Chapter 4

He had disturbed his peaceful smoke. Seth looked at Leon. The stare he was getting from the other teen made his throat dry. He was scared. He was being confronted by the one person he didn't want to be near. Leon was not happy with the silence treatment he was receiving. He walked closer to Seth. Seth had never stood side by side with Leon before. The teen towered over him by several inches. Seth could feel a cold sweat coming over his body. "I asked, what the hell do you want?" Leon repeated the questioned. His voice showing the irritation in it. Seth's eyes went wide. They would swift from side to side. He looked up at Leon who was giving his a death stare.

"I'm ...I'm here to bring you to class." Seth tried to keep his voice from cracking. A smirk appeared on the other teens face.

"What? Are you my mother?" Seth stayed quiet. He aimed his eyes towards the ground. "How about you fuck off. I don't feel like going to class." Leon turned around and was making his steps away from the smaller teen. Seth spoke out at the teen that was leaving

"I need to take you bac- " Seth was pushed up against something hard making the young teen loose his breath. It happened so fast he didn't know what hit him. He then realized that Seth had pushed him against the wall with one of his hands.

"I already told you." Leon spoke as he kept his weight on Seth's shoulder and leaned in. Seth could smell the lingering scent of the cigarette Leon was smoking. "I don't want to go to class right now. So fuck off." Leon spoke the words slowly as if he was trying to make sure a toddler understood what he was saying.

"But I need to---" Leon took his hand off the other teens shoulder and punched the wall next to Seth's head.

"If you don't want to get fucked up right now, I would expect you to get out of my sight right now." Seth was beyond terrified. He couldn't stay with the teenager. He was insane. He didn't want anyone's help. Why was he even here sacrificing his own safety to bring this punk inside the classroom, where he won't pay any attention to the teacher anyway? "Are you going to leave or…" Leon pulled his hand back as he was about to hit Seth straight in the face. Seth pushed the taller man away, which Leon only fell backwards a step or two, and ran off. Seth didn't look back at Leon who had smirked, took his cigarette back in his mouth and sat back down contempt over what he had done.

Seth stomped into the school. He couldn't believe how much of a coward he was towards that other teenager. He had never been in a fight before, nor did he have any plans to start because of that teenager. He doesn't want anything to do with that boy at all. He will just tell the teacher that he was sorry but he can't complete the task asked of him. This will be the first time that he was going to disappoint an adult. Seth sighed. There was nothing that he could do. He lost the battle, that's all there was too it. As Seth walked inside his name was called out. He looked around for a moment then realized that it was Mr. Donalds.

"Are you not in the middle of class?" Seth questions the man.

"No. Class is over now. It's the new period. Since you were not back in homeroom, I had already explained to Mrs. Teaser about what's going on. Oh, how is it going with Mr. Bell?" Mr. Donalds asked. "I did find him, but I don't think I'm the right person-"

"Are you planning on giving up on that boy on the first try?" Mr. Donalds question.

"I….I don't…I don't think I'm the right person for this." Mr. Donalds took his hands and laid them on

Seth's shoulder.

"I believe in you. I know that you will be able to take care of this task I asked you to do. So please. Please take care of this for not only me, but the whole school as well." Seth stared at the teacher. He wasn't sure what to say now. Yes the teacher asked him to take care of the other teen, but what just happened made him wonder if he could complete the task he was given. "So please. Don't say you can't take care of this task." Seth looked at the man. He could see the begging in the man's eyes. Seth took in a deep breath and let it out.

"Okay Mr. Donalds. I will try again tomorrow." Mr. Donalds took his hands off the teen.

"What about today?" The man asked as he cocked his head to the side. Seth's eyes swift to the side and he began to rub his leg with his foot.

"Today…well….umm…" Seth's eyes darted back and forth. He really didn't know what to say right

now. He heard the teacher take in a sigh.

"I understand. You can work on it tomorrow." The man crossed his hands and nodded. He opened his eyes and looked at the fidgeting teen in front of him. "How about you head to class right now. Just remember to look for Mr. Bell tomorrow. We need him to go to class." Seth nodded his head in understanding.

Seth made his way over to the gym. He figured that if he was there yesterday, that he would be there today. Yesterday, Seth had made himself a promise. He promised himself that he would bring Leon to class no matter what. He talked himself into believing that the teen wouldn't harm him in any way. If Leon really wanted to, he could have beaten him up yesterday. Yet, he didn't. So that gave him some hope.