
David woke up and chose violence.

It takes a special type of college student to get out of his warm bed and hit the gym. Was it the promise of gaining muscle, was he psychotic, health conscious or stressed out.

What makes those gym bros tick is something I could never comprehend.

However as I stood at the window awake since 2am, I saw him running to the gym building. I was merely a sleep deprived student haunted by the future, wracked with stress, observing the peaceful world I found myself in.

It was 5am that he decided to chug a protein shake, in 15 minutes I'd be asleep in bed and he'd be fighting the entropy of the universe.

We were two different images, he was one of action and I was one of inertia. Which makes sense, since he was a pre-med student, while I was (but) a lowly computer science engineer.

As the seasons changed, both our paths slowly diverged getting further and further away.

I neglected to mention we were friends from the same school, we came from the same town, and we lived closed by. Although we did different things, we took the same classes and for years on end we'd see each other at least once a week. Whether it was Sundays at church or Tuesdays on the school playground.

"Haah", I sigh. Time flies as spring turns to summer and summer turns to autumn. I'd catch glimpses of him playing basketball, and he'd catch glimpses of me outside mowing the lawn.

Every single day seemed ordinary, I'd be caught in my books and him with friends and sports. The differences between us could be considered small, but time slowly made it's mark.

Each of us made important decisions every single day without knowing, opportunities gained and lost, accepted and discarded like it was gum at the bottom of our shoes.