Chapter 21

The two teenagers sleep was interrupted when there was a loud bang heard. Seth snuggled closer to Leon, who had his arms around the smaller teen. The banging was heard again. Leon rolled onto his back and let out a curse word under his breath. Seth moved onto his back allowing Leon to sit up.

Throwing his feel lazily over the bed. He made his way around the room looking for his boxers. Once found, he slipped them on and made his way to the door. Opening it, he saw one of his classmates on the other side.

"What is it?" Leon yawned.

"The teacher said he wants us all downstairs in the next twenty minutes. So make sure that you guys are dressed and down by then." Leon nodded.

"We will get ready and head down there." He let out another yawn. He closed the door and made his way back over to the bed. Seth was now sitting up, and reaching for his glasses. "What was that about?" Seth questions. Leon scratched the back of his head.

"The old man want us down in the lobby in twenty minutes." Seth looked down at the clock. It was 9.42am. Seth couldn't help but let out a sigh. He was still tired, but he only had himself to blame. It took him a while to fall asleep this morning. Suddenly his face rushed red from remembering what they had done. "I guess we better get ready."

"…Yeah…" Seth agreed. He couldn't bring himself to look at Leon. He felt completely embarrassed about what they did. The teenager knew that Leon would tease him if he saw him blushing all the time. So he thought not looking at the taller teen would help that from happening.

The boys made their way down to the lobby meeting up with the rest of their peers. There were a few that were still being waited on. Which didn't take to long for them to arrive. Mr. Donalds made sure that everyone was accounted for before he began speaking to the students.

"This is the last day that we will be here. We plan to leave no later than six pm. I do want to let you know that check out time is at twelve pm. So I want all of you to have all your things that you do not plan on using for the rest of the day packed and on the bus no later than eleven thirty. The rooms will no longer be accessed after twelve. So make sure that you don't forget anything in the room either. If you do. Let us know right away. Once that is done. You may all go skiing or whatever you want to do while we are here until five the latest. That is what time I want you all back."

"If we put our stuff on the bus and we need it for whatever reason. How are we going to get it back? Do we just ask you?" A student questioned.

"Yes. That's right." Mr. Donalds replied as he nodded. "If you do need something from your bag, let me know, and I'll let the driver know so we can get it out. Any other questions?" The room was silent. "Okay. So now, get your stuff together and we will meet back here at five." The students nodded and some said "okay" as they made their way back up to the room.

The two teens made their way back to the room. They both started packing right away. Seth was getting hungry and thought it would be nice to get this done and go eat. While he was packing he came across the lube that was used last night. He picked it up staring at the content. They had tried to go all the way last night, but never did. It hurt too much. Seth glanced over to Leon who was packing his own stuff. His eyes went back to the bottle. The teenager couldn't help but wonder what it would've felt like if they have gone all the way. Would he have liked it or not? Something he was curious about. Just thinking about it aroused his body a bit.

"Oh, there it is. You have it." Seth glanced up to see Leon walking towards him. Seth's face went hot with embarrassment. Even though Leon didn't know what he was thinking? He had a feeling that the taller teen knew though. Leon stopped in front of Seth and smirked.

"You're red. Does holding that lube make you think about what we did last night?" Leon chuckled.

Seth's head dropped down. He closed his eyes as he spoke.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know it would hurt that bad. I got your hopes up and..." Tears started to fill the smaller teen's eyes. Leon's smirk disappeared as he grabbed Seth by his shoulders. Seth kept his head down not wanting to look the taller teen in his eyes. Leon, frustrated by that, grabbed Seth's chin between his thumb and index finger forcing his head up.

"Don't say sorry. I would never force you into having sex. Especially if you are going to be in pain. I already told you. It just didn't work this time."

"...This time... ?" Seth spoke with his voice cracking a bit. "So… are you saying there will be a next time?" Seth's brown eyes were sparkling with the tears that were building up in his eyes.

"If you want. Of course there will be. I want to be with you, inside you." Seth smiled as he closed his eyes and a few tears fell down. "I want you to feel pleasure when we do it. So I won't mind going slow."

"I thought you would hate me because we were not able to do it." Seth spoke. He opened his mouth to speak again when he felt the familiar soft lips over his own.

"Don't you have more faith in me?" Leon mumbled out. Before Seth could answer, his lips were taken again.