Chapter 31

He walked to their medicine cabinet in their storage room. He had to leave that room.

Why did he have to come here of all places. Seth thought to himself. If he actually looked at the information that the nurse handed to him, he may have not been shocked by the sudden reunion. Once he found out who the man was, Seth's heart started to race. He thought he had gotten over that man. Maybe having that dream had stirred up emotions he had locked away. Once they broke up on the day of graduation. He tried his best to forget Leon. He was able to get into one of the top Colleges for medicine. It wasn't the same school his father went to, but it was still one of the bests. He was able to get his master degree in medicine. He was thinking it would be best to work in a hospital. However, several were not hiring at the time and he ended up working in the ER. He had no complaints. Everyone that he worked with was really nice. He may have some issues with some of the patients that come in, but that is not something that he really had any problem with so far. He knew it would've been better to have the same patients see you all the time. Yet, this job brought some joy in by allowing him to take care of many different people with different issues. However, he never thought that he would run into Leon of all people here. No matter what, he wanted to get rid of the guy. He didn't want anything to do with him after what had happened in the past. Seth knew that he shouldn't treat Leon like that. Yet, he thinks his heart won't be able to stand it if that man was around him. He would stitch the guy up and have him leave. To Leon, all he was, was someone that he could screw with no consequences. He even introduced him as his classmate to that girl. Seth could tell that Leon was already over him. The woman that was with him was probably his girlfriend. The way that she kept clinging onto him and calling him "baby". No don't think about it. Just do your job. This is just another drunk that got into another fight. You are just taking care of him. Seth repeated those words in his head. Take care of him and that would be the last time he would have to see Leon again. Seth took in sever deep breathes letting them out slowly. He tried to pace his racing heart. Once he felt he was in control again. He grabbed the item he needed and headed back to room 5. A knock was heard on the door, and a

"Come in," was heard in response. The door opened to reveal Seth on the other side.

"Okay, I got what I needed. So let's begin." Seth said as he entered the room and began the process.

"Tell me when your hand has gone numb." Leon nodded.

"Oh poor baby. Getting stitches." The girl whined. She held onto Leon's arm that wasn't being work on pushing her boobs against it.

"But won't it look cool." Leon smirked at the girl. He turned his head to face Seth. "Hey doc, my hand has gone numb."

"Okay. Then let's being." Seth grabbed a clean needle and thread. He scooted his chair over to Leon. Grabbing the other man's hand, Seth started working sewing the gashes closed. It was quiet except for the small outburst from the woman in the room.

"I can't believe you really became a doctor." Leon spoke breaking the silence.

"Why would you think that?" Seth questioned not taking his eyes off of the hand he was working on. "I don't know why. I just figured you would do something else."

"I told you that I was going to be a doctor." Seth said and he cut the string on the needle and tied it off.

"Move your hand this way." Seth turned Leon's hand and started to work on another injury.

"I'm in a band." Leon voice full of pride as he spoke.

"Oh really." Seth didn't care for the conversation. He didn't care what the man was doing. He actually wished he never saw him.

"I see you have a ring. Are you married?" Seth stopped for a moment then continued.



"Yes, three." Seth cut the thread and tied one more knot. "There you go." Leon tried to bend his hand. "I wouldn't do that until it's fully healed. With the anesthesia, you can't feel your hand and you can actually rip out the stitches I just put in." Seth explained to the other man. "How long will the stitches have to be in?" Leon questioned.

"I would say three week. As long as you take care of it." Seth spoke as he put some alcohol on the wound removing any bacteria. "Soon you would feel the pain coming to your hand, so I'm going to subscribe you some medication to take." Seth wrote down information on a paper and gave it to Leon. "You can go to your local doctor and they can remove the stitches for you. You won't have to come back here." Seth explained to Leon.

"I actually don't have a doctor that I frequent." Seth looked at Leon for the first time since he came inside the room.

"Then if you want. You can come here and we will remove the stitches. Give it about three weeks to heal. As long as the wound is healed properly, we can then remove the stitches." "No prob doc." Leon said with a grin.

"Darling, do you feel okay." Leon looked over at the woman that was still hanging on him and grinned. "I'm really tough. You don't have to worry about anything." He grinned. The woman smiled and squeezed her breast against him arm.

"Now that we are done. I will excuse myself." Seth spoke as he stood up from the stool. He made his way over to the door and made his exit. He didn't want to stay in the room any longer watching how affectionate the woman was being to Leon. He also missed the expression on Leon's face when he left the room