Chapter 32

It was another slow night. There were a few patients that had come to the ER, but not too many. Seth was actually getting bored, but knew that this slow pace wouldn't last long. S,o he knew to use it wisely. With him working on patients and not allowing his mind to wonder was one of the best things he could do. He didn't want to think about Leon. He actually lost track how long ago since they had last seen each other. Three maybe four weeks. He did tell Leon to see someone to remove the stitches. Of course, he wasn't trying to tell the other man to come see him or anything. Not like that would be something that Leon would do anyway. Seth let out a sigh. He really needed to get that guy off his mind. There was no point thinking about him. It was over. It was just by chance that they met. It won't happen again.

Seth stood up from the stool and looked at the patient in front of him. It was an elderly woman that was coughing due to small sickness. It wasn't something to be worried about.

"I want to subscribe you this medication. Follow the instructions. It will help you get better. But I would like you to see your doctor tomorrow morning just in case. Since he knows your medical history." The older woman nodded as she took the small paper from the doctor.

"Thank you so much. I will." The old woman spoke between coughs. Seth said goodbye and left the room.

Walking over to the nurse's desk, Seth questioned if there was any other patients that he would need to see today.

"Oh yes. There is another one that just came in. They have been moved to room 7." Seth nodded. He grabbed the clipboard and was surprised by the name that he saw on it. Seth sighed as he made his way over to the room his new patient was waiting in.

"Yo." Seth nodded at the man in front of him.

"So what are you doing here, especially this late?" Seth questioned,

"It's been three weeks. I wanted to get my stitches out." Leon spoke as he showed off his hand. Seth right away could tell that it had healed pretty well.

"And you had to wait until this late to get it done. You could've gotten it done a lot earlier." Leon's smirk disappeared.

"I wanted to see you again." Seth felt his heart jump. He tried to tell himself that it wasn't what the man meant.

"Why?" Seth questioned.

"I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to see my show." Leon's grin showed back on his face. "Why don't you take that girl? It looks like she's really into you." Seth sat down on the stool. He grabbed a pair of scissors and tweezers.

"Ah, her. Yeah. I don't feel like taking her this time." Leon replied not sounding to fond of the idea. "Let me see your hand." Leon extended his hand out. Seth used the small scissors to start cutting the thread. He used a set of tweezers to get the small pieces that were cut out of the newly closed flesh. "Why not. I don't understand why you would want to take an old classmate over a cute woman like that."

"She's not my girl or anything. She is just someone I screw around with some time." Leon laughed.

So he is still like that. Seth thought to himself.

"Enough of that. Would you come to by gig?"

"I'm busy." Seth replied.

"I didn't even tell you when it was." Leon almost grunted as he spoke.

"No matter what day or night it is. I'm always busy. I'm on call. So I'm not like you at all. I don't have as much free time as you do." Seth cleaned up the wound. He could tell that Leon took really good care of his hand the last three weeks. "You did a good job on not opening the wound."

"You told me to take care of it, so I did." Leon smirked. "Plus I'm glad that shit is out because it sucked not able to play the bass." "Well that's good. Now you can play in your band again." Seth spoke as he stood up. He had nothing else to talk about with the other man. He wanted to leave now. "Well. You have a good day." Seth started to walk towards the door.

"Seth." Leon whispered. The younger man stopped in his tracks. He was so close from opening the door and leaving. Yet, that one word. His name, stopped him in his tracks. Leon had gotten up from where he sat and made his way over to Seth. He held out his hand that had a paper stub in it. Leon tucked the paper in Seth's pocket on his white coat. "Just try to make it." Lean spoke softly. "I would be ecstatic if you came to watch me play."

Seth fell backwards onto his couch. He was exhausted from the long day he had. Not long after Leon left, the ER got busy due to a car crash that had happened on the highway. Along with the normal drunks that were in bar fights. He wanted to just to go sleep. He stuck his hands in the pocket of the white coat and felt something. He pulled it out and noticed it was a ticket stub.

Did Leon stick this in my coat? Seth questioned himself. He didn't even notice. He looked at the name on the ticket. It read,

The Zorah band is playing at 8:30pm on Friday July 23 at Jarry's Bar

Seth sighed and sat up. It was for next week. He threw the item on the small table next to the couch and laid his head back down. He didn't want to have anything to do with that man. For him to come back into his life and at this time no doubt. It almost feels like fate. A small smile crept onto his face and then he burst out laughing. He was so stupid to think something like that. Not after what he had gone through. He had to remember what Leon said to him back then.

You were someone I could fuck without any consequences.

"That's right. I was just someone that he could let his urges go free without having to worry about getting into any type of trouble." Seth put his hands over his eyes. "But yet these feelings that I worked so hard to get rid of are coming back." Seth wanted so bad to cry but kept it in. Maybe this would be the best time to actually have a proper closing. He thought. Seth stood up and headed towards the bathroom. He wanted to take a shower and go to bed. Leon was the last person he wanted to think about right now.