Short Time-skip & Finding the boss

So it's been a while, long story short we grinded a lot of monsters and quests. status



Host Stats

Name: M(Malak) Gender: Male

Titles: ??????????

Height: 175cm (5"7"ft) Age: 15 (Unknown)


STR: 29 (weak) AGI: 19 (weak)

DEX: 29 (weak) WIS: 19 (weak)

INT: 19 (weak) CHA: 19 (weak)

VIT: 29 (weak) LUC: 11

Unused SP:0

skills: beginner scythe mastery lv 8, Re:Life

Deaths on floor: 1

Total Deaths: 1

Difficulty = 1 * Deaths on floor (Base 1/Max 10)

Points: 18

Evaluation: A weak player in a death game that can't die



It's been two weeks and in a couple of weeks should be when Diavel calls everyone together for the raid party of the first floor. Also it turns out that points are given to me based on the difference in level divided by 100 luckily the system said bosses give their full level in points. Looking at the player guide book the recommended level for the first floor boss is a full raid party at level 10. So after me and Asuna reach level 10 I decided I would buy the floor boss location, and see if Klein can help me contact Diavel. As for my extra stat points I've decided to put 10 points in STR, DEX, VIT, and LUC. Let's check the shop


Keep memory - someone is able to keep memory after reset (1 use) - 100 pts (Stock 1)

Floor Boss location - points out location of floor boss on map - 5 pts * floor level (Stock 100)

Difficulty - 1 - can't go below 1 - 10 pts * floor level (Stock 10)

Wish - Add something to the shop will be priced according to value (limitations-current world) - 100 pts (1 use in SAO world) (unlocks at level 10)


current points = 18



Well that's new, helpful, but expensive considering I'll still have to pay for it after it goes into the shop, also it's limited to only things in this universe. We'll see if it's ever useful. Also I guess the options aren't unlimited, oh well I'll take what I can get, stingy system.


Nothing, just for the record I'm not scared of my system.

"Malak wake up it's time for breakfast" after letting me sleep in the first day Asuna has woken me up at 7:00AM every day by banging on my door, I mean come on, guys need their beauty sleep too.

"Coming" she's honestly gotten really good at cooking, and I think out of the players her cooking level is the highest at level 17 or 22 with the book equipped. Going downstairs I look for the feast when all I see is fruit. Having seen this before on many occasions I realized she tried a new combination of ingredients and failed wasting our stockpile of food. Seeing that I calmly sit down to eat my fruit.

"What did you try making this time?"

"Bacon, ham, and eggs" I have no idea where she got the eggs, but considering we made a stop at the town of beginnings to check on the other players yesterday, and to buy potions. I have an idea where she got the ham and bacon.

"Ready to hit level 10?" although we're probably not the top players we should be within the top 10 considering I haven't heard anyone say they've reached it.

"Let's go" saying that we both headed out to the labyrinth as it is a great place to level up by fighting kobolds, which would also help us prepare for the boss. I believe the boss was on the 20th level of the first floor labyrinth so maybe we'll get lucky and I won't have to use my points to find the exact location, however knowing my sense of direction that probably won't be the case.

Making our way to the 20th labyrinth level was easy, however when Asuna noticed there were fewer monsters in the area and wanted to move on, making believable excuses to stay on this level turns out is much harder. Therefore let us tell the truth.

"I think the boss may be on this level"

"Okay" wait why does she believe me?


"Malak you still there, I think I'll level after the next group" I may still have a habit of spacing out when people talk to me or when I'm interacting with the system. After collecting my thoughts and seeing her still looking at me I hastily respond.

"Me too, let's go" during the last two weeks we've been practicing switching and general combat, and after seeing how good Asuna is with her weapon I started training my scythe every night for a couple of hours; bringing me to beginner mastery level 8 of 20 then it goes to mastery 21-50 and the system still won't tell me what comes after, however it did say that Kirito only got to mastery level 35 by the end of the game.

With the group only having seven kobolds we decide to have a little competition to see who can take out more without using skills because I recently got a skill that sweeps around instantly doing damage to all nearby enemies, unfortunately it also damages allies who are unable to dodge by jumping or dropping out of the way. The loser has to do any one thing the winner says within reason of course

Asuna's speed is much faster than mine causing her to get to them first, it also lets her complete 2.5 attacks for my one, luckily my damage is much higher and I can do 20% per hit while she can only do 8%. Quickly jumping in I drag my scythe across two of them while dodging the club of another. By the end of the fight she had me beat five to two next time we should do it damage based because she kept kill stealing. either way we were both able to level up to 10.

"A bet is a bet, what do I have to do?" deciding to bite the bullet early is always the best option last time I lost a bet and thought she would forget, as soon as we got into town she put me in a dress.

"As funny as it would be to see you in a dress again, I just want you to answer this one question truthfully" I have a bad feeling about this.

"Tell me a bit about yourself, from before the game" yep there it goes I mean how am I supposed to answer this 'This is my second, wait third life and before the game I was stuck in the sun for a while, and to top it off I really enjoyed anime in particular there was one about this world. Yeah no.

"I'm just an ordinary guy who likes eating ice cream, and pastas as well as spending time with my family" I didn't lie, but I don't have a family, and before the game it was eons since the last time I ate.

"Wow that's surprisingly normal" let's try blowing her mind

"Well I'm also someone who can't die that gets to travel to other universes after completing a certain mission" seeing her standing there blankly I think she might of believed me, until I follow her line of sight

"Is that the boss room" yep we found it, take that system I'm saving my points. "Want to check it out?"

"Not by ourselves let's gather the other players" and I know just who to contact.