Chapter 22

Five o'clock came faster than what anyone had expected. The students made their way into the lobby and were counted to make sure that they were all there. Once everything was in order, the students made their way on the double decker bus. Seth and Leon sat down in the same spot they were on the trip up. Seth smiled as he looked out the window. He had lots of fun. He was even able to ski a little bit better than when he first started. Leon was a good teacher. Seth still fell down several times. Yet, not as much as before. The smile disappeared from his face when he realized that Leon really hadn't skied as much as Seth thought Leon would. He was busy teaching him to ski. The pain was lifted when he remember what Leon told him.

I'm having more fun teaching you than skiing by myself.

It was like he was saying he enjoyed being around Seth. Seth couldn't help but blush remembering that. Leon could be cruel. However, he could be so kind without even realizing it. He looked over at Leon who was exhausted by what they had done. He understood that tiredness. The bus had been on the road for a few hours and it was becoming dark. Leon and fallen asleep and Seth could feel it coming to him as well. He laid his head on Leon's shoulder and closed his eyes.

The bus pulled into the school pretty early Sunday morning. The sun wasn't even up yet. The sound of Mr. Donalds speaking had started to wake several of the students awake. Seth being one of them. He fluttered his eyes opened and then realized he was still leaning on Leon's shoulder. Pushing his head away, he mumbled out a sorry.

"No worries. We just pulled in." Leon spoke. He leaned in closer so only Seth could hear. "Your sleeping face is actually quite sexy." Seth turned red from the comment. It disappeared when Mr. Donalds began speaking again.

"I want to let you know. There are several cars already here. So I hope your parents or you, yourself, feel good to drive so early in the morning. Don't forget your bags out either. I don't want to call them back here for forgotten goods. Got it."

"Yeah." Sleepy and exhausted voices could be heard.

Everyone started to make their way off the bus and also getting their luggage as well. Seth looked around for a familiar car, which was soon spotted. He waived and didn't know if the person did or not, due to the car being dark inside.

"So your parents are picking you up?" Leon questioned.

"Yeah. I don't have a car or a license for that matter." Seth laughed a little. "Okay." Leon's spoke as he patted Seth's head. "Go home and get some rest ok." "Then I will see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." Leon smiled gently. Seth smiled back and turned to walk towards the car he spotted earlier. Leon watched as Seth got into the car and then made his way over to his bike. Throwing his back over his shoulders. He started the bike revving it up and left to his own home.

The door closed behind Seth after he placed the luggage away in the back seat. He buckled his seatbelt ready to leave when his mother started to speak.

"So, the boy that you were with, who was he?" Seth's mother asked.

"He's one of my classmates." Seth responded.

"You two looked close. Is he a friend?" Seth couldn't help but smile a little.

"Yeah! He is." Seth replied.

"He looks like someone that doesn't follow instructions. Wait, is that boy the one you have been studying with." Seth's mother asked in complete shock. Seth nodded. "Now tell me the truth. Did he threaten you?" She questioned her son concerned for him.

"Mom!" Seth's voice was higher than what he was expecting. "Don't think that he is a punk just because of how he looks."

"I just don't want you to get into something that you would regret." Her voice was calm again. If she really knew what our relationship was, she would flip. Seth thought to himself. "I want to tell you to not to worry."

"But." His mother spoke out.

"No buts, I don't want you to worry. Leon is not someone that is threatening me at all.

Everything I've done was all my doing. I wanted to do it." Seth's mother sighed.

"Fine. I will quit asking you about it, but if your grades come down even a bit. I will ban you from hanging out with that boy. You hear me."

"Yes mother." Seth would never allow something like his grades go down. He will have both good grades and a good relationship with Leon.

Seth made his way up the stairs. He was full from the meal he just got done eating. He had been relaxing the entire day due to the pain he was beginning to feel in his lower back and bottom. He may have completely overdone it. Even though he wanted to learn how to ski so badly. The many times he fell down, he lost count, is probably taking a toll on his body now. Seth made his way over to his bed and laid down. The discomfort was still there. Seth sat up and thought for a moment. The pain he was feeling know was nothing what they tried to do during the night. Is there a way to stop that pain, or make it hurt less? Seth was curious to know if there was something that they have skipped. Getting up, Seth made his way over to his desk which had a laptop on it. He grabbed it and walked back over to his bed. He plopped a pillow against the wall and made himself as comfortable as possible. Opening the computer he waited for the loading screen. Once it was ready, he signed in and then pulled up the search screen. He typed in, How to make anal sex not hurt. Seth was surprised by the results he found. He went through so many sites finding so many things that he didn't think he would find about sex. There was defiantly more preparation that needed to be done before putting it in. Some of it brought embarrassment to his face. He couldn't believe that they would have to do that every time they wanted to do it. He was so intrigued in what he was reading that he lost track of time. He looked over at the clock and realized it was almost eleven and night. Exiting from all the pages he was looking at, he shut down the computer and placed it back on the desk. He stretched his stiff limbs. It was time to take a quick shower and go to bed.

The next day had come. Seth hadn't said a word to Leon today. He wasn't sure if he should just walk up and start speaking with him or wait until there was no one around. He really wanted to talk with Seth.

The bell for lunch had rang and several students got up from their seats and made their way towards the exit. Seth knew that Leon would be one of them, and would have to catch him before he left. Getting up from his chair. Seth made his way over to the taller teen before he stood up. Leon looked up to see Seth standing by his desk. It was odd for the shorter teen to approach him during school like this.

"Is there something you want?" Leon questioned. Seth put his finger up and waited for everyone to leave. The classroom was completely empty. "Well." Leon spoke again.

"Can I come over to your house today to study?" Leon stared at Seth. It was the first time that Seth had initiated anything before. Was it for studying or something else? Leon wondered. Either way he didn't care.

"Yeah. But you will have to wait a little bug. I have something that I have to do before I head out." Seth nodded. Leon got up and headed out of the classroom leaving Seth alone in the room. Seth smiled. He was excited. He couldn't wait for the end of the day.