Chapter 74 New Foundings

Adam lifted a plate of colorful dust in the backyard of his lab. He didn't know what a lab was, but basically, it was just a building with all the tools that he might need to test the effect and find out the property of the materials. At least, that was what Hax told him.

The dust on the plate that he held right now was called magic dust. They were made by pounding a spiritual crystal with a hammer. A spiritual crystal was blue, but when it turned into dust, it became colorful instead.

Adam didn't know why this was the case. He had destroyed around five spiritual crystals already. Bodin ignored his request to ask more. Well, the spiritual crystal was known to be almost unobtainable by the norms, so Bodin couldn't give it away like grass.

Now he was confused about what to do with the dust. Maybe shooting it will do something.

Adam grabbed a pistol and stepped back a few steps. He fired.

The plate broke and the dust flew everywhere. But that was all. Nothing else.