Chapter 28

Seth laid in the bath tub with Leon underneath him. Leon's hands were gently wrapped around Seth's waist. Seth just snuggles against Leon's chest. He was exhausted. He couldn't believe how many times they had done it. He thought that they would stop at two, but went four rounds. He couldn't cum again even if he wanted to. He was completely squeezed dry and it was Leon's fault. However, laying in the tub in the warm bath was also nice.

"I can't believe how much you were begging for it. I never thought you would be the type to act like that during sex." Leon chuckled a bit as he hugged Seth from behind.

"Neither did I." Seth admitted. Leon held up one of his hands a realized that that his fingers were starting to prune.

"I think that it's best to get out now."

"I don't want to." Seth almost whined.

"Why not." Seth turned around and grabbed Leon's wrists, wrapping his arms around his body. "I want to stay like this."

"So you want to cuddle?" Leon questioned.

"Is there something wrong with that?" Seth pouted.

"No. But I can also hold you in my room as well." He stopped and looked up and the ceiling then back at Seth. He had a huge grin on his face as he spoke. "Of course I would need to change the sheets. They are full of semen, and a lot of it is yours." Seth couldn't help but turn red. Leon pulled his hands out of Seth's hold and stood up picking up Seth the same time. The younger teen wrapped his arms around Seth's neck. Leon stepped out of the bath and set Seth down, his feet touching the floor first before letting go. The two dried off and headed back to Leon's room. "This will only take a moment." Leon walked over to his bed. He pulled off the sheets and went searching for some new ones. Seth stood in the room completely bare. He was beginning to get cold. He couldn't understand how Leon could walk around the house like that. Leon came back with fresh sheets and began to put them on the bed. Seth couldn't help but stare at Leon's ass that stuck out every time he bent over. "There. It's done." Leon stood back looking at his creation. He extended a hand over to Seth. "Come over here." Seth walked over to Leon, giving him his hand. Leon led him to the bed and moved the covers over. Seth crawled under the blankets and Leon followed. Both teens getting comfortable. Seth laid his head on Leon's chest and Leon brushed his fingers through Seth's hair. "See, it's not bad is it." Seth chuckled.

"No. it's really comfortable." Seth sighed into the bare chest.

Since that time, Seth had been going over to Leon's place quite often. They would study and make love. Seth was happy over these several months being with Leon that he never wanted anything to tear them apart. Seth was laying on Leon's chest drawing a heart on his chest. Being able to cuddle after making love was one thing that Seth enjoyed and was glad that Leon didn't mind the spooning. Seth's heart was filled with love and desire for this older teen. Leon was gently stroking Seth's hair when Seth spoke up, his voice soft.

"What are you planning on doing after graduation?" Leon sighed.

"I don't know right now."

"I can't believe that graduation is coming up in less than a month."

"I think that time had gone faster since we got together." Leon spoke. Seth started to count on his fingers.

"We have been together for half a year. I can't believe that we were together that long. It didn't feel like that at all." Leon hugged Seth.

"I guess that's what they call losing track of time because of love." "I never heard that before." Seth spoke.

"I just made it up." Leon admitted. Seth couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Are you planning on going to college and following in your father's footsteps?" Leon questioned.

"Yeah. But I'm not doing it for my dad. I'm doing it for myself." Seth's voice showed the determination he had. Even though he wanted to make his father happy by following his footsteps, he also wanted to follow his own heart. His heart was saying that it wanted to be connected to Leon forever. "I just hope that you also find something you want to do." Leon smiled. "I hope so too." Seth closed his eyes.

"I love you Leon." Leon was about to respond when he realized Seth had already fell into a deep slumber.

"Mmm, me too." He whispered closing his own eyes.

We will always be together. Seth wished as he slept.

Graduation day had finally come. They would now be leaving their high school life behind. Seth had gotten so many thanks from Mr. Donalds for helping Leon not only get his grades up, but even graduate. He seriously thought that he wouldn't see the day. Yet, it had happened and it was all thanks to Seth. Of course Seth told the teacher it was nothing. He had other reason for what had changed Leon, but of course. He wouldn't say it out loud.

The ceremony had gone smoothly. Seth held his diploma in his hands excited to what the future would hold. However, he knew that there was something else that he wanted to tell Leon besides congratulating him. It took a while to find him, but when he did, he couldn't help but smile about how much Leon had changed from when he first met him to now. Seth walked over to Leon and congratulated him. Leon kept a straight face as he spoke.

"Thank you." Leon replied. Seth smiled back at the teen. "Seth. There is something I want to talk to you about. Let's find somewhere more private." Seth confused nodded. He followed Leon which led them by the gym. The place they have met the first time when Seth was given' the duty to watch over the older teenager.