Chapter 14

"So, what are your thoughts on the school trip" Seth questioned Leon as he took a bite of the cracker Leon had handed to him earlier.

"I really don't care about it, if that is what you are asking me." He took a drag of his cigarette and then took a drink of his beer.

"You are planning on going right." Seth looked at Leon, his eyes were begging him to say yes. Leon could see it.

"You really want me to go that bad?" Leon questioned. He smirked at Seth who lowered his head, but kept his eyes on Leon.

"Maybe." Seth spoke softly. Leon chuckled.

"I will think about it." Leon took another swig of his beer. He leaned over to Seth and kissed him lightly on the lips and pulled back. Seth's face had a hint of red. Leon smirked at the other teen's reaction. "You don't blush as much as you used to. It was kind of cute when you were red like an apple." Leon laughed as Seth started to playfully smack the other teen. "I…That's mean…"

"I said you were cute." Leon spoke between each hit he received. Seth sat back down and pouted. "I'll forgive you if …" He looked up at Leon. His eyes were focused on him, yet his head was diagonal to the floor. "…you give me a real kiss." Seth's voice was barely above a whisper. Leon just stared at Seth for a moment before smirking.

"Fine. I'll give you the kiss you want. Come over here." Seth crawled over to Leon. He sat between the other teens open legs. "You are such a nerd." Leon whispered. Seth was about to argue against the comment that was just spoken to him, but his lips were caught and a tongue made his way into the teen's mouth. What complaint he had, was muffled by the kiss. Seth loved kissing Leon like this. It was almost like a high for him. Leon pulled back leaving Seth begging for more. He just chuckled. "You really like kissing don't you?" Seth nodded. "Wow, the straight A student is going down the wrong path. Jerking people off, kissing people, and drinking."

"Hey I only took that one sip." Seth knew that Leon was joking with him, but he couldn't help but feel like he was being made fun of.

"You know what people say, it only starts with one try." Leon leaned back on the bed. "But you're addicted to something else." Leon made the hand motion of jacking off. "I blame you." Seth smack Leon's leg.

"Haven't your parents ever told you not to blame others?" Leon chuckled as Seth sat in front of the other teen.

"But it is." He pouted. Leon couldn't help but smirk.

"Fine, but don't blame me when your grades start falling because that's the only thing you can think about." Leon started to laugh.

"Oh no! I forgot. We need to be studying, not playing around." Seth jumped up and ran over to his bag on the other side of the room. When they came in to sit down, Seth had brought up the trip, and totally got immersed into what was going on from then on. Grabbing the bag, he brought it over where Leon was and sat down. He started to rumble through the bag.

"So what are we learning today, Teach?" Leon jokingly spoke. Seth pulled out a book and smiled. "Science!"

The day before the school trip finally came. Everyone was excited and ready for the next day to come. It took a couple of minutes to calm down the class so he could speak. Once everyone calmed down. The Teacher cleared his throat and began to speak.

"We have received all the forms from everyone and I want to remind you all that we plan to leave tomorrow at 5am. Make sure you are here before 5 or you will be left behind finding your own ride. Does everyone understand?"

"Yes!" Several boys yelled out.

"Now. I want to let everyone know that since this is an overnight stay, we will be pairing everyone to a room. Normally we would pair everyone in fours. And if we did that. You all would have to share the same bed." Several grumbles came out. The teacher coughed into his hand to quiet the teenagers in the room. "However, we know how many of you would be against that idea. So we came up with something different. Since our group is smaller than usual. We decided to pair two boys in each room. That way we don't have to hear anyone complain." Mr. Donalds could hear the relief in everyone's voice. Now listen closely as I call out your names and who you are paired with." Mr. Donalds began calling out names. Seth glanced back at Leon who was staring out the window. I wonder who Leon is going to be paired with. Seth questioned in his head. I really want to be paired with him. Leon looked over at Seth and smirked. Seth quickly moved his head forward. It was almost like he knew what he was thinking. His cheeks started to heat up.

"Seth Rice!" Seth heard his name being called out. He looked up "Yes sir!"

"The person that will be with you is…" Seth kept saying Leon's name over and over inside his head. He really wanted to be with him. "…It looks like you're paired with Leon Bell actually." Seth couldn't help but jump with joy on the inside.

"That must really suck for him." Seth heard someone whisper by him.

"I know. He has to be with the delinquent. I don't know what made him decide to come to class, but I wish he would just leave."

"I know right." A third teenager spoke into the conversation." There was a tap on the right side of Seth's shoulder. He looked behind him and saw one of his classmates. He motioned Seth to lean in closer.