Chapter 6

Once the bell rang for the end of the school day. Seth made his way home. Inside his house, and up the stairs, he made his way into his bedroom. Throwing his bag on the floor, he made his way over to the bed. Seth sat down and allowed the rest of his body to fall on the bed. His feet were the only things that were still touching the floor. The young teen brought his fingers up to his lips and softly touched them. He was kissed, and by a boy of all things. What was even stranger was that he didn't find it disgusting in the least. Was it wrong to think that he wanted to be kissed again? Was that abnormal? Wanting to be kissed by another boy and not feel grossed out? The kiss wasn't the only thing that was running through his head either. What did Leon mean by what he said as he was leaving?

"I found something interesting."

What was it that he could have found interesting? Seth thought to himself. He had no idea what Leon could be thinking. All he knew was that he needed to make sure that Leon came to class like he said he would. Seth moved to his side and closed his eyes. For some reason, he really wanted to see the boy.

Seth sat at his desk. He was answering questions for pop test the teacher had sprung onto them. Of course, none of the pop test were something that he dreaded. He actually liked them. It showed how much information has been saved in his brain, so he knew that when the real test came, he would be ready. However, this time his mind was wondering a bit. He glanced behind him. He saw as Leon was scratching his head as he tried to figure out the questions laid down on his sheet.

If you came to class, you wouldn't be having these problems. Seth couldn't help but smirk a bit at himself. Leon glanced up and saw Seth glancing his way. He scowled at him and went back to the test. Seth turned to look at his own which was almost done. He couldn't help but giggle silently to himself.

"Damn, that test sucked." Seth heard one of his classmates speak out after the teacher had left. "I know right. It's ridiculous that they think that they can just spring that kind of crap onto us. There should be something against teachers doing that to us." The boy sat on his desk as he stared at his friend who sat backwards on his chair.

"Yeah right. Who would pass a law like that?" Both boys laughed. Seth ignored the boys. He didn't want to be part of their conversation. There was a reason why the teachers gave pop quizzes, to make sure that you were paying attention to what they were teaching you. Seth sighed. He heard the sound of a chair sliding across the floor. It came from behind him, so he turned his head to see Leon get up and leave his desk. Seth put his stuff inside his desk and got up from his own seat. He followed the teen out of the room. Leon noticed that he had another body following him. He turned the corner, Seth soon followed and ran right into Leon. He looked up and saw Leon glaring down at him.

"What the hell are you doing? You have been following me every day." "I was told to keep an eye on you." Seth spoke out.

"Even to the bathroom." Seth blushed. "Do you want to see me pee that badly?" Leon brought his head closer to Seth's. "Are you into water sports?" Seth looked up and answered.

"Well watersports are actually really fun. The equipment can be kind of expensive, but it is worth it." Leon started to laugh. He was bent over laughing, and Seth had no idea why he was laughing at an answer like that. "What is so funny?"

"That's not what I meant." Leon finally spoke after he calmed down.

"What do you mean then?" Leon leaned in so he could whisper in his ear. Seth's face went bright red in embarrassment. "That is disgusting. Why would I even be interesting in that?" Leon started to laugh again.

"You are a very sheltered boy aren't you?" Leon questioned.

"Just because I didn't know the term to that doesn't make me sheltered. I just don't look into stuff that is wrong." Leon leaned back on the wall.

"You are just too interesting." Seth stopped for a moment, he heard that sentence again. Seth looked up at Leon.

"You think I'm interesting?" Leon bent his head sideways to glance at Seth.

"You're fucking hilarious." He started to chuckle. Seth couldn't help but smile a bit. "Well, enough talk. I really need to take a leak." Leon pushed himself off the wall and started to head towards the bathroom. Seth grabbed Leon's arm suddenly. Leon turned around and looked at Seth. His own eyes were wide as if he was puzzled why he had done that. "Is there something else you want to talk about?"

"I um…" Seth darted his eyes side to side. He didn't know why he grabbed his arm. He just felt like he wanted to keep Leon closer to him.

"If you don't hurry up, I'm going to piss my pants right here." Seth's eyes darted a bit more, his mouth opening then closing. "If you have nothing to say." Leon jerked his arm out of Seth's grip.

"I want to help you with your studies!" Seth yelled out. Leon looked over at the teen confused.

"So you want to help me study?" He questioned to make sure that he knew what he was hearing. Seth gripped the bottom of his blazer and started to play with it.

"I um… I saw how you were having a hard time with your test, and so I though, that I would help you…" His voice started to trail off. They both stood in silence. That really scared Seth. What had he done? He was going to be made fun of again. Why did he even ask this question? Seth started to mentally hit himself in the head over what he said.

"Well, I guess I can." Seth's head shot up to look at Leon. He was scratching his chin. "I guess that would be okay. I really have nothing else to do. And I kind of liked your revenge plan." "Revenge plan?" Seth was confused.

"Yeah! Don't tell me you forgot. It was your idea." Leon had his hands on his hips. He stood tall like he had already won.