Chapter 39

The sound of the doorbell and banging on the door woke up Leon. He looked over at Seth who was snuggled in his chest. He could hear the door being banged on and it was getting on his nerves. He looked over at the clock. 7:48 Am. The doorbell went off several times and Leon was fed up. He moved Seth off his chest and got out of bed. He looked for his boxers thinking he would just tell whoever was what the door to piss off and then go back to bed. As we walked over to the door the banging got louder. He reached for the locks to unlock them. Opening the door, he was suddenly hit by a woman yelling at him.

"About time you…Who are you?" The woman yelled but then was confused by the person standing in front of her.

"You're fucking noisy. Do you even know what time it is?" Leon yawned as he scratched his head. "I don't know who you are, but where is Seth?" Leon leaned against the door frame looking at the woman. She was quite attractive. However, he didn't care right now. He was tired and wanted to get back to bed.

"He's sleeping." He answered.

"Well, tell him that something came up and he has to watch the kids this weekend too."

"Kids?" Leon spoke out. He then realized who he was speaking to. "You're Seth's ex right." Mary looked up at Leon. "I don't discuss my personal life with someone I don't know.

"But yet you're going to leave your kids here with a man you don't even know?" She glared at the man. "Listen, I don't have time to argue with you. The kids are staying with their father and that's it." She ushered the kids in front of her and pushed them inside the apartment forcing Leon away from the doorway. "I will call Seth later." She looked at her kids. "Love you, and Michael watch your brother and sister make sure nothing happens okay." She sneered at Leon before kissing her kid's on the forehead and walked out the apartment. Leon looked outside the apartment and watched the woman disappear. He closed the door to the apartment. He locked the doors and turned around to be cornered by the kids.

"Where is our father?" Michael asked. Leon rubbed his head and pushed himself through the kids. "He's sleeping and that's what I'm going to do. Find something to do, and don't disturb us." Leon walked towards the bedroom as he talked. He closed the door behind him. He hoped that the kids didn't bother him. He wanted to sleep. Leon walked over to the bed and noticed that Seth had moved his position. He was on his side in a fetal position. Leon couldn't help but grin. Leon crawled into bed and grabbed Seth laying his head on the older man's chest. Seth stretched out his arm over Leon's chest trying to get comfortable. Leon closed his eyes allowing sleep to take him over.

Leon woke up to someone shaking him. He tried to ignore it but the shaking and whining he heard made him open his eyes.

"I'm hungry." Sarah hovered over Leon as she was shaking him. Leon looked up and saw the oldest in the room as well.

"We want to eat." Michael spoke out to the older man. Leon sat up making Seth roll off his chest. Seth slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and looked around.

"What is going on?" He scratched his head and yawned. "Leon, your being noisy. I want to sleep." He took the covers and used them to cover his head as he went back to sleep. Leon watched the entire scene and couldn't help but laugh

"Daddy!!" A whine was heard.

"Leon, I'm not interesting in that kind of pla-" Seth shot up in bed. He looked over at Leon and then passed him. His daughter and oldest son was in his room. "What are you guy's doing here?" Seth questioned.

"Your old lady dropped them off saying you had to take care of them this weekend.

"Wha…But this weekend I didn't…" Seth mumbled to himself.

"Mom wanted to go on a vacation with John. He sprung it on her, and now we are here." Michael told his father. Seth couldn't believe this. How could she just drop off the kids at his place without even asking him what his plans were? And even worse.

"Daddy. What is that stuff on your chest?" Seth looked down his body and turned beat red. "Michael take your sister and get out!

"But daddy! We don't want to go." Michael grabbed his sister's hand.

"We just have to leave the room, not the apartment." Michael spoke as he dragged his sister out the room and shut the door.

"What the hell. Your old woman is a bitch." Leon rubbed his head.


"What was that?" Leon questioned. Seth was mumbling something under his breath. He then pulled his legs up crossing them. He held his head against his knees with his hands.

"They saw." Seth finally spoke up louder for Leon to hear. "I didn't know they would come. This was my weekend without my kids. Leon stretched his limbs and leaned against the wall with his hands behind his head.

"Yeah, it kinds sucks. I was planning on fucking you till you couldn't get up. Guess that is out of the

question." Seth turned and looked at Leon.

"You think this is funny? If they tell my wife-"

"Ex-wife." Leon interrupted Seth. Seth just furrowed his brow as he continued.

"If they tell her that I'm sleeping with a man, I may lose parental rights over my kids."

"It shouldn't matter who you're sleeping with. As long as you can support them and you have a place to stay, that is all you need." Leon spoke out. "Trust me I know." Seth remembered Leon saying something about his parents split up. Seth couldn't help but sigh. He couldn't believe that he was in this situation. Staring at the ceiling calmed him down a bit. The only thing he could do now is continue with life. First, make some food for his kids. Seth started to crawl off the bed when Leon reached out and caught him. He pulled him against his chest while leaning against the wall. "Leon." Seth spoke out in shock.