in the air.

The war of seven spheres is predestined cyclical conflict among powers and mystic principalities of the mystic planes. In this war, many of the ancient treaties and arrangements between the deities are annulled. As a result, the laws of magic are subject to revision and at times can be circumvented.

Beings like Dormammu, Cyttorak, the Vishanti, the Trinity of ashes, etc…All participate in the war to further their domain over magic.

However, since beings of their powers fighting each other could easily lead to the destruction of the very multiverse, they instead chose avatars to represent them in the coming conflict.

Or champions. Usually, their followers or worshipers.

"While I appreciate your confidence in me, I do not think 5,000 years of nonstop war is going to be easy." I sarcastically bit out. "Especially since I plan to send out an avatar and not a champion."

I am not Thanos, I do my own shit myself.

I looked down at my fishing pole ''Hm, still nothing?'

I wasn't a god of seas for a reason.

"5,000 years in the astral plane, about a year and a half outside of it." My father said unapologetically, brushing aside my excuse.

"I am not confident I can beat Chthon or any of the Vishanti. " I tsk'ed

I didn't even mention Cyttorak and Dormammu. Those two were an afterthought after Chthon.

"My boy! You are sixteen, and you are almost as powerful as I. Imagine how powerful you would be in a century more?" My father laughed, his voice booming scarring a fish that was about to take my bait.

This motherfucker….

"Not as powerful as a multi-versal reality-warping entity?" Even with Archmage, and Blank, I think it would take me more than a century to reach that insane of levels of power.

"Not with that attitude, no you won't."

'....did he just.' I scowled, seriously, Odin turned into a real dad.

"Jesting aside. You do not need to win, to achieve victory." He stoically said twirling his mustache.

"Please do not speak in riddles." I groaned out and then became depressed when he pulled out another ten-story fish.

"Such bullshit, I have never seen," I muttered, jealous.

I swear he is cheating.

I knew what he was talking about, however, easily deciphering his words.

I don't need to beat Chthon, I just need to get as close as possible to his level of power in the next century, and once the war of spheres commences, all I need to do is place in the top 5 thereby getting a major power boost, wait until the next war of spheres, and then challenge him when we are on more even grounds.

My father nodded once he saw I got what he meant. Patting me on the back

We didn't say anything for a couple of minutes, just enjoying each other's company in silence.

"There is a meeting next week in omnipotence city." My father abruptly said.

"For what?"

"The celestial's second host has left, the deviants are no more. It's time to divide the earth among the various pantheons."

"What about the Eternals?"

"They too abandoned Earth. The only ones that remain are the humans."

" I assume the Olympians are going to kick up a fuss?" I said. "I don't think they will let the opportunity of getting the most faith out of the humans pass up."

Getting faith from mortals is also a way to gain power, and even new domains. It was one of the easiest and most abundant ways for a god to gain more power.

My father didn't answer, just lifted one thick brow at me.

'Right. Stupid question.' I grumbled.

"You were also called to attend the meeting."

"Me? Why?" I could guess. My actions with the Dark gods probably caught the attention of other pantheons.

"Yes, the most powerful gods of each pantheon were invited, that includes yourself, Hela, and I."

Which means, all the heavy hitters will be there all in one place. with their egos, pride, and general debauchery.

I expect a merry time.

"Hm, this is going to be quite the gathering then," I smirked, feeling a tug on my line.

"Quite." My father got up to leave. However, instead of calling for Heimdall or even creating a portal. He jumped into the air, in the process breaking the tiny boat into fine pieces and creating a sonic boom due to the sheer force and speed he applied into his jump.

Which meant that the fish I was just about to catch was pulverized out of existence, and I was soaking wet.

I hate him.



I took a deep breath. Not because I needed it or because I was trying to calm down. But because what I was about to do was risky. I was about to expand one of my domains. Specifically, Earth.

My least used domain, and the one my mother embodied wholly.

Ever since I was reincarnated here, all my domains, especially magic, and lightning were expanding by themselves. They required no input on my part and were passively growing in strength. Probably because of the effect of Blank.

