Chapter 2

The two walked into the room. Seth was not a stranger to the room at all. He had been in there to speak with the teachers on several occasions. Also the desked looked the exact same as they did every time he came in. There were papers scattered all over the desk. He was unsure how anyone was able to get anything done, let alone find certain papers.

Teachers have it pretty difficult. Seth thought to himself. The older man found his spot and sat down. His desk was no different than the others. The man took in a few breaths before he pointed at the chair that was free next to him.

"Please sit." Seth complied. He sat down in the chair and straightened his posture right away. He waited for the fat man to start talking again. "I know that you are one of the best students that we have at this school. Because I trust you, I want you to do something for me." Seth just nodded. The man took in a deep breath before letting it out. "You know the boy Leon Bell?" Seth nodded. He was getting weary of why the man was bringing up the punks' name.

"Well," The old man started. The way that he acts both inside and outside this school is actually harming our reputation. If we could, we wouldn't have let him in the school in the first place. However," The man took in another deep breath before letting it out again. "His father sends in high donations to this school, so there is no way that we could deny his son from entering this school."

"So what is that you want from me?" Seth questioned. The man glanced around for a moment. He fidgeted a little, that caused Seth to accept the weary he was feeling before to rush through his body. "I want you to do me, no, the school a huge favor." "And what is that?" Seth question.

"We would like you to befriend Mr. Bell. If you do that, you can keep him in line as much as possible." Seth gave Mr. Donalds a strange look.

"Befriend him. I don't think that would even be possible. We are completely opposite from each other. There is no way---"

"But sometimes it can be possible." Mr. Donalds interrupted the teen. "There are several people that are opposites and become really good friends." Seth started at the man. He didn't want anything to do with the other teen if possible. He looked like trouble that he didn't want to be involved with.

"Please!" Mr. Donalds begged. "We need to do something about Mr. bell. If we can't and let him do what he wants, it can cause a major problem in the future to our school."

"What do you think that he would do to cause a problem?" Seth questioned. He didn't really care for the answer, but the man in front of him was scared of something. Was it coming from someone above? Did they really think that Leon would be a problem student that can actually trash the reputation of the school?

"He has caused a few issues that I'm not liberty to discuss here." Mr. Donalds grabbed Seth by his shoulders. "But I am begging you. Please. Think about it." "I don't think--"

"Don't think. Just do. Try your best to befriend him. See if you can get into his personal life to make sure he doesn't do things that would hurt this school."

"Umm ..." Seth began. "You do realize that you're asking me to do something that is against human rights. You're practically asking me to become his stalker. You want me to watch him and school, and also outside. I understand that the schools' reputation is something we want to keep in good standings. However, barging into someone's private life is just wrong on so many levels." Mr. Donalds let go of Seth's shoulders and let them fall into his lap. His head hung down as he spoke.

"I can understand where you are coming from." The older man rose his head up to look at the teen.

"If you don't want to befriend him outside of school, then can you at least watch him in school? Like make him come to class?" Seth let out a sigh. No matter what. It looked like he would be forced to be around the other teen.

"Ok. If it's only in school. Then I will do my best to watch him." Seth smiled at the teacher.

"I really hope this works out." The older man smiled back to the teen. "We want to keep someone like that under control while he is in our school." Seth nodded in agreement. He wanted this conversation to end.

Seth left Mr. Donalds in the teachers' lounge. He slowly made his way done the hallway, his mind in chaos. He would have to befriend Leon. He would have to stay by that teens side. For how long? Graduation? Would he be able to do that? Would he be able to control someone that doesn't even respect higher authority? He knew that there was no way that he could even think about controlling someone like that. What he truly didn't understand was why he was picked of all people. There were so many other people that were capable of doing such a thing. He wasn't even on the student council, but yet he was picked for the job.

"His father donates a large amount of money." So what his father is rich. That doesn't mean you can let someone do whatever they want. Seth stopped and let out a sigh. If he could get the teen to go to class would be pretty easy. The school is set up where the students stay in one room, while the teachers jump from classroom to classroom. There are only a few that the students have to go to separate room. So if he could get Leon to come to class, the only thing he would have to do, is make sure he doesn't try to run away. But, how would he be able to get him to come to class in the first place? Seth's thoughts swirled in his head of what he would be able to do.