A Treasure

"Wow, hanging out with the future brother-in-law, Jasmine?"

That voice...

Why is it that every time she hears that voice, Jasmine's heart still beats? Jeri, that jerk, what is he doing here?

Jeri, who had just come out of the kitchen, immediately sat relaxed in the living room, he turned on the television, although his sharp gaze was still directed at Jasmine and Joe who had just returned to the Bagaskara residence.

"Wait, future brother-in-law?" said Joe confused.

"Jeri thought I was Sam's girlfriend," whispered Jasmine in Joe's ear.

Joe immediately pouted and stared blankly at Jasmine. That's not a good thing.

"You playgirl!" Joe pout.

He was annoyed because recently he realized something, about how his two brothers took an interest in Jasmine.

Jasmine looked annoyed at Joe.

'For God's sake, this man sucks.' thought the girl.

"Seeing you look familiar with his younger siblings, is your relationship with Sam that serious? Already know each other's families hum?" Jeri looