Chapter 83 Sylmare

The caravan slowed down as the sun started to set. Night came with dark clouds covering the sky. The soldiers descended from their carriages and set up a quick campfire.

The people weren't allowed to leave their wagon, so they simply parked near the campfire for warmth and light. Though, the distance wasn't enough to give them warmth as the cold air blew. Thankfully, the carriage gave them enough protection from the cold.

Everyone parked their carriage near the campfire. The soldiers made enough for everyone. 

They were afraid of the darkness because something might be lurking there. And they did see something move where the light didn't reach, scuttling around like mice.

Though they weren't sure if that was their mind playing with them. A while ago, five infected men had been killed. Along with them, thirteen others became the victim because they didn't tell anyone about it.