Chapter 73 Daily Occurence

Bodin entered the warehouse along with two Prime Guards following him from behind. People in the warehouse noticed him and saluted.

He nodded to them. He wasn't used to it, but it came with the status of being the highest administrator in the army. His task was to ensure that the army run smoothly. And because the army consumed a high amount of resources, his number one priority was getting more gold coins and materials.

For now, the army only had two companies: Hax Food Center and Hax Weapon Center. He considered making more companies to increase the resources. The army never had enough after all. No matter how much he dumped into it, it would never be enough.

The next company he planned was Hax Trading Center. The idea was to help other merchants sell their products to other kingdoms. Currently, only the rebel army could do this with the most efficiency because of how many wagons, carriages, and manpower they had.