'AHHHHHHH It HURTSSSS' it feels as if millions of microscopic ants are tearing me apart piece by piece after an unknown amount of time I finally open my eyes
I'm not dead
"Don't worry the helmet is only disorienting for a little while" I heard someone tell me from behind while a screen pops up in front of me
What this is the beginning.
Does that mean that I can't die? [YOU CAN DIE YOU WILL JUST RESTART. THINK RE:ZERO] well I guess that's why it said 'don't fear death, it only hurts' yeah well it hurts a lot so lets not do it again.
"Hello man are you okay?" right Klein
"I'm okay, you're right it only lasts a minute, thanks. I'm Malak" nailed it, so much better now that I know my name.
"Cool I'm Klein, I met a beta tester that said he'll teach me a little wanna join?" It's a trap I'm not going out till I can use my weapon then I'll just die and be OP at the start haha [RECOMMEND USE BEGINNERS PACKAGE] wait there's a beginners package? seeing the emotions rapidly changing on my face Klein just walks away.
Open beginners package
*beginners scythe training technique obtained*
wait that's all? [YES] that was a rhetorical question ugghh.
Well it's still helpful I now know how to train in the scythe to a usable level. Let's check my status
Host Stats
Name: M(Malak) Gender: Male
Titles: ??????????
Height: 175cm (5"7"ft) Age: 15 (Unknown)
LV:0(Not even level 1)
STR: 10 (weak) AGI: 10 (weak)
DEX: 10 (weak) WIS: 10 (weak)
INT: 10 (weak) CHA: 10 (weak)
VIT: 10 (weak)
skills: beginner scythe mastery lv 0, Re:Life
Deaths on floor: 1
Total Deaths: 1
Difficulty = 1 * Deaths on floor (Base 1/Max 10)
Evaluation: A weak child in a death game that can't die
There goes my plan to just die after I mastered the scythe. The game is hard enough as it is.
I still need to master the scythe before I go out though. I can always catch up to their levels in the later floors.
training montage start
*4-5 hour later*
wait what's going on? why am I being teleported? did I die again? [NO THIS IS THE OFFICIAL ANOUNCEMENT OF THE DEATH GAME]
This means Kayaba Akihiko? the guy I have to beat to get out of here? Lets make this a little fun.
seeing the sky bleeding is actually really creepy
"Attention Players, Welcome to my world"
"My name is Kayaba Akihiko, as of this moment I am the sole person who can control of this world"
"I'm sure you've already noticed the logout button is missing from the main menu, this is not a defect" wow this is boring, time for a joke.
"We get it you put us in a game we can't log out of, because you have a god complex and if we die here we die in real life, now can you just hurry it up man I have stuff to do." umm maybe not the best idea now everyone is looking at me in horror and I can't tell if Mr. game god himself is angry or amused.
"Yes, the short version is death is real, beat the game to get out, and if someone tries to log you out from outside you die, luckily I left a gift in your inventory. 213 people have already been erased, Happy now?" And 3 2 1 panic, a lot of screaming and running, as well as girls turning into middle aged guys. I don't judge, okay maybe a little.
finally now I can get back to training, I'm barely able to use my scythe after several hours of training. 'grrrrrrrr' well maybe after dinner. what do we have to eat [SAO PLAYERS START WITH BREAD EVERYTHING ELSE NEEDS TO BE BOUGHT OR FOUND] bread it is, also training will be on hold till I have money for food. "Then I just need to find a great chef", what can I say I'm a gormet.
"What d do you need a chef f for" huh some hooded chick just read my mind, is she a god too? [NO YOU WERE SPEAKING OUT LOUD]
"The food in this game can get really tasty if it's prepared right, why do you want to be my chef?" why do I feel like I'm taking advantage of a scared girl, must be my imagination.
"If you teach me how to play I'll be your chef for this floor" Okay I am definitely taking advantage of her
"Why me?" seriously I barely know how to play.
"Because you were the only one who stood up to Kayaba, and remained calm.
plus it was kind of cool"
"Sorry I didn't get that last part, but yeah I'll show you the ropes, I'm Malak."
"Asuna" wait this is Asuna, play it cool Malak, don't freak out.
"Nice to meet you"
"Let's start off with the basics, combat" okay I know the theory, this should work.
"Already" woah she's cute
"Don't worry, I won't let you die" I really mean it, plus if she does die I'll just die too and redo it.
"Okay" alright I'm about to go into full teacher mode
"Let's start with the boars" No not because I want vengeance; maybe a little.
seems like not many people want to go out after learning that death is real. The fields are empty.
"First off general combat is the same as real life meaning if you dodge it won't hurt, if you block, but are weaker it does hurt, and if you attack a monsters weak point it comes off as a critical. Understand"
"Now the part that differs from real life is skills. Skills are activated by charging in the starting position then releasing, the system will make sure it hits, first why don't we join a party?"
System, do I have access to the SAO gamer menu [YES]
Perfect now lets invite Asuna. "If you look in the top left of your screen you will see your HP bar and under that is mine"
"Why does yours say M"
*blushing*"God was mad at me" and now she's gone into full laughter, it hurts, but she's cute so I'll let it slide.
"Anyway let's try out that boar" thankfully we arrived in time.
she's finally able to calm down when she sees this monster. "These pigs are kind of cute" never mind she's finally able to calm down when she sees this 'cute pig'.
"Hey can you show me a live demonstration of what you were talking about earlier?"
"Happy to" me and this pig have some unfinished business.