However, two of my domains I have been actively suppressing their growth. Chaos, and Earth. Chaos because of well…the absolute monsters connected to that particular domain, and Earth because…of my mother.

I wasn't sure how to really proceed with her. On one hand, she was an Elder god of untold power, one who could destroy me in a mere instance.

On the other hand, she was depicted in the comic as a warm and kind motherly figure… that's not to mention that she was—is my mother. And admittedly I was a bit bitter that she never came to visit me. Childish I know, but something that I just couldn't help but feel.

I couldn't help but ask myself if she even cares about me. She after all has like tens of other children, what is one more in the grand scheme of things?

It wasn't something I thought would affect me much if she didn't care about me at all, but it was something that I would get to the bottom of to satisfy my curiosity.

Maybe even establish a relationship with my mother. Even if she is an all-powerful goddess.

I sighed, waving my hand and conjuring a bed made out of Chaos energy. Wrapping reality itself and creating something out of nothing.

I was currently on the same planet Odin left me on, an isolated planet with no life on it, or at least intelligent life. There were still some animals, and plants all over the planet. Perfect for what I am about to do.

As I sat down on the bed, I was thankful that such a small burst of chaos energy being used didn't ping any of the cosmic entities connected to it. It was such a negligible and minuscule amount of energy, that didn't ping Chthon and Lord Chaos' cosmic awareness.

That and both of those fuckers were so powerful that it would take the equivalent of a solar system being wiped of the face of existence by the use of Chaos energy to catch their attention.

Anyways, I was stalling.

I took another deep and unnecessary breath, closed my eyes, and sat in a lotus position in the middle of the bed.

Expanding domains was complicated but easy at the same time. All that was required was for the God in question to expand their influence throughout the cosmos. Like a nation expanding and taking land for themselves.

It was complicated however because… were both doing on a cosmic and metaphysical scale, whilst also encroaching on other gods' domain. It was a dangerous endeavor, especially if you try and encroach on someone else's 'land' since if the God you're trying to steal the 'land' from was particularly volatile, you could very well lose all your strength or even 'die'.

I say 'die' because the chances of a god dying permanently is very low as they can simply reform.

Well…most of them can. The Norse are apparently inferior when it comes to immorality.

Something I need to fix. And soon.

In any way, while what I was about to do was dangerous—should be dangerous. It truly wasn't. Or at least it shouldn't be. Because while expanding any of my other domains would be dangerous, Earth was special.

Mostly because no Earth God was more powerful than me.

Save for Gaea.

And so I looked within me. And in the vast darkness of the void around me, finding a dim spark of green energy in between two colossal titans of what looked like suns. One electrifyingly blue, and the other purplish black.

'Lighting and Magic.'

I didn't pay them any mind and set my sights on the dim green light in between them. And with nary of a thought I was right in front of it immediately realizing that it actually wasn't small, it was tiny in comparison to the two giants next to it, but it was enormous in size. Probably the same size as Sol. Maybe a bit bigger.

This gigantic ball of green energy was it. It was what represented my power for Earth.

Without hesitation, I stepped forward and plunged into the heart of the ball of light. As I did so, I felt a surge of power coursing through my body, filling me with a sense of strength and purpose.

As I traveled through the heart of the green ball of light that represented my domain, I felt my power expanding with each passing moment. It started with the planet I was on. I watched as my power spread over the planet like a wave, encompassing every living thing on it and every corner of the planet.

But it didn't stop there. My power continued to grow, expanding beyond the earth and into the solar system. I could see my power spreading to each of the planets, filling them with a renewed sense of life and energy.

And then, I felt my power extending even further, reaching out into the vast expanse of the galaxy. It spread through each star system like a blanket, touching every living being and every planet in its path.

As I watched this incredible display of power, I felt a sense of awe and wonder. I had always known that I was powerful, but I had never realized just how vast my power truly was.

And then. I felt them. The presence of other gods. Dharā, the Hindu god of earth, Meder, the African god of earth, Volos, the Slavic god of earth, and countless other alien gods throughout the universe.

I sensed their fear and their awe as they felt the power of my expanding domain. I could feel their eyes upon me, watching as I became a cosmic force to be reckoned with.

And yet, they didn't try to stop what was happening. They knew that it was a useless endeavor, one that would only end in their demise. So they simply watched and hoped that I would be generous enough to let them keep their powers.

I understood their fear and their hesitation. After all, my power was growing at an exponential rate. It was only a matter of time before my powers expand enough to cover the majority of the nine realms. Or even half the cosmos.

And suddenly my connection was cut and it felt like the very axis flipped, titled, and tumbled. Abruptly I was standing at the edge of a forest, my heart trembling. Not in fear, but in anticipation.

Because I sensed her. Sensed an unfathomably large presence in the middle of the forest, waiting for me.

My mother, Gaea.

I wasted no time making my way to her, and as I stepped into the clearing, my eyes fell upon a woman of striking beauty. Her hair was the color of the earth, and her eyes shone with the color of trees. She wore a dark green dress, one that only covered the essentials and left her feet barren.

I knew at that moment that she was the mother I had been searching for.

"Mother," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "I have finally found you."

Gaea turned to face me; her expression unreadable. For a long moment, she simply stared at me, taking in every detail of my appearance. Then, slowly, she stepped forward, her arms outstretched wide for a hug.

"Thor," she said, her voice soft and gentle. "My son."

I felt a surge of emotion welling up within me as I stepped into her embrace. For the first time in my life, I felt a sense of belonging, of connection to something greater than myself. I knew that I had finally found my true home.

Freya, while I considered her my mother in all but blood, just didn't give me the same feeling of love and an innate feeling of home as this woman did. Even if I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, she loved me with all her heart.

For what seemed like an eternity, Gaea and I simply held each other, lost in a world of our own. As we stood there, the forest around us began to glow with an inner light, as if the very earth itself was rejoicing at our reunion.

At last, Gaea pulled away, her eyes brimming with tears. "My son," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "You have come so far to find me. I am proud of you, and I love you with all my heart."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked at her. She was beautiful, and somehow, I just knew that what she just said was what she knew I needed to hear.

'Man, I am such a little bitch.'


Athena sat on her golden throne, wearing nothing but a blue chiton and golden crown on top of her brown hair. Her chiton left the side of her breasts exposed showing her creamy tan skin for all to see.

Her glowing iridescent blue eyes were firmly set on a piece of parchment that was sent to her by her father.

Next week a meeting will be held in Omnipotence city to decide Earth's fate. You are to seduce Thor Odinson.

No greeting, no flowery language, only an order.

Athena set the piece of parchment on the golden table next to her and sighed. Her breasts heaved up and down as she did.

'Well, it seems my father no longer cares about my vow of chastity.' Athena

Athena didn't fault him for it, logically, it was the best decision to make.

Thor was getting too powerful a little too fast. And well…no one can say Zeus isn't paranoid. And while Athena couldn't say she was happy about giving herself away to a man and breaking her chastity. The man she was going to give herself at least wasn't bad. It could have been worse.

Ares for one.

Athena shuddered; no it could have been way worse.

Thor was someone that was being talked about by all, especially the gods of the cosmos.

A young god, barely out of his teen years, and yet so powerful already.

Powerful enough to threaten sky fathers.

Already tales about what he had done too the Dark gods were being sung and spoken through the cosmos. Gods and Goddesses from throughout all pantheons were now paying a very very close eye on the son of Odin.

Especially Gods with similar domains as him. They can feel his creeping influence on their domains, and they were rightfully scared and paranoid about their powers being taken away.

None more so than her father. No, especially her father.

Never, since her grandfather's time, had seen her father so paranoid and…dare she say it? Scared.

It was surreal, so surreal in fact that she wasn't necessary mad about what her father asked of her.

She was after all curious about Thor. He was an enigma to her and many others.

So powerful, yet unlike the majority of his fellow gods and goddess he kept to himself. Similar to her uncle Hades, yet at the same time so different.

Hades she knew was someone who preferred to be by his lonesome or with his wife, Thor, on the other hand, was a young god of unfathomable power, yet didn't exhibit any of the pride or lust of what is expected of a god of his stature.

Athena herself was prideful and vain. She could admit that to anyone. And she didn't even have half the power Thor displayed so far. Honestly, Athena expected a miniature version of her father, one who rapes throughout the land and takes women in the form of an animal to satisfy his perverse nature.

Yet no such story had ever come up pertaining to the same for Thor.

It didn't hurt that she could gleam from the images she had seen of him, that he was very handsome.

Athena might be a virgin, doubly someone who swore to never partake in the pleasure of the flesh, but she was in the end still a woman, and Thor was a man who admittedly had qualities that attracted her to him.

No, Athena wasn't necessarily against her father's arrangement. Her Father was afraid and paranoid about this newcomer taking everything from him. Usually, the great and mighty Zeus would chuck a lightning bolt at his problems. However, his problems just happened to be a young God of similar power to himself, with a sky father as a father.

A sky father who is said to be stronger than any other sky father, including her father.

The All-Father wasn't someone to be messed with. Especially since he seems to favor Thor the most out of his children.

Athena scoffed that the ridiculous story of Odin and Thor being seeing eating Ice cream together on several occasions.

Ridiculous rumors.

Athena's gaze flicked back to the parchment, her mind processing the information again. She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement stirring within her. The challenge of seducing Thor Odinson, a god with such power and influence, was one she couldn't resist.

'No, I could work with this' Athena hadn't forgotten about what her father had done to her mother 'oh yes, I could work with this indeed.'

She stood up from her throne, the golden fabric of her chiton rustling around her bare legs as she made her way to the window. The view of Mount Olympus was breathtaking, as always. But today, Athena couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness. She needed to act, to plan her next move.

The thought of breaking her vow of chastity still weighed heavily on her, but she knew it was necessary.

It was her father's orders, and she couldn't disobey.

Athena turned away from the window, her thoughts turning to Thor once again. What was it about him that intrigued her so much? Was it his power, his stoicism, or something else entirely? She couldn't put her finger on it, but she knew she needed to find out.

As she paced around the room, Athena's mind raced with thoughts of how to approach Thor. She couldn't just walk up to him and proposition him, could she? No, that would be too forward, too bold. She needed a plan, a strategy.

Perhaps she could use her intelligence and wit to win him over. Or maybe she could appeal to his sense of duty? Convince him that Zeus was someone that needed to die?

Whatever the plan, Athena knew she had to be careful. One wrong move and everything could be ruined.

Athena's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She turned to see one of her handmaidens, a young woman with flowing brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"Your Highness," the handmaiden said, bowing respectfully. "Is there anything you need?"

Athena shook her head. "No, thank you. I'm fine."

The handmaiden hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Your Highness, forgive me for speaking out of turn, but...are you all right? You seem...unsettled."

Athena paused, considering the question. She had always prided herself on her composure and stoicism, but perhaps her anxiety was showing through.

"I'm fine," she said firmly. "Just...thinking. That's all."

The handmaiden nodded, then bowed and left the room. Athena took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She couldn't let anyone see her doubts or fears. She was Athena, the goddess of wisdom, war, and strategy. She could handle this.

With renewed determination, Athena sat back down on her throne and picked up the parchment once again. Her eyes scanned the words, taking in every detail. She was ready to begin her plan. Thor Odinson would be hers, one way or another.

And well...if everything goes according to plan? Athena smirked.

Her father didn't know it yet, but he just signed his death warrant.


This chapter was 8k words before I cut it in half. Mostly because I felt like adding any more than this will take away from the impact of some of the scenes here.

That means that the next chapter is going to be updated significantly faster tho.

I thought about adding a Hela lewd, but after writing that lemon for Ruin the Extinct I couldn't power through the cringe again.

So, next chapter, I guess. Or the one after it.

Next chapter you should expect a continuation of Thor and Gaea's meeting, and..nah I am not going to spoil anything else.

Anyways, I am adding Athena to the harem, that's it. I ain't giving an explanation.