Chapter 16

Seth waited in line with several of the other students from his class. Everyone was waiting for the bus. However, there was something else that Seth was waiting for and that was Leon. He still hasn't shown up. It was already 4:48am. He looked down and his watch. They were going to leave in twelve minutes. Where was Leon?

"Does everything have everything, because here comes the bus?" Mr. Donalds spoke out to everyone. A large two stacker bus came in view. It pulled into the school driveway. "Everyone, take your luggage and put in the carrier." The teacher started to lift the panels on the side of the bus showing the storage area. Seth was one of the students that handed his stuff to the teacher who tossed it in. Seth looked around, still not seeing Leon in his view. He didn't want to go without Leon. He was so excited about the trip and if Leon didn't show, what was Seth going to do. Of course, he could still have fun. But not after getting so pumped up yesterday. Seth looked down at his watch again. It read 4:56am.

"Where are you?" Seth mumbled to himself. He looked down at his watch again. It read 4:58am. They were going to leave in two minutes. The teenager was getting really worried. He didn't have any way to contact Leon. Even if he did, if Leon was on his bike, he wouldn't answer anyway. Seth glanced down again at his watch 4:59am. One minute left.

"Come on everyone. Start getting on." Mr. Donalds yelled out. All the students started to pile on the bus except Seth who kept watching the road. "Hey, Seth, come on. Get on the bus." Seth looked over at the teacher then back at the road. His feet slowly started to pick up and make their way towards the bus. Seth looked down at the ground and then in front of him. "Come on." Mr. Donalds spoke as he was trying to usher the teen on the bus. The sound of engine stopped him in his tracks. He knew that sound. Seth turned his head and saw a bike rushing towards the school and park. Seth saw Leon almost jump off his bike. He grabbed something attached to the back and began running towards the bus. "You're late Mr. Bell!" The teacher scolded the teen. "Sorry, my alarm didn't go off." He panted.

"Well, glad you made it." The teacher opened the latch putting Leon's stuff in there along with everyone else's. "Now get on the bus and find you a seat." Leon followed what the man said and got onto the bus. He scanned the seats. Many were not looking at him, and if did. It was a quick glance away. Not something he cared about. He soon spotted the perfect spot. Leon sat down with that 'thump' stretched out his legs, surprised about the room between seats. "Cutting it close don't you think?" Leon gave a sideways glance and smirked.

"Were you worried that I wouldn't show?" Seth didn't say anything. He used his left hand to grab Leon's right and intertwined his fingers in Leon's. There was barely any light in the bus. So no one would be able to see unless they used some kind of light. Seth turned to face the window. His arm bent on the frame and his chin in his palm.

"I wasn't that worried." Seth replied. Leon smirked. He squeezed his right hand. "If you didn't show. I was going to be mad." He heard Leon chuckle.

"Sorry. My alarm didn't go off. I was surprised that I made it myself." He laughed softly.

"I'm glad that you are here." He spoke softly hoping Leon was the only one that heard him.

"So am I." He yawned. "But I'm fucking tired. So I'm going to sleep." Leon laid back in the seat and closed his eyes. Seth glanced at the other teen. He smiled and then turned his head back to the window. Seth watched as the pulled out of the driveway and headed towards their destination.

The bus had stopped only twice on the way up. Everyone was so excited to get out and stretch their legs. Seth and Leon being among them. Seth touched his had that was now cold. Once the sun came up. Leon had let go of his hand. It was understandable. Seth was happy enough that Leon even sat next to him during the ride. What Seth didn't notice was the teacher taking several glances over to the two teenagers' way. Mr. Donalds was actually quite surprised that Leon hasn't caused any chaos at all. He figured that it was the right thing to have Seth watch over the other teen.

The bus pulled up in front of the Hotel the students were going to be staying at. Everyone was tired from sitting down for so long, that they almost rushed out of the bus. Seth and Leon followed the others. Getting their luggage, the teen's headed inside the hotel. There were busy like no other. There were other schools that were there as well. Seth looked around and then back at Leon who was just looking off in the distance.

"Now everyone. Get your keys for your room, and remember not to lose them." Mr. Donalds started to call out the names of students in each room. "Seth, and Leon. Here is your key." The teacher spoke out. Seth walked over to the teacher grabbing the key. "Now go to your room. Put everything away and then come back down here. You got that." Seth nodded. He walked back over to Leon who was still in the same spot as before.

"Are you ready?" Seth asked. Leon looked down at Seth.

"You have the key to the room."

"Yep." Seth showed the small yellow package that had the numbers 504 on it. "Let's go." The two walked over to the elevator waiting with some other students to get on.