Chapter 5

Seth turned the corner and saw the teen sitting on the ground with a cigarette in his mouth. He was slumped forward. His knees where bent up and his arms were lazily hung over them. Leon had yet noticed him. Seth couldn't help but look at how the teen was dressed. He never wore his uniform correctly. Seth closed his eyes and grinned a bit. This seemed like something from a movie. The A student helps turn the punk teen into a proper young man ready for life. It would be funny if that was how it happened.

"What the fuck are you grinning about? So creepy?" Seth opened his eyes to see Leon standing right in front of him. His face was inches from Seth's. How did he not hear the other teen coming towards him? Seth jumped back. Leon stood up tall and took a puff of his cigarette that was on between his fingers in his left hand.

"When did you…" Seth asked still shocked.

"I should be asking you the same question." Leon spoke with his head cocked to the side. "I was over here having a nice smoke when I look over and see this creepy person grinning to himself. What were you even thinking about?" Seth looked down at the ground for a moment, then looked back up at the other teen.

"I'm here to take you to class." Seth spoke. He stood straight and made sure that his voice didn't crack. Leon looked at Seth for a moment before bursting out in laughter. "What is so funny? I'm being serious here." Seth almost yelled out.

"I'm sorry, but you are just too funny." Leon couldn't help but laugh throughout his entire sentence.

Seth didn't find it funny at all. He spoke in a calm voice.

"How am I funny? I'm being serious. You need to come to class. The teachers are really worri-" Seth felt his body being pushed against the wall. He was in this same position like yesterday.

How does this keep happening?

"So you really are a teachers pet." Leon gritted his teeth. "I don't give a flying fuck what the teachers think. They're worried about me. What bullshit are you sprouting? Only thing those jackass's think about is themselves and the school reputation. They don't give a shit about any of their students." "That's not true." Seth yelled out. Leon glared at Seth.

"You don't know what the truth is. If they could, they would've kicked me out, but because my father sends them a good amount of money they don't dare to do it." "Your father must be rich if he has that type of power."

"I don't give a shit about that bastard. He just wants me to graduate from good schools and take over the family business that I have no interest in doing."

"Why do you talk bad about your father? You should look up to them. I understand that they could sometime be hard on you, but that is to make sure you grow up to be a good man." Leon started to laugh again. "Why are you laughing again?"

"A good man." Leon's laughing started to calm down. He looked up at Seth. His eyes were slightly closed. "That bastard is not a good man, nor will I grow up to be like him in the least." Seth looked down at the ground, then back at Leon.

"I don't know what your father had done to you to make you hate him so much. But wouldn't it be better for you if you show him what you can do. I mean, if he thinks that you are not worthy or something, you can show him wrong. Instead of being a rebel wouldn't you think that would be better?" Leon looked straight at Seth. There was something in his eyes that he was drawn to. "You really are something." Leon spoke up.

"Wha ---" Seth tried to say but then his lips were caught by Leon's. Seth was shocked and confused to what was going on. He was being kissed. Leon was kissing him. Seth tried to protest against the lips that were pushed against his own. However, it did the complete opposite. Seth had opened his mouth slightly and Leon took the opening to push his tongue to the smaller boy's mouth. Seth was passed shock. He could feel Leon's tongue lick his own and other places in this mouth. Seth was unsure what to do. Without thinking, the small teen brought his hands up to Leon's upper arms and held onto him. Leon pulled back. He looked at Seth, whose eyes were glossed over. Leon chuckled a bit.

"Was that your first kiss?" Leon asked. Seth blushed deep red. Leon started to laugh again. "Well that was my answer." Seth stayed quiet. "Well, for the first kiss, that was not bad, but I will tell you this. Use your tongue next time. It's better than it just staying still." Leon began walking away. Seth somewhat out of his daze looked at the direction of Leon. "Also, tell whoever turned you into their dog that I will be attending class from here on." Seth pushed himself off the wall and was standing in the direction Leon was walking away.

"Will you really?" Seth yelled out.

"Yeah! I found something interesting. So I will show" He waved back and then lit up another cigarette and walked off of the school property.

Seth had made his way to the teachers' lounge where he found Mr. Donalds at his desk. "So starting tomorrow, Leon Bell will be coming to class."

"Yes." Seth replied. He looked down at Mr. Donalds who sat at his desk.

"I don't know how you did it, but I am really happy that you were able to talk Leon to coming to class." Mr. Donalds clapped his hands together a few times. "I know that I could count on you with this. See what I tell you." He stopped clapping. He placed both of his hands on his knees and looked up at Seth. "If you believe in yourself, you will get whatever you need done, and that also included helping Mr. Bell go on the right track."

I wonder if he really is going on the right track. Seth couldn't help but think of the kiss.

"So then. I want to make sure that you do keep Mr. Bell from skipping class. Even with him saying he will come, isn't something written in stone. So keep an eye on him." Seth nodded his head. "I will."

"That's good to hear. Now go ahead and go to your next class." Mr. Donalds shooed the young teen out of the room. He wore a warm smile as he did it. Seth walked out of the lounge and leaned against the wall. He couldn't help but replay what had happened not too long ago. He knew that he couldn't ponder on it too much and pushed himself off the wall and made his way to the class room. However, he couldn't keep his mind on what the teachers were saying. He missed everything that was going on because it wouldn't stop replaying in his head. He wanted the day to be over. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to properly think about what had happened.