Chapter 79 Elapoter Fenyore

Bodin read the parchment while he sat in his office. It was about the status of their supplies and the numbers written on it made him sweat.

"We ran out of food," Bodin said.

The messenger stood in front of him. The man was shocked to hear that. "Then what do we do, sir?"

Bodin bit his lip. The cows, sheep, and pigs were all already eaten. Making a soup was impossible as there was no clean water available. Fruits and vegetables were out of the option too.

He felt restless, feeling like there was something that he could do to fix, he didn't know what. How could he feed the people? In this situation, the army couldn't even feed itself.

Hax entered his office.

This man. He had created countless miracles ever since he appeared. It was possible that he could fix this.

Bodin stood up. "Hax, we ran out of food."

"I know. That's why we're moving out now."