Chapter 82 Infected

Hax glanced at the soldier. "Have you followed the protocol?"

"Yes, sir. The man is currently isolated and eight gunners are currently watching him."

"Take me to him."

The soldier hesitated but obeyed his order nonetheless.

They walked past a few carriages until they arrived near a crowd. They were staring at the man on the ground who was currently twitching uncontrollably with pus coming out of his foot. The soldiers and the crowd were standing twelve meters away from this man, circling him.

Hax clicked his tongue. "Tell the crowd to go away."

"Yes, sir."

The soldiers shouted to them to return to their own carriage.

Hax stared at the man, specifically at his wound.

The man raised his arm, black liquid flowed out of his mouth. "H—help m—e."

It was just like what Bodin had reported. The victim would twitch and spew out black liquid from the wound or the mouth. But how was the process of someone turning into an undead?