Chapter 40

"Listen. Don't freak out about that. I will know that everything would work out just fine. Okay." He kissed Seth and then let him go. Seth looked down and then back up at Leon. "I really hope that you are right." Seth spoke quietly. Leon just smirked.

"I know it will be fine." Seth sat on his legs letting thoughts go through his head before nodding. "But you know." Leon say up and started to trace his finger down Seth's spine and down to his ass. "I really want to fuck you right now.

"We can Ahnnn." Seth felt a finger being pushed inside him. "Leon…We can't right now…Please. Once my kids are gone…"

"I can have my way after that?" Seth nodded. Leon pulled out his finger. "I think you should take a shower before my cum comes out of you." Seth could feel the semen slide down his leg. Leon had opened his body. He got up off the bed and grabbed some clothes and headed to the master bathroom. Leon could hear the shower turn on. He couldn't help but smirk. He liked to tease Seth. He was too cute. Leon got up out of the bed and stretched his limbs again. He cracked his neck moving it from side to side. He looked down at his own body and felt the stickiness. The semen that had been on his body was rubbed in. He needed to take a shower too. He made his way into the bathroom. "Hey what are you-" Seth tried to protest. It went quiet except for the sounds of the water fall onto the ground.

Leon ate the food that was placed in front of him. The kids ate in silence. Seth was making the food. It was pancakes. The kids loved them, especially the chocolate chip's pancakes. Leon hasn't had pancakes in a long time. He took his time savoring the taste of them. "So are you dad's new lover?" Michael questioned.

"Wha!" Seth was shocked by his son's straightforward question. Leon took a bite of his food before speaking.

"And would you have an issue if I was?"

"What!" Seth yelled. "You can't say that." Leon looked over at Seth.

"This kid is smart, and you acting like that gives it away." Leon spoke as he took another bite.

"Yeah dad. It kind a does. Also, it's not normal for two men sleeping in the same bed, let alone naked." Michael spoke as he took a bite of his own food.

"I…He wasn't naked." Seth started to speak. "He was wearing clothes." Michael glanced over to his dad then took a drink. He put the glass down.

"Only reason he was wearing boxers was because he had to answer the door. If you have to get out of bed for a reason like that, of course you would put on some kind of clothes. Unless you want to be called a pervert." Leon couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"I really like this kid." Leon said as he calmed down from laughing. Seth didn't know what to say. He knew that his son was too smart, and something like this couldn't be easily covered up. "There is one thing I want to say." Michael put down his fork on his empty plate.

"Oh and what is that?" Leon asked. Michael's eyes started right into Leon's green eyes.

"I don't care if my dad is interested in guys. I don't understand all that, but if you want to be with my father you have to promise one thing."


"You will not make my father cry." His eyes burned into Leon's

"Wow, talking about passion for your father. You seem like the father giving away his daughter." Leon laughed.

"I'm being serious." Leon stopped laughing. He cleared his throat and looked straight into Michael's brown eyes.

"I have no plan's making your father cry." Michael stared at him for a few more moment. He took the glass and drank the rest of the liquid setting it down.

"If mother asks, I will tell her that you were helping out a friend."

"So, you're not going to tell your mother about your father and me?" Leon questioned.

"She has her own life, and my father has his. So, unless you want to tell her, I won't say anything." Leon leaned back in his chair.

"Yeah, you won't but what about them?" His hand was palm up when he point at the other two kids who were scarfing their food down.

"They won't either, don't worry about that." Leon burst into laughter again.

"Man Seth. You have some interesting kids." Seth sat down with his own food.

"Yeah. I do." He was surprised that his oldest didn't discriminate against him once he found that he was with Leon. He had raised a pretty good child.