Chapter 15

"What is it?" Seth questioned trying to keep his voice down. The teacher was still calling out names. "If you want, we can talk to the teacher about you and me switching rooms. I know how scary that guy could be. I've heard nothing but bad things about him, and for the teacher to room you guys together is a disaster. You don't know what he would do to a good student like you." He could tell that his classmate was really concerned about him, but this would be the first time that he was with Leon on trip.

"It's fine. I will be fine. You don't have to do that at all." Seth waved his hands in front of him. "Are you sure?"

"Yes I am." Seth didn't want to discuss the topic with his classmate anymore. He sat straight in his chair again and his classmate gave him a weird look, but finally dropped it. Seth was overly excited. He wanted to jump and scream about how happy he was, but he kept it all in. He glanced over to Leon who was smirking at Seth. He couldn't help but show his own smile. He couldn't wait for tomorrow. He had a lot of things he had to do to make sure that he had everything ready for the trip.

Seth was walking down the hall ready to leave when he was called out by Mr. Donalds. He didn't know why the man was calling him out after school, but followed him to the teacher's lounge. The large gentleman sat down in his chair and looked up at Seth.

"I'm sorry to keep grabbing you before you leave but I wanted to talk to you about the school trip." "Is there something wrong?"

"No no, nothing like that. I wanted to ask, even though I should've done this earlier but, do you mind that we placed you and Leon in one room. I mean, I know that I told you to watch over him, but if this is too much, we can always change you to another room."

"That is not necessary." Seth spoke out. "You asked me to look after Leon both in school and outside. Even though I was against it at first. But being around Leon had somewhat became normal. And besides. If I'm not in the same room as him. I won't be able to watch over him and make sure he doesn't do something he's not supposed to while on the trip." Seth spoke with a smile. There was no way that he could tell the older man the real reason he is not rejecting the idea of staying in the same room with Leon. "I will be fine. Thank you for your concern though." Seth spoke out. The older man laughed.

"Okay. If you are okay with it, then I won't sweat over it then." He took in a sigh of relief.

"Is there anything else that you need me for?" Seth asked.

"No, that was all. You can go now." Seth headed out of the teacher's lounge. He actually didn't think that the teacher would actually put them both in the same room. However, with the request Mr. Donalds made. It should've been obvious. Seth couldn't help but smile to himself.

Since the trip was tomorrow, both teenagers made an agreement to not head over to Leon's place. It was something that Seth really wanted to do since he was so excited. Yet, he knew better. The thought of them together all night in the same room was something new for them. Every time he went over to Leon's house, he would never stay too late. So it was going to be their first night together. Seth's face blushed crimsons. What was he thinking? He shook his head.

Making his way inside his house. Seth ran up the stairs and into his room. Throwing his bag somewhere on the floor, he plopped onto his bed facing the ceiling. His thoughts have not stopped. He couldn't wait for tomorrow. If only it would come sooner. Going to the mountains would defiantly be a treat in itself. Yet, being with Leon, which was something beyond a treat. It was almost like a date.

Oh my God! A Date! Seth didn't even think about that. He pulled his legs up into the fetal position and covered his face with his hands in embarrassment. He had no way of knowing if Leon was this excited or if he thought nothing of it.

Seth laid on his bed as he thought about several things that they could do. He wanted to plan it all out so they could have as much as possible there. Since it would be something close enough to a date. Well, Leon may not think the same thing due to it being part of a school trip. However, Seth would think differently. Maybe he could get Leon to think of it as a date as well. Seth's face was beyond crimson just thinking about all this by himself. He really shouldn't be thinking about it. He had homework that he needed to be completed two days after the trip. If he could get that done now. He wouldn't have to worry about it later. Seth sat up on his bed. He needed to get his thoughts out of where they were now and focus on something else. Making his way over to his bag. The teenager took out his books. Placing them on his desk, he began completing the work. It wasn't long until when a familiar voice was heard coming from downstairs.

"Seth, darling!" A woman yelled. "Dinner is ready." Seth didn't realize how much time had passed. His mother was already calling him for dinner.

"Okay! I'm coming!" Seth sat up and yelled out. He stood up with a huge smile on his face that he slapped away. He opened the door and rushed downstairs to the dinner table.