Chapter 68 Cultures

Hax and the army arrived at Barmwich. The norms welcomed them with fireworks, smiles, and open arms, but the dejected look of the soldiers turned them down.

What happened? Did we lose?

The norms started asking and soon the news spread.

The sect master came and Hax retreated?

All kinds of discussion ensued afterwards. Talks about doubting the rebellion strength, Hax betraying the norms, Hax brainwashed by the cultivators, and many other things. Some people started to consider leaving the army.

We have a hundred thousand troops! Why do we retreat?

The norms started to insult Hax under their breath. They didn't dare to talk about it openly.

Hax noticed their gaze. He could only scoff at them. Reputation was a fragile thing indeed. It was beautiful but fragile. Easy to break. Easy to ruin. Like an egg at the edge of the cliff. A gust of wind. Then.


Yesterday they praised and worshiped him. Now they scorned and hated him.