A Mission

Bara looks confused when they return from the wedding of his ex-lover. Jasmine was silent, she didn't know much about love, but she could feel that Bara loved Kei so much. Bara's gaze at the girl, made Jasmine's heart also slice.

Behind the harsh words that the man always used when he said the girl's name, Jasmine knew that Bara didn't hate Kei. He loved Kei, he was only hurt because Kei left.

"Rest there, looks like you're tired. Your legs are as red as boiled crabs!" Bara said then lay down on the sofa. It seemed he was tired, not Jasmine.

Jasmine took a deep breath, then sat on the sofa opposite Bara.

The atmosphere was awkward between them because they didn't know what to say, Jasmine only noticed a photo hanging on the wall with a beautifully carved wooden frame.

"Ra, may I ask a question?"

"Anything but about Kei!"

Jasmine nodded quickly.

"Sam, what kind of person is he?"

don't know what demon possessed Jasmine until the girl dared to ask about her employer. She knew it wasn't appropriate for her to ask, it's just that she felt that Bara was pleasant to talk to, so she dared to ask.

Bara opened his eyes and glanced briefly at Jasmine.

"He is very kind. He takes very good care of us, even though we are not real siblings, he loves us sincerely. His attitude is gentle and caring. I have never seen anyone hurt anyone or anything." Bara replied casually.

Not real siblings?

"I don't want to be presumptuous by asking about your relationship, but I'm really curious Ra."

Just smiled casually. Bara closed his eyes again.

"We were all adopted children from different orphanages. Sam was the first to be adopted as a child, then me and the youngest Joe. My Dad never told us anything about his past, we only knew that he was married. But, where his wife is no one knows."

"None of us dared to ask Dad. But I suspect Sam knows something."

Jasmine's curiosity immediately peaked. For some reason, she wanted to know more about Bagaskara's family.

"Hey, let's make a deal," Bara said enthusiastically.

Jasmine nodded slowly.

Bara is Bagaskara's too, the last time she made a deal with Bagaskara's, she ended up being a maid. No one knows what Bagaskara's will ask for this one.

"Come on... if you succeed, I promise, when it's my turn, I'll let you go back to your Grandma's house again, and I won't ask you to serve me for a whole week, whatever the reason. How?"

That's a very good deal, Jasmine can go home and will not serve anyone for a week.

"Agreed! But, what do you want, Ra?"

Bara looked at Jasmine with her signature smirk. Smirk was mischievous always made him anxious.

"I see, Sam likes you a bit, when you're with him, find out about dad's past! I'm sure, if you tease him a little, spoil or something, he will tell you whatever you want to hear!"

'As expected, I should have refused from the start. I should have learned from experience, that making a deal with Bagaskara's, whoever it is, will surely end in regret.' Jasmine thought.

"You already agreed!" Bara looked at Jasmine sharply.


Jasmine stared at the empty Sam room. Looks like the guy is still working.

'Isn't it if we are the boss, we can go home from work as we please? Why does Sam look so hard working like that?'

Jasmine cleans herself, she takes a bath with warm water and abundant foam. It was fun as if all his tiredness was washed away with the water.

After wrapping the towel around her body, Jasmine immediately left the room and headed for the wardrobe.

She smiled at the several long nightgowns that looked warm, however, she remembered her agreement with Bara again.

She knew this was disgusting. But that's okay, after all, he can go home to her grandmother and be free from Bara for a whole week.

Jasmine pulled her new sexy nightgown from the pile of nightgowns. The thin dress that Bara bought while shopping together the other day.


'It's like being a naughty girl, but, this job is already naughty, isn't it? It makes no difference, so never mind.'


Jasmine woke up from her sleep, who knows how long she had been asleep, her throat felt dry.

"Sam?" how shocked Jasmine was when she realized the presence of someone next to her.

Sam sat on the bed, next to her with the laptop turned on and a pile of files that didn't know what was in it.

"You woke up? Did I disturb your sleep?" he asked softly.

Sam rubbed the top of Jasmine's head gently.

"No, I woke up thirsty." After saying that, Jasmine immediately stood up and went to the nightstand to get a drink.

Next to the glass, there is a small pink walker clock. So adorable. But, why is it pink?

02.30 am?

"You're still working at this hour? It's almost morning!"

Sam only glanced at Jasmine briefly, smiled, and then returned to focus on the laptop in front of him.

This made Jasmine feel annoyed. In her family, after ten o'clock at night, no one else was allowed to open their eyes. They all have to rest and unload on the mattress. So, seeing Sam working until this late, made Jasmine worry. Sam could get sick if he stayed up until like that.

"Enough Sam, close your laptop now and go to sleep! Look at your teary eyes! You need to rest!" said Jasmine annoyed.

Sam just smiled, and again, he returned to focus on his laptop.

This is not true. Jasmine approached Sam and closed the laptop in front of the man, then she put it in the cupboard.

"Sam, sleep!"

When she said that, Jasmine's heart suddenly thumped, it hurt, unconsciously, she did what her mother used to do before. She smirked, why was she acting like that? She remembered the figure. Jasmine misses her.

"Are you alright?" The soft voice of Sam made the rumbling in Jasmine's chest gradually calm down.

Jasmine then sat next to Sam and shook her head slowly.

"Unknowingly, I did what my mother used to do. Remembering it made my chest tighten."

"You miss your mom?"

"Yeah, a little." Jasmine lie.

"Never mind. Let's go to sleep."

Jasmine nodded slowly, they then lay back down on the bed. Sam grabbed Jasmine's body, bringing the girl into his arms. Jasmine's head rested on Sam's chest.

Jasmine smiled faintly. Sam is fragrant, Jasmine likes the man's scent.

Suddenly, Jasmine remembered her agreement with Bara. So she is considering whether to do it or not.

"Em, Sam, I have something to ask you," Jasmine said doubtfully.

Sam turned to look straight at Jasmine's eyes. Seeing the girl looking doubtful, Sam gently stroked the top of Jasmine's head.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Um, that..."