Chapter 29

"So what is that you want to talk about?" Seth questioned Leon.

"Seth, there is something that I wanted to talk to you about."

"I also wanted to talk to you as well." Leon went quiet. Seth took that as okay to speak. "I want us to live together…"

"I want us to break up." Seth had to stop and think of what he just heard. Did he hear right?" "What did you say?" Seth questioned the older teen. Leon sighed.

"I want us to break up." Leon repeated the sentence again. Seth's eyes were wide in shock. "W…Why… would…you want...too?" Seth questioned. His eyes still wide and his mouth in forced smile.

"You didn't think that we were going to continue this sort of relationship outside of high school did you. "But…I thought you…"

"What? You thought I was serious. I'm a teenager. I want to fuck. You were the best thing that came along because we could screw as much as we wanted to without any types of consequences." "So…I was just a …something to release your frustrations…..a fuck…" Tears started to build in Seth's eyes. His voice started to choke.

"I never had plan's for this thing we had to go this far. I planned on stopping it after we graduated anyway."

"But…Leon…I really love you." Seth's tears started to fall down his face. He tried to rub his eyes. Leon scratch his head.

"You are supposed to be smart. What you feel for me is lust not love. You being a male as well understand that you had urges to take care of. That's all we did, was take care of each other. Now that we are going into the real world we need to stop this." Leon sighed as he looked at Seth who was trying his best not to burst out crying. "That's all I wanted to say." He turned and walked away. Seth called out to Leon a couple times before falling to his knees and bursting out in tears. "I really love you. It's not lust. I really love you Leon." Seth cried out.

Seth didn't remember how he got home. He tried is best to cover the tears and the heartache he now had due to the sudden break up. Even though everyone else around him were celebrating him graduating from high school and how he will go on doing wonderful things. He felt like an empty shell just walking around. The food he ate at the restaurant his parents had reserved for him and his family had no taste. He would act like nothing had happened. He smiled and laughed even though he didn't want anything to do with any of these people. He just wanted to go back home. He wanted to crawl into a ball. He wanted to know why this had happened. Why did this happen even though they were getting along so well. What was the reason that Leon had asked for the break up. He wanted to burst out in tears. He wanted to get rid of this pain. He wanted to forget all the months that he had been with Leon. He wanted to forget the love he had for the teenager.

Seth walked up the stairs of his home and into his room. He shut the door leaning against it. Sobs started to come out. He couldn't hold it in anymore. The tears just poured out. He wiped his eyes and took off his cap and gown, setting them on his table and chair. He made his way over to his bed, curling into a ball and cried more into this arms. He wanted to forget everything. Forget it all. The tears soon died down and Seth was in a deep slumber.

The sound of the alarm awoke Seth from his sleep. He sat up and felt a stray tear fall down his face. He wiped it away thinking nothing of it. He rolled out of bed scratching his head as he stood up. He stumbled his way to the bathroom, relieving himself and then picking up a toothbrush. After applying toothpaste and begun brushing his teeth. After spitting out the paste and rinsing his mouth. Seth looked up at his reflections in the mirror. He was no longer seventeen anymore. Twenty years had passed since that day. He was now thirty seven years old. He wiped his face that the tear had come down. It had been so long since he last dreamed of his first love. Of course, he never saw that teen again after the break up. Thinking of the past was the last thing that he needed to think about. Seth made his way out of the bathroom and began to get dressed. He stumbled around his messy apartment looking for clean clothes that were just tossed to the side. He didn't have enough time to be taking care of house choirs, and if they were done, it was always half fast. Finding a black pair of pants that didn't look too wrinkled and a white shirt that smelt like it was clean was his final choice. He put on the clothes along with his socks and shoes. The man grabbed a long white coat putting it on. He reached for a briefcase and keys then soon made his way out of the apartment locking it behind him.

"Dr. Rice. I hope you had a good night last night." A nurse spoke up when she saw Seth walk in the room. Seth looked at the young woman that was standing on the other side of the desk. She was short with brown eyes and hair. Her hair was up in a bun. She was one of the many nurses that were slim. "Yeah, I heard you had some issues with some drunk last night." Another joined the conversation. She had short blonde hair and wore glasses. She was a bit thinker than the other nurse that had spoken to him.