"Truth" chapter 5

[As we know that the last chapter stopped were our author was about to find the truth. Now let's see what happens next]

Jin made a confused face as he continue to speak,

"So Boss didn't tell you, well that's strange."

Jin scratched his Chin as he looked up, "usually he told about it to all of us but I guess it's not the case for you. I better not tell you then because I think Boss has a specific reason for it."

Yoon Taemin was still staring blankly as he got lost into his own thoughts.

(If the male lead was originally born here then why did he tell that he was not. But then how can his sister be a transmigrator while he is originally born here. This doesn't make sense I need to know more)

Yoon Taemin looked up as he made a serious expression,

"Mr. Jin I know we have met for a while and I don't doubt your words but can you please tell me more about the situation you are talking about just now"

(If I am not wrong then there is no stop to this world according to the script.)

Jin looked a bit nervous as he stood up, "I am sorry but, without Boss telling you, I can't share this information with you."

"Wait! just-"

Jin glanced with a scared face towards Taemin, "I hope you understand."

After that Jin was out of sight while Taemin was still standing on the balcony.

(Damn, what's up with his expression? it's like he is telling me that he would die if he tells me the truth)

Yoon Taemin sighed as he continue walking out of the balcony then the library and in no time he was again walking through the confusing structured spaceship.

(Now what? do I not have the right to know the truth? well whatever, my job is to help the characters follow the script anyways.)

"Aaack! there is the uke (bottom)."

Yoon Taemin shot his face up and saw Hana and Sujin screaming while looking at him.

[ Yoon Taemin was confused again trying to understand the human mentality system ]

"Uke? what's that-"

"Oh stop pretending, me and Sujin both know."

Sujin nodded agreeing with Hana, as Hana kept confusing the poor man.

"I don't understand" Yoon Taemin asked cluelessly.

"Oh you know, my brother and-"

As soon as Hana was about to finish her sentence she was cut off by a big bang on the door.

"Sorry for cutting you off but I need Taemin." Yeong Hee was panting as he said that.

"You look like your out of breath." asked Taemin.

Yeong Hee lowered his head smiling as he said, "I guess your situation just steals my breath automatically"

"What?" Taemin asked.

"Quit questioning and come inside" Yeong Hee snapped.


Taemin and Yeong Hee walked towards the door while Hana fainted. "Wow I just saw live action."

"Hana your gonna see your great grandmother at this point" Sujin added.

[Meanwhile behind the fence- I mean door]

"Taemin there is something very important that you should know."

Taemin was nervous as he was clenching his hand.

(Will he finally tell me the truth about him?)

Yeong Hee sighed as he got closer to Taemin, "no need to be nervous, I know it will be tough but-"

Yeong Hee raised a hand and patted on Taemin's shoulder. Taemin shuddered as he looked into Yeong Hee's eyes. Yeong Hee took a deep breath and spoke

"Your training starts from tomorrow"

"what!?" Taemin screamed.

Yeong Hee covered his ears and backed away from Taemin. Taemin was sulking after he heard that.

"Umm.. Taemin were you expecting to hear something else... you can't be-"

Taemin was so angry that he was about to go red, He didn't care about what Yeong Hee was saying as he started throwing a tantrum.

"seriously you bastard you crushed all of my hopes! who says that you are going to be trained the very next day with a expression like that!".

Taemin stomped out of the room angrily while Yeong Hee continued to stare confusingly.

" Crushed all of his hopes? what the-"

[Whatcha thinking?]

Yeong Hee put his hand on his forehead as he let out a stressful laugh, "What am I gonna do with him? I guess I gotta wait a lot."

[Patience is the key anyway I am going to check on our dear author. He seemed a bit angry.]

[Meanwhile with Taemin]


"Seriously I thought he was going to tell me his secret."

Yoon Taemin was still loudly stomping as he went to his room.

"Well whatever I should just take a shower and go to sleep."

Yoon Taemin took a shower and went to bed and within a minute he fell into deep slumber.


"Where am I again?" Yoon Taemin looked around confusingly. After looking around he saw it was again his old school.

(Wait! is this again a dream?)

Yoon Taemin looked a little more and found his old self sitting on a bench scribbling something on the notebook.

(I remember this, at this time I was very fond of writing novels).

Yoon Taemin couldn't help but let out a chuckle until he heard another voice from very far away.

"Senior! what are you writing?"

Yoon Taemin looked up to see who it was that was talking with his old self but his face was blurred out as if that part of the memory is just gone.

"Who is that? I can't remember him. His build up looks like that bastard Yeong Hee, but who is it?"

Yoon Taemin saw that boy approaching his old self.

"They look rather close. But I never let someone see my novel."

"Senior is this chapter 10 your writing now?" The stranger asked.

"Yeah, I am making the main character break a leg or two."

Yoon Taemin stood still as he kept watching the scene.

(Man I sure was weird back then.)

"At least give the main character a happy ending senior. After all it has my name." The stranger said with a rather sarcastic tone.

Young Yoon Taemin still was scribbling on his notebook as he smiled, "don't worry you will surely get your happy ending."

The stranger smiled back and everything went black around Yoon Taemin.

(That was rather a strange dream or memory I must say. But thinking about it is making my head hurt.)

Yoon Taemin shot out from bed as he was out of breath again.

(Seriously I have this problem of running out of breath in sleep. What a pain, anyway I better find the truth about Yeong Hee or I feel like the story won't be completed.)

[Ahem to be continued -_-]