Chapter 33

Standing outside of Jarry's Bar, Seth debated whether he should go in or not. It was 8:23pm. Leon's band would start soon. However, Seth had mixed feelings. He kept telling himself that if he goes in, they can have a proper closing and the feelings that he was gaining again can finally go away. Finally taking in a breath and letting it out slowly. Seth gathered his courage and walked into the bar.

He was met with the smell of tobacco and strong liquor. He walked over to the bar and ordered a drink for himself. The bartender gave him his glass and Seth turned to head towards a table. The dance floor was packed with people dancing to the music that was playing. He was surprised at how many people were here. Seth looked down at his watch, it read 8:28pm. Any minute the band would show up. Right when Seth lift up his head, he saw several men walk onto the stage. One he recognized right away. He thought that Leon looked out of place, but when he was with the other bandmates, he fit in perfectly.

"How is everyone doing today?" The vocalist yelled out into the mike. Several women started to scream while some men yelled out actually answering the question. "Are you fuckers ready to Rock?" The screaming was as loud as it was before. "Alright! Let's start this fucker!" The man yelled. The sounds of the guitar and bass were heard. Many of the woman started to squeal as the vocalist started singing. The band members were getting into it as well. Seth didn't care much for this type of music, but watching Leon made it worth it. Leon noticed Seth and grinned. Seth lifted up his glass as a cheer. Leon continued to play the bass and sometimes singing along as backup to some of the song.

During the song. Seth noticed something that Leon would do. Even while playing his guitar he would flirt with the girls. They enjoyed it as well. Seth could tell he was really popular with the girls. Seth finished his drink. He couldn't stay there much longer. He came, but it was too much for him. The feelings he thought would go away were growing greater than they were before. He had to leave. Seth got up and started his way to the exit. The song ended when Seth made it to the bar due to it being crowded.

"Thank you everyone for coming!" The main man yelled out. Seth turned to see several women rush up to Leon touching him and he had the grin Seth was so used to seeing. He had to get out of there now. Seth turned for the door and walked out of the building. Leon had noticed Seth over at the bar and tried to squeeze himself through all the women that were crowding him.

"Seth!" Leon tried to call out to the man. The music from the DJ was blaring through the speakers covered his voice. Finally able to make it to the door, he opened it hoping to find Seth standing outside. However, when he walked outside there was no sign of Seth at all. "Tch" Leon clicked his tongue.

"Leon! What are you doing outside? Come back inside!" A girl begged as she grabbed his arm trying to pull him back inside the bar. Leon looked around one more time to make sure that he didn't miss Seth, couldn't see him. He turned to the girl and flashed his famous grin.

"Don't worry, I'm coming back in." The girl smiled as she walked with Leon back inside the bar.