Chapter 135 Good Work, Soldier!

"Lay out your necks for execution!" Goras charged with his men, pushing through the swarm of undead.

The battle rampaged the ground, the sky, the earth, the air, the heart, the mind.

All felt the bloodlust and fell to the temptation of madness from all the killings. Soldiers started grinning as they killed more and more undead. They thirst for more kills. For a short moment they forgot who and what they were fighting for.

For a moment they were not a soldier who defended their families' well being and dignity, but simply a crazed killer hunger for souls.

The millions undead felt these gaze upon them, and their hesitation to move forward killed thousands of their numbers even more. The bullets never stop. Bodies kept on falling. For even the death started fearing death.

Too much death bodies had taken its toll on the mental state of the soldiers. None could be calm and nonchalance in the face of such a horrible sight.