Chapter 42

After washing up. Both men made their way into the living room. Leon plopped down on the couch and Seth made his way over to the kitchen.

"You want something to drink?" Seth questioned.

"Beer." Leon replied. Why was Seth not surprised He swore that that man only drank beer and nothing else. Returning back to the living room. He sat his own drink down on a coaster on the table and handed Leon his beer. Sitting down, he heard the sound of the can being opening and gulped down. "Ah! That is so good." Leon spoke with a satisfied look on his face.

"Well glad you like it." Seth replied. Not like he was the one that made the beer or anything. Yet, to see the man he loved happy made himself happy. "So did you find anything good to watch on TV? Seth questioned.

"Not really. I was just skimming through right now." Seth leaned his head on Leon's shoulder. Leon moved his arm and allowed Seth to scoot closer to him. He settled his head on Leon's chest. The sound of the man's breathing and heartbeat could be head clearly. "So. It's been a while. But how have you and that old lady of yours doing?" Seth sighed. "She has already set for the wedding with the new man."

"That was pretty fast. How are you dealing with it?" Leon questioned. Seth was unsure himself. He should've been pissed about her marrying a man as soon as he received the divorce papers. However, he understood that she was not happy with him. In reality. He was the same. He loved her, or at least thought he did. He wanted to get over his lost love, but just couldn't. She may have pick up on it while they were together. What he understood. The man she was marrying was the man she had been seeing while the two of them were together. Even after finding out about the affair. He didn't do much. To him, there was no reason to fight for her. That was something that she probably wanted him to do and was upset that he didn't. He may have been the real asshole in the relationship that she was cheating on him. Seth only wanted her to be happy. He knew that he was not the one to do it.

"I have no issue with her marrying that man. I tried to love her, but it just didn't work out." Seth finally spoke. He sat up and looked into Leon's eyes. "There was someone else that I had loved over the past several years. Someone that I couldn't forget." Seth looked down as he continued to speak. "I tried to love her. But I just couldn't." Seth leaned back on the couch and stared at the TV screen not paying attention to what was going on.

"So how did the two of you meet?" Leon questioned. Seth stayed quiet for a moment before answering.

"I met her in college." Seth leaned against Leon as a use for comfort. "She talked to me during class and we slowly began to become closer. The friends we were around were also pushing us into getting together. We really didn't mind it. I thought that if I went out with her I would possibly be able to forget about what happened in graduation. Thinking I could finally move on. So I accepted her and we started to go out. I felt like I was in love. However, I soon realized that it wasn't the same at all. However, I tried my best. We had three kids, which I love dearly. I did everything to make sure that she was happy. Yet, what I neglected to see was that she was nowhere near that. It wasn't long after Sarah was born that she started to cheat on me. It was with different men. I turned a blind eye to it. I was thinking it was due to the fact that I was working so much I wasn't able to give her the intimacy that she was looking for. Which now I know, was the wrong thing to do. I should have paid more attention to her as she cried out silently about being alone."

"It's really not your fault. This would've happened if you did something or not." Leon spoke. "The two of your just didn't belong with each other. That's all." Seth sighed. There was a reason the two didn't belong to each other, because his heart was somewhere else. "Even though you went through all of that, you were never happy."

"I tried." Seth spoke quietly. "I just wonder why I went down that path. Especially meeting you after so long." Seth looked up at Leon. "What was the whole reason of leaving each that day if we were just going to get back together?" Leon stayed quiet. He moved his eyes away and spoke.

"It's not something that I am proud about. I can you tell much." He turned to look at Seth. "But I don't regret being with you now. If I could. I would redo what had happened in our school days." Seth blushed. He wished that they never broke up, but at the same time. He wouldn't have the three wonderful kids he loved so much. Even though they went the long route to be with each other. The fact that they are back together was all that he cared about. Seth leaned in and placed one of his hands on Leon's chest.

"I am glad that we are back together. Leon covered the hand on his chest with his own. "So am I."