Goodbye Love

After spending two nights in the village, Bara and Jasmine returned to Jakarta. Today is very important, because of what? The bastard girl that Bara had adored all along was about to get engaged, and of course, Bara had to come to congratulate her.

Bara's first love, Kei. The bastard girl who changed the man's life changed the way he looked at women, the girl who became the reason why he hated women so much. In Bara's eyes, all women are the same, they are cheap.


Bara tilted his head slightly to stare at the door to Sam's room, shyly, Jasmine came out of there. With light make-up, a purple short dress, and 7cm high heels, Jasmine looks extraordinary. She is beautiful and classy. Bara didn't know if this was a light effect or what, the girl's skin looked white, clean, soft, and shining, as well as the black hair she wore...

'Damn, she's so fucking sexy.'

Bara approached Jasmine and then gave the jewelry box that he had been holding to the girl.

"Ra, is this a diamond?" Jasmine shrieked in surprise as soon as she opened the box.

She looked again at the necklace and ring in the box.

"Why did you give me this? I don't want it, it must be expensive!"


Bara grabbed Jasmine's hand and pinned the ring on Jasmine's ring finger.

"Just wearing it, what's so hard about it? Why is it so noisy?"

Jasmine scowled as Bara put the necklace around her neck.

"Is Kei rich? Until you dress me like this,"

"Not really, she's an ordinary person. That's why she's a money freak. In the past, she dumped me for a much richer man, but now I'm richer than her future husband, so I want to repay her. I want to show her that she is nothing!"

Jasmine blinked her eyes confused.

"Sorry to say this, but... isn't it Mr. Bagaskara who is rich? Those who are rich are your parents, so what do you want to be proud of?"

'Oh my God. This girl is really weird.' Bara thought.

"You don't have a TV, what do you do? You don't know who I am?"

Jasmine shook her head casually.

Bara immediately cursed in his heart, Jasmine's words hurt his pride.

"I am, Bara Putra Bagaskara! I am the highest shareholder in Lotus Entertainment. You know LE, right? Do you know Antariksa?" With great emphasis, Bara mentioned several groups under LE's agency.

Bara looked at Jasmine intently, if the girl said no, he would buy her the biggest tv in Indonesia for her. Just swore in his heart.

Jasmine smiled broadly, an innocent smile that looked very annoying to Bara.

"The TV at my house only broadcasts news broadcasts, because my grandfather likes to watch the news," Jasmine answered slowly.

Bara shook his head in disbelief. While the girls out there are crazy about Boy Group, this girl in front of him doesn't even know anything about the up-and-coming group.

Pity. What a pity.

"Don't worry, I'll buy a big TV later! You'll like it. Music, drama, variety show, I'll show you all of that! I can even take you to the exclusive Antariksa concert,"

"Concert? Antariksa is a singer?"

It's enough. Bara felt that he could go crazy if he chatted with Jasmine for too long.


Kei looks beautiful, as usual. What a beautiful sight, but not, the man next to her spoiled the beautiful sight, in Bara's eyes.

Rey, Bara hates that man. The man who had snatched Kei from him. He's a pretty popular singer, but what's so great about it? When he gets old, no one will care about him anymore. People will turn to new singers who are more handsome and younger. It is not like that?

"Ra, Kei is looking at you," whispered Jasmine.

"Yeah, I know. Let's congratulate them,"

Jasmine smiled and wrapped her arms around Bara's arms. They walked hand in hand over to Kei and Rey.

"Hi Ra, you coming?" said Kei with teary eyes.

"Hey Kei, congratulations!" said Bara flatly.

Kei smiled, then before long, she looked at the hand that was still wrapped around Bara's arm. Kei looked doubtfully at Jasmine.

"Hey, congrats." Jasmine, who was aware of Kei's attention to her, immediately extended her other hand towards Kei.

Kei nodded weakly and smiled stiffly, shaking Jasmine's hand slowly.

"Your new girlfriend, Ra?" this time it was Rey who opened the voice. Damn, just hearing his voice made Bara sick.

"Yeah," said Bara perfunctory.

"You didn't make her be your girlfriend just to show off to us, did you?" quipped the annoying man.

Jasmine smiled sarcastically, she looked at Rey from top to bottom.

"I don't think you are that important that Bara has to show someone off to you," said Jasmine gracefully.

Bara smiled faintly, the innocent next to him was okay, she could be an actress if she wanted to.

"Don't be offended, Miss, just a random guess," Rey still couldn't take his eyes off Jasmine.

'You see Kei? The man you are proud of me is now looking at a girl with adoring eyes in front of you. How do you feel? Oh, I forgot. You don't have feelings.'

Kei suddenly looked down, watching Jasmine's and Bara's fingers alternately.

Yes, Bara was deliberately wearing a ring on his finger. So that Kei knows that they are bound.

"Are you guys getting married?" Kei asked quietly.

"I don't know. Nobody knows about the future, right? But, yes, I want to marry her. We got engaged a month ago." said the original Bara.

Kei smiled, Bara knew what kind of smile Kei gave to him. Fake smiles. Bara knew the girl was hurt. But this is Kei's own choice. She prefers money over love.

"Congratulations," Kai muttered.

"Hmm, sure."

Bara's body froze when suddenly Kei rushed to hug him, surprising Jasmine, and took her hand from Bara's arm and took a few steps away.

Kei hugged him tightly.

"Goodbye, Ra. Sorry," the girl whispered.

Just closed his eyes.

"Yeah, goodbye Kei. I'll let you go. I'll forget you. Get out of my life, damn it."

Kei smiled faintly at Bara's words. She wouldn't blame him for hating her. She knew for sure that Bara was hurt by everything she did. Just a good man.

Kei let go of her embrace and smiled at Bara, then turned to look at Jasmine who was still standing awkwardly next to Bara.

"Take care of Bara," Kei said slowly.

Jasmine just smiled in response to Kei's request. As a fellow woman, she could understand how Kei felt. It was clear that the girl still loved Bara very much.