"Training arc 1" Chapter 6

As the last time, Yoon Taemin was sitting on his bed after waking up from his mysterious dream. But not in a moment he heard the door knock.

(Who might it be at this hour?)

Yoon Taemin stood up and opened the door, behind the door there was a giant figure that made Yoon Taemin back away in an instant.

"Hello there I am your trainer for the next few days"

That man had mini black hair, brown eyes and a creamy caramel colour with huge muscles.

"Woah! I mean my trainer?" Yoon Taemin asked.

The giant man sighed and looked at Yoon Taemin, "surely you need to gain skills while your here, otherwise you will be a steak at any moment"

"Haha right" Yoon Taemin nervously answered.

The strange man looked in a bad mood and was hardly making eye contact with Taemin.

"Listen I am Michael, the shield of this spaceship, I would train you for a few days until the sword man comes."

Yoon Taemin was listening from one ear and letting it out from another ear as he was standing there hopelessly.

"Where is the sword man may I ask?"

The large man gritted his teeth, "That punk is in a mission, Anyways get ready and come to the training area quickly."

Micheal closed the door with a large bang while Yoon Taemin was about to say bye.

(Seriously what kind of bastard is he?.... I might as well go quickly.)

Taemin got ready and quickly went out of his room to the very confusing structured spaceship. while he was walking Jin came running towards Yoon Taemin giving him a very big smack in the back.

" Agh!" Yoon Taemin screamed in pain.

"So have you met him yet?" Jin excitedly asked as if he was about to jump.

"M-met who?" Yoon Taemin confusingly asked while he was still in pain.

"The shield of the spaceship! Isn't he cool!"

At this point Yoon Taemin couldn't help but believe it that the person in front of him has really gone crazy.

'Uhh your sparkling-"

"Obviously!" Jin shouted.

Yoon Taemin scratched his head as he asked,"why do you like him that much? Is there a particular reason?".

After hearing that question Jin suddenly went quite as they both kept walking. The silence made Yoon Taemin more nervous.

(Was that a wrong question?)

Jin took a deep breath and then continued speaking.

"you know at first I told you that I was a transmigrator right?"

Yoon Taemin cluelessly answered, "Yes"

"Well I transmigrated into the broken city that you went to yesterday, But unlike now that city was beautiful, very beautiful back then that I almost fainted by the beauty of it."

Yoon Taemin kept listening as he thought it wouldn't be a good thing to question now.

"But something horrible had happened in the past that made it like this. At that time only one person was by my side helping me."

Jin looked up and put a soft smile to his face, "Can you guess who it is?"

Taemin widened his eyes as it looked like he understood the situation clearly, "I see, so that was the reason."

The air became slowly heavy between them so to avoid it Jin spoke up in a cheerful tone, "Guess what! we are here at the training area."

Yoon Taemin was amazed to see such a beautiful glass made training area.

(Whoa that quack does have some good taste in interior designing.)

As Jin continued to proceed forward Taemin followed him. After pressing some totally random button the door opened. As soon as the door opened Michael was standing there glaring at them.

"You. Are. Late"

"Micheal how are you! you haven't really changed." Jin ignored Micheal's word and started speaking on his own.

"He rather look intimidating but his heart is as soft as limestone" Jin spoke.

Taemin continued to process what was happening,

(But isn't limestone hard?)

Micheal pushed Jin aside and took Taemin inside. Inside it can be seen that Sujin was already practicing on her own in another side which was protected with barrier.

"Rust chemical level 3 activate!" as soon as Sujin said those words a giant slash of chemical went to the lava looking monster and it slowly started to disintegrate.

"Whoa! how is she able to do that?" Yoon Taemin asked as he continued looking.

"She is far more skilled unlike you, that's why."

Yoon Taemin looked at Micheal with a sad expression.

( my own novel character is hating on me, how cruel.)

Suddenly Micheal opened a blue system as he spoke, "You need to first find your talent and attributes, then you will develop the skills according to it."

Micheal took a long sighed as he continued, "Listen, if you are good in archery you can get the skill called 'bow', get it?"

Yoon Taemin raised his hand as if he wanted to ask a question.


"If I don't have any talent? Will I not gain any skill?"

Micheal glared at Yoon Taemin who was tiring the poor man for no reason.

"You can gain sword skills but first you need to know about grades of monsters."

"What's that?" Yoon Taemin tilted his head as he asked.

"Just listen and watch" Micheal pressed a button on the blue hologram and a voice suddenly spoke out.

[There are different grades of monsters starting from SSS to D. D grade monsters are quite small and easy to defeat. C grades are a bit large but doesn't take that much stamina. B grades take a little bit stamina and they are larger then C grade. A grades take quite a lot stamina along with S grade also. SS grade monsters have a high chance of killing you and SSS grade are quite rare but they are said to be shapeshifters. You need minimum two SSS grade skills to defeat it.]

At the end of the speach Yoon Taemin was all wobbly as his head was spinning with all the information.

"Wha-what the."

Micheal sighed as he said, "I didn't sign up for this. They don't pay me enough."

[We will see if our dumb author can get any power in the next chapter. kekekeke]