Chapter 43

The day was like the rest. Seth was walking around in the ER waiting for someone to call him. It's been really slow this night. He couldn't wait for the weekend. Leon was going to come over again. He couldn't believe that it's already been three months since the two have been together. Each day he would fall deeper in love. They would still text and talk on the phone, but when they were together.

They would make sweet love and cuddle. Life was a dream right now. He didn't feel sad when his ex-wife married her new man. He was even sent a picture from the event. She didn't do it to be push it in his face, he knew that. He was generously happy for her. He remembered smiling at the photo of the two. He wished them happy.

Seth was deep in thought that he didn't even notice that he had made his way over to the nurse's station. It wasn't bad. He liked talking with the girls. Sometimes they had some really interesting conversations. He just wasn't aware of the conversation that he was walking in on. "Are you kidding?" One nurse spoke out in complete shock from what she had heard.

"No, it's true." The other girl responded trying to tell the blonde woman that everything she spoke of was fact.

"What are you girl's gossiping about now. Shouldn't you be working?" Seth joked."You know him Seth." The burnet girl spoke out.

"Who are you talking about?" Seth was confused.

"It's that guy that plays in the band. Leon!" Seth could feel his body getting hot just by his name being called out. A smile appeared on his lips.

"What about him? You planning on going to one of his shows? I didn't think you liked that kind of music." He laughed.

"Well, yes, the music is actually one of my favorite types." The burnet replied. "But that is not the only thing though."

"What else is there?" He questioned. The girl turned a shade of pink. Seth knew what was happening. He never expected her to have a crush on Leon. He couldn't help but smirk to himself. Sorry, he's mine.

"I don't think I trust him around other girls." She spoke up. Seth was confused why she was bringing something like that up.

"We are dating, but he still hit's on other girl's and I'm wondering if he's cheating on me." Seth froze. Did he hear right.

"Ashley." Seth spoke out to the burnet. "What did you say?" She looked up at Seth and repeated what she said.

"I think my boyfriend is cheating. He says he's not and that I'm just being paranoid."

"You're dating Leon." Seth spoke the words slowly. He felt his throat dry up and almost choke on the next word. "When?" Ashely looked up at Seth and smiled.

"It's been about a month and a half I believe. When he came here one day to pick you up he asked me out to dinner. I couldn't help but say yes to him." Ashely covered her face that was burning red. "Oh my God! I'm getting really embarrassed." Seth couldn't believe what he had just heard. Leon that was supposed to be his, yet he was dating the girl that stood in front of him. What's worse was that she thought Leon was cheating on her with other women. Seth couldn't be mad at her. Leon was the one that asked her out to dinner. He couldn't out himself and say that she was having an affair with his boyfriend. "Seth, are you okay?" Ashely asked.

"Yeah you don't look good." The blonde spoke. Seth looked at both of the girls. He could feel his heart being squeezed. It was getting hard to breath. He needed somewhere to relax.

"It's nothing. I was just thinking that if that was true, then that would make your boyfriend a jerk." Her boyfriend. Doesn't he belong to me? Seth thought to himself. Calling Leon someone else's lover was something he couldn't stomach. He had to get away from the girls before he said something he would regret. "I just remembered that there was something I was needing to work on. I'm going to leave you ladies here. Don't gossip too much about this okay." Seth smiled at the girls. He left the girls to talk among themselves. The smile disappeared from his face and his eyes started to tear up. Leon was cheating on him and with a woman.

The night dragged on longer than it needed to after the conversation with the girls. He had a hard time concentrating on what he was asked to do. He ended up making many mistakes at work that he wouldn't normally. Seth knew that there was something wrong with him. The words that he tried his best to ignore were floating around and around in his head. They wouldn't go away. Seth no longer knew what to think anymore. Ashely and Leon had been dating for over a month. He had been Leon for three. So was there other people that Leon was seeing? What was the reason for Leon to even say those things to him if all he was going to do was mess around with other people? Did he even want to be in this relationship? Or was it going to be just like High School all over again? Once Leon get tired, he will quit the relationship again? Tears fell from the man's eyes. He was sitting on his couch while thinking of all of these questions that were possibly never going to be answered. He was mad at Leon for what he had done, but mad at himself for falling in the same trap he did before. He truly loved Leon. He wants to be with Leon. Yet, Leon doesn't feel the exact same. Seth laid down on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. Will the feelings that were unburied due to Leon coming back into his life be able to be buried again? Or would he suffer like he did before. Touching his chest, he felt his heart being squeezed. He couldn't do this. He had to end this relationship before it completely destroys him.