Chapter 78 Can You Make Them Happy?

Ratha ran around the neighborhood with tears in her eyes. She couldn't find Bubble. She had searched for a while now, lifting any stone or planks she could find.

She didn't want Bubble to be left behind. She had to find him.

"Bubble!" Ratha shook her bell. She caught the shadow of a cat entering an alley. "Bubble?"

She chased and saw the cat enter a small hole. She wasn't sure if that was Bubble, so she ran towards the hole.

"Bubble? Is that you?" She received no answer. Bubble wasn't very talkative. He loves to sleep in a small room while hugging her. But Ratha didn't have time to sleep as she kept thinking about how to help her dad more.

The hole was very dark. She was scared, but she deeply want to find Bubble.

With a deep breath, she entered the hole. Her hand slipped and she fell on her elbows and knees. "Ow."

She stood up and knocked the dirt away. Her arms and legs turned red from the pain. She shook her head and rang her bell. "Bubble! Where are you."