Chapter 80 Agreement

"My family owns a rich iron mine and we have traded with your army a few times."

"I see. Then if you don't mind can we talk in my carriage instead. I would like to make further cooperation with you for the future."

Elapoter's body trembled. He didn't expect he would get such a great opportunity. "It's my pleasure."

The fat man descended from his luxurious carriage. Two men in black tight suits protected him from rain with a large umbrella.

"I appreciate your approval for my request," Hax said. "If you don't mind. Can we also give this carriage to the army? After all, our cooperation would be much more valuable than this single carriage."

"Why, of course. You can have all the carriage, sir Hax." He instantly agreed the moment he heard the word 'valuable'.

The both of them walked to Hax's carriage.