Chapter 84 Mother!

Hax stared at the map as he sat inside his carriage. It was the map of the Avatar Kingdom. It wasn't complete as his subordinates hadn't mapped the whole kingdom yet, but it showed a good chunk of nearby cities and sects. The north section of the map only showed a vast desert.

And the Nefarious Sword and many other sects were at the periphery of it. It was like they had been prepared for this long ago. This confirmed Hax's suspicion. The cultivators did know about the undead. And not only that, but they also knew how strong the enemy was and fully prepared to fight them.

The undead army was currently marching towards them with the force of millions. They came from the desert area and would swarm everything they come across. The reports had said that the undead left nothing alive. Any living thing they came across would rot and die. And they did so without even touching them,