Chapter 24

"It was a good thing, until he started talking about if I keep this up. I can go to college and then take over the family business and become the perfect business man." Leon growled. "I don't want to do that! He wants me to become the perfect some that follows his father's wishes and become a business man like him. That is not what I want to do for my future!" Leon's voice was getting louder as he spoke. Seth could tell that Leon was starting to get worked up talking about his father. "He wants me to change my image, and I'm doing that. I don't want to let my father run my life!" Leon laid down on the bed facing the ceiling. Seth looked down at the floor for a moment.

"You did mention about how you didn't want to follow in your father's footsteps." Seth looked up and walked over to the other teen. He sat down on the bed next to Leon. His eyes faced forward as he spoke. "I can understand the pressure you are going through. Since I was young. My father has told me that I would follow his footsteps in becoming a doctor. Of course, it's not going to be in his exact field. But because I went with him to work a couple of times, I started to think that I wanted to do something similar as him. So I study hard to not only disappoint him, but to show I can follow him in the same type of work."

"That is where we are different. I have been to my father's office. I have met his staff. I don't want any part of that. An office worker is not me. You may have felt a passion when you were with your father, but I on the other had. I just felt trapped. Something I knew right away that I could never do."

"Yeah. We are different people. That is for sure." Seth smiled. Leon sat up and looked at Seth. Their eyes met for a few moments before leaning in and their lips meeting each other's. Leon brought his lips away from Seth's for a moment then pushed against his lips again. Seth kissed back. Leon pulled away and stood up. Seth was confused what the older teen was planning on doing. Leon grabbed Seth's wrists pulling up on off the bed, moving over a few steps and pushing him back down on the bed. Leon crawled on top of Seth's body.

"Yeah. We are different people. That is for sure." Seth couldn't help but smile. Leon sat up and looked at Seth. Seth turned his head to look into Leon's green eyes. It wasn't long before he felt Leon's lips on his. It was a short kiss that made Seth a bit sad, but then he felt the lips on his again. Leon did that a few times. It was not a deep kiss at all. It was almost like small pecks. Seth really wanted more. Leon pulled back again, and Seth waited for those lips to return. Yet, they didn't. He opened his eyes in confusion.

"Get on the bed." Leon spoke. Seth was confused.

"I'm already on the bed." Leon not liking the response leaned down and grabbed both of Seth's legs and threw them onto the bed.

"Now scoot up to where your head is over by the pillow." Seth nodded. He understand what he was asking for now. Getting comfortable. Seth laid down with his head on Leon's pillow. Leon crawled over his body. Seth's heart started pounding. He had been in this situation before. When they were on the school trip. Lips touching his made him forget what he was thinking. That time, Leon ran his tongue over Seth's lips and pushed it inside. Seth let the organ pass with no objections. The kiss went on for a minute before Leon pulled away. Seth wanted to complain, but the tongue made its way back into his mouth. It stopped the complaint that was about to start. Leon's hands roamed the smaller teen's body. He positioned himself between Seth's legs. He rubbed his erection onto Seth's groin which was also responding.

"You're too much." Leon moaned out. He pulled Seth's shirt up and over the teens head. He attacked the boy's collar bone and chest. Seth couldn't help but moan out when Leon caught one of his nipples in his mouth and started to play with it.

"Le…on…That…Ahnnn…feels good….ahnnn…." Seth moaned. Leon reached down and unbuckled

Seth's belt, undoing his pans and pulling them off, showing his hard on that was leaking pre-cum. "You really enjoy this don't you?" Leon chuckled as he began pumping Seth's erection. "Leon…Ahnnn…I…I want to…ahnnnahah…"

"What is it? Tell me." Leon whispered in Seth's ear as he kept pumping his hand.

"I…I want to do it with you ahnnn" Seth tried his best to talk as the pleasure was over whelming him. "Are you sure. You were in pain when we first tried it." Seth looked at Leon who had stopped his hand motion.

"I looked up what you have to do to make it not hurt."

"And what is that?" Leon question.

"The person that is taking it has to be prepared."

"What do you mean prepared." Seth blushed as he lifted up his hand.

"It said, if the person on the bottom is fingered in that area, it won't hurt because it relaxes the muscles."

"And you think I'm going to do it?" Leon sat back staring at Seth.

"It did say that it can be used as foreplay."

"There is no way I'm sticking my fingers up your ass. If you want to be prepared, then do it yourself." Leon moved out from between the other teen's legs. "Go ahead and do it." Seth closed his legs. He was really embarrassed, but he wanted to be connected to Leon.

"Do…Do you have any lube?" Seth's voice was barely above a whisper. Leon got up and went to his table. He opened it and pulled out the same lube they used on the school trip and some condoms. He tossed the lube to Seth. Leon sat back down on the bed and watched the younger teen. Seth took the bottle and poured some on his fingers. He got on his hands and knees. His ass was sticking in the air and facing Leon. He read that some men like to watch their man finger themselves as well. He hoped that this would turn Leon on as well. He brought his hand to the back. He found his entrance and pushed a finger in. It felt weird as he did it. He slowly moved it in and out. Then he added a second digit. "Annn…"Seth couldn't help moaning. It felt completely different than the first finger.

"Did that feel good?" Leon asked. "I heard you try to muffle that moan." Seth heard Leon chuckle. He felt his muscle relax and added a third finger. He could feel himself stretch with the fingers inside him. He tried to muffle the moans that were trying to escape his lips. This was turning him on more than he thought it would. "Do you think you're prepared enough? Your ass is leaking." Leon chuckled as he touched Seth's inner thigh. The lube had oozed its way down his leg.

"I think so." Seth removed his fingers. "Make sure that you lube your cock as well." Seth spoke out "Well, you did stretch yourself out a bit." Leon pulled Seth's cheeks apart. . A sudden cold breeze went over his rosebud. "Ahh!" He moaned out.