Chapter 67 Stronger weapons

Elwin frowned. "It seems like I can't underestimate you, Hax. I now understand why the king surround himself with norms."

"How did you know this, H—Hax?"

"I have scouts all over to inform me if any group of cultivators are about to reinforce the Nefarious Sword. Who knows that instead of reinforcement, a hostile army the size of four theaters comes with obvious intention.

Elwin sighed. "I can't let them take the Boiling Volcano. They will suck dry the spiritual source and it will be gone forever. If you help us, I promise we will give you a city or two as compensation.

The messenger burst into laughter. "Promises are merely words. So does insult and praise. What my army needs is resources. I want every metal, herbs, and other things that is not essential for you. I also want you to announce to the entire Avatar Kingdom that you will not regards every member of the rebellion army with lower status."