Chapter 75 They Need Each Other

Hax stared at the Prime Gear blueprint inside the workshop.

He wanted to add something to increase its parameter, but it was really hard to do since he didn't have sufficient knowledge. He had to study it longer to comprehend its concept.

"Hax!" Ratha stormed inside the workshop. Her bell clanged as she entered.

The noise made Hax sigh as he turned to her. "What?"

The girl blinked as she pointed toward the door. "Adam is acting weird. He lay on the ground and then started licking the grass. May—maybe he's sick."

"Hax!" Adam stormed inside the workshop too. "I found something amazing. The cryst—"

"HAX!" Nesterin and Goras pushed Adam to the side. "It's bad."

Adam stood up. "Hax! The spiritual crystal ca—"

Goras shut his mouth with a cloth. "Hax, there's some—"

Adam pushed him aside. "Me first! This is important. Hax, we need more cry—"

Nesterin kicked his stomach. "Ignore him first. Listen to me! This is important."