Chapter 136 Secret Cave

Torment, the undead lord that ruled the Crystal Hill was death along with his subordinates. Elwin had confirmed this.

To be honest, using ten Elite artillery shells to kill them was a mistake. The army only had fifty, now they only had forty. But it wasn't a waste. At least now they know that the army could kill a fifth-stage being. That alone was enough to satisfy the soldiers. 

After the rose of flame got blown by the wind, the army rolled back into the fort and cleaned the leftover undead. The caravan stopped inside, and the builders immediately erected tents to make camp. The army had a lot of builders who were trained to become a soldier. Hax knew he would need them for rebuilding the infrastructures that he conquered, so he recruited even more. 

As the builders built small towers around the perimeter, another huge caravan came from the south. The caravan brought more builders and supplies for the army. The soldiers welcomed them with open heart.