Level Up & Rare Drop

*Bang Bang Bang*

"Where am I"


Right I'm in SAO, I almost forgot what sleep felt like

*knock knock*

"Who's there"


"Asuna who" laughing at my little joke I open the door only to be met with a fist, guess she didn't like it.

"Hurry up, it's already 10AM" wow I really slept

"Okay where to first" *grrrrrr* I really need to get that thing under control.

"Don't worry I already made some breakfast"

"Thanks" Just hold your nose and force it down. you can do this Malak.

Taking a bite I'm stunned, "It's good?"

"You don't have to be so amazed"

"What's your cooking level"

"8" We didn't have enough food to level her up that much. she must of spent all her money and have been practicing since early this morning. And here all I did was sleep, comparisons are brutal.

"Let's go level up" I'll work extra hard on this to make up for it. "Since we're not that far from level 2 let's take on the wolves today" That way I can get more experience and more points.


Walking out of town there seems to be many more players than there were previously. We need to keep moving I shouldn't have slept in. By the time we reach the wolf area the player density has thinned immensely, even so I decide to go a little deeper, come on what could go wrong?

Just my advice never under any circumstances say those four words because a lot can go wrong. such as meeting a lv 3 mini-boss wolf and 3 regular lv 2 wolf pups.

"Asuna for this fight we're going to try to quickly take out the pups by switching while keeping their bodies between us and the boss"

"Got it.. What's switching?" right she doesn't know, hopefully talent lets both of us make this work.

"Switching implies one of us take on its attack knocking it off balance, then we switch so the other can land a direct attack."

saying this I immediately rush one of the smaller wolves while watching the boss, as it gears up for an attack I start my my skill sequence; barely getting it off in time to know the wolf back.

"switch" I shout as a pup hits me from the side taking 15% of my health. luckily Asuna seems to understand what I was saying and lands her skill against the wolf taking about a third of it's life. Seeing another wolf about to attack her I charge at its side knocking it off balance, and before I can say anything Asuna is already on the attack. her rapier is really fast no wonder she got the nickname flash.

"ugh" I really need to fix my habit of spacing out I'm only at 70% now

"Switch" looking over Asuna just finished knocking the first one back, quickly charging I get my skill off taking half of it's health leaving it with about 20% which Asuna finishes quickly.

Now there is only 2 pups and 1 angry boss luckily our positioning still doesn't let it attack us unluckily one of the pups gets a hit on Asuna. Quickly using this chance I knock back the one we hit earlier before it could hit her too.

"Switch" she takes another third leaving only one more hit to finish which I quickly take. Good news now we're on the last one bad news the Mini-B can now get to us.

"I'll hold off the boss finish off the last pup" saying that I quickly come to regret my decision when I barely dodge the first attack and after blocking the second it still takes 30% of my health. Making sure to keep dodging I'm able to hold on for a minute until I have to block it again leaving me with 10% of my health. Did I mention I really don't want to die again. Lucky for me it's at this time Asuna shows up with about 65% of her health seeing this I use a skill before it can gain any momentum knocking it off balance while Asuna uses hers to take 10% of it's first health bar out of three. Not giving it time to orient we repeat the process whittling it down to the last 20% of it's last health bar. This is where it gets crazy and I mean literally the wolf goes berserk. Seeing Mini-B coming towards me I'm already planning my next life till I see Asuna take the hit causing her health to drop to 5% seeing my chance I use all my strength on my skill killing the boss in one swoop.

Seeing the boss is dead I fall on my butt still shaking from the adrenaline.

"We did it" saying that she walks over to me and helps me up.

Looking at the boss disappearing into loot I glance at my screen we're both at full health and level two.

"That was scary" I say letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "What did we get" I say leaving her to collect the loot.

"3 wolf fangs, 3 pelts, and 2 meats from the regular wolves annd" she's doing this on purpose

"From the boss we got a wolf belt annnnnd a rare cookbook that increases cooking proficiency 5 levels up to lv30" well definitely know who that's going to. Still if she's cooking for me then it doesn't matter so take that negative luck.

"Let's take a break then keep hunting" after about half an hour we go back out for another 4 hours heading in the direction of the next town and leveling up to 3 by the very end of it. looking at how much it takes to level up to level 4 it might take a couple days.

Selling our loot we earned 30 silver from about 100 pelts and teeth while we kept all the meat so Asuna can level up her cooking.

Going to the inn we rented a 2nd story room for 1 silver each, and while she went to cook I decided to check my stats



Host Stats

Name: M(Malak) Gender: Male

Titles: ??????????

Height: 175cm (5"7"ft) Age: 15 (Unknown)


STR: 13 (weak) AGI: 13 (weak)

DEX: 13 (weak) WIS: 13 (weak)

INT: 13 (weak) CHA: 13 (weak)

LVIT: 13(weak) LUC: 1

Unused SP:10

skills: beginner scythe mastery lv 3, Re:Life

Deaths on floor: 1

Total Deaths: 1

Difficulty = 1 * Deaths on floor (Base 1/Max 10)

Points: 3.66

Evaluation: A weak player in a death game that can't die



Wait how did my points go up an extra 1.5


So bosses are how I earn points, cool. Also how did my luck reach 1?


"Time for dinner" you got lucky system

"coming" let's just say that book is really helpful the wolf kebabs tastes amazing I can't wait till she maxes out her cooking even if by that time she'll probably charge me money to eat it will be worth it.

"Goodnight" saying this I quickly went back to bed and fell asleep recharging for tomorrow.