New Life: 1

"AHHHHHHHHH" that was me for the last who knows how long. It's kind of hard to keep track of time in a bright light. What? you thought I was going to say endless black space. Oh no see after I died my soul got caught in the suns gravitational pull and has been burning since, well at least until now, when some guy riding a chariot came to move it.

"What's that" a heavenly voice; heck who am I kidding any voice is heavenly as long as it's not me screaming. Luckily even though I didn't respond he still decides to save me, what a nice guy.

"HMMM HMMM" oh guess I should pay attention to the guy and stop getting lost in my thoughts. "Now how the heck did you end up in the sun?" I honestly don't know how to answer him, I mean after you die you're supposed to go towards the light; right?

"Ha, Ha that is the most idiotic answer I've ever heard" wait did he just read my mind, lets check *insert disturbing mental images*

Well considering he looks like he is about to kill me this seems like it was a bad idea. He zapped me. it hurt... I'm not dead? looks like he just wanted to punish me a little. yay!

"HMMM well looks like your soul is a little special, I'll give you a chance" *ZAAAAPPPP*

"Well it's been a while since I couldn't kill someone hope that kid has fun in his new lives"




"huh where am I?" wait, I can talk

I have a voice

I'm not dead

"don't worry the helmet is only disorienting for a little while" I heard someone tell me from behind while a screen pops up in front of me


In the top right of my screen there is a number 0/100 based on what I remember of this place it signifies the floors I need to complete...

wait if that's the case then if Kirito completes the game ahead of schedule will I be stuck in this world? [YES]

Well I guess I got a system that talks to me, lucky.

"Hello man are you okay?" Oh right I still haven't responded to this guy yet

"I'm okay, you're right it only lasts a minute, thanks. I'm...." wait I'm in a new world can I choose a new name? [NO ROB NAMED YOU] ROB who's that, and what's my name? [THE GUY WHO SENT YOU HERE, AND YOUR NAME IS M] Wait just M why [ROB SAID AFTER SO LONG IN THE SUN IT IS AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION] I guess this is him getting back at me.

"Uhh M..., uhh Malak"(Literally used a random name generator don't be mad)

"Cool I'm Klein" Wow he looks older than he did in the anime. Speaking of which how old am I?

Host Stats

Name: M(Malak) Gender: Male

Titles: ??????????

Height: 175cm (5"7"ft) Age: 15 (Unknown)

LV:0(Not even level 1)

STR: 10 (weak) AGI: 10 (weak)

DEX: 10 (weak) WIS: 10 (weak)

INT: 10 (weak) CHA: 10 (weak)

VIT: 10(weak)

skills: beginner scythe mastery lv 0, ???????

Evaluation: A weak child in a death game

Well that hurts, but it is helpful. One day I will make it say the strongest. JK everyone knows you can't be the strongest without going bald and I like my new hair, speaking of which I look like a young Pegasus from YuGiOh.

"Dude you need to stop spacing out, I met a beta tester that said he'll teach me a little wanna join?"

"Yeah, thanks that would be a big help" I'll get to meet Kirito one of my favorite characters, even if he is a threat to my mission. Oh well I'll just deal with it later.

"Alright follow me"

As we head over I can barely contain my excitement I'm going to meet the black swordsman and the only beater in the entire game. well I guess I am one now either that or just a plain cheater, I mean, I haven't heard of anyone that uses the scythe outside of a monster. Plus I have a system.

"That's him, M"

"Call me Malak" wait that's not Kirito it's Diavel the guy who dies to the first boss. Where's Kirito [KIRITO DOES NOT EXIST] wait, why [THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE MC OTHERWISE THE WORLD BECOMES UNBALANCED, IN THIS WORLD KIRITO DECIDED NOT TO PLAY UNTIL NEXT WEEK] and by then when everyone knows it's a death game he won't play right? [YES]

"Hey Klein who's the little guy?" Wow this guy's charisma must be really high, I just met him and I already feel like I can trust him. No wonder he was able to organize the first boss raid so well. Maybe I'll help him live this time.

"This is Malak"

"Nice to meet you Malak, I'm Diavel", "You ready to cut up some boars?"

"Yes" after that we all headed towards the beginning forest.

"So Malak why did you choose to play this game?" Diavel is apparently better at making small talk then Klein, although I was kind of lost in my thoughts either way.

"You could say it was a God's calling" there, that isn't really a lie

"Ha that's a good one" guess he doesn't believe me, oh well his loss.

After seeing the monsters it makes it really hard to believe this is just a game, especially when the threat of death is real, even if they don't know about it. Taking out my scythe I ran towards the boar "I got this one" apparently I did not. After one move I was thrown back, did I mention I don't know how to use a scythe, no, well it shows. I keep getting thrown back till I'm low on health

Wait why aren't they coming to help, the boar is charging in for the kill

I don't want to die nooooo.....


To Be Continued