Chapter 1

An outburst from the Teacher in the front of the classroom was heard throughout the room. Several of the classmates turned their attention and focused on the person standing in the door way. A young man that was sitting in the room allowed his gaze to follow to the entrance. When his eyes focused on the boy, he moved his eyes back over to the textbook that laid on his desk. He knew right away who it was. This was not the first time the guy was late, nor did he think it would be last. He didn't want anything to do with the other teenager. Seth was nothing like the teenager that was just making his way into the room. Seth took another glance at the boy. Leon was the name of the young man that just walked into the class late. He was someone that Seth had no interest in. Leon wore his short blonde hair spiked up and showed off his ear piercings that he wore on both of his ears. On his left ear, there was a stud piercing on the upper top. The young man made his way into the room ignoring the teacher that was speaking to him.

"How many times are you going to be late Leon? This happens every day! You need to come to class."

"Yeah yeah!" Leon spoke lazily to the teacher as he waived his hand up in the air not caring at

all. He moved over to the other side of the room where his assigned seat was. It was a great place for him since it was right next to the window. He pulled out the chair and plopped down. He leaned forward with his chin resting on his open palm as his elbow rested bent on the table. His didn't care what was being sprouted from the teacher's mouth. He didn't want to be there. So he focused his attention outside the window watching the scenery. The teacher soon gave up. He could talk to the boy until he was blue, and knew that it wouldn't make a difference. The older man signed. He turned back over to the board in the front of his class and continued where he left off in class. Seth's eyes wondered over to the other teenage that was sitting behind him to the left. He could clearly see that the boy was not wearing his uniform properly. He was wearing a black shirt with a skull on it. There were words on it that he couldn't make out due to the school uniform jacket covering them. There were bracelets that outlined the edge of the jacket. The pants he wore were black and baggy. Seth was wondering how they stayed up or how the teenager wouldn't trip over them. A shine could be seen hanging from the side of his pants. Seth knew that having a chain hanging from your pants was a part of the punk fashion. That's right. Leon was a punk, a delinquent. Someone that he wanted nothing to do with. Glancing further down, he saw Leon's ragged shoes that were starting to show their age

At least get new shoes if you can buy all those gaudy stuff. Seth thought to himself. Of course he would never stay those words to the other boy. He has never talked to him before, and highly doubted that he would anytime in the future. They were completely different people and Seth knew that. Seth's eyes moved their way back up to Leon's face and saw the smirk on the other boys' face. Seth quickly moved his head to face the front and tried to ignore the stare that he was now getting from the other boy.

Time had passed and it seemed as it was dragging along. Normally Seth didn't pay attention to such small things, but this time he couldn't help it. Mother nature was calling, and had been for a while. He would normally just ignore it till after class was over, but this was something that he couldn't stop ignoring. It was actually starting to hurt his lower abdomen the longer he tried to hold it in. He finally gave in and raised his hand requesting to leave the room. The teacher did not question the reason the teen was wanting to leave, and granted the request. Seth stood up from his seat and made his way out of the room.

After relieving himself in the bathroom, Seth walked over to the sink and started to wash his hands. He looked up at the mirror in front of his. He looked at his reflection. He wore glasses that were hiding his brown eyes behind them. He had short brown hair that was straight and stopped below his ears. He never had any issue with his hair getting curly at all. He thought it would look good with a little bit of volume, but he liked it how it was. He was nowhere near as flashy as Leon was, but he had some other types of qualities to himself. Even if he didn't have the looks, he did have the smarts. For a seventeen -year-old, Seth was one of the smartest kids at this all boy's private school. Seth stood back a little. He gazed at his tan blaze jacket that showed the Logo of their school. He wore a white button up shirt with a tan tie that was all neatly tucked under the buttons of the jacket. Seth looked down at his tan pants and shiny black shoes. He was the perfect student in every way. What he never understood was the fact that Leon could get away dressing as he did. It is nowhere near their dress code. Well, it wasn't something that he needed to worry about anyway. Leon was not his problem. Seth took one last glance in the mirror and left the bathroom.

Seth was making his way back to class when he heard his name being called out. He turned

around to see a short stubby man in front of him. It was his homeroom teacher. The man was wearing a suit that was neatly ironed. The man had said his goodbyes to his hair that should've been on top of his head due to being bold. He did though have some hair that was on the sides going around his head.

"Mr. Donalds." Seth began to speak out to the teacher. "Is there something that you wanted from me?" The older man nodded.

"I want you to follow me into the teachers' lounge. I have some things that I want to speak to you about." Seth nodded. The older man turned on his heels and began walking with a small teenager following him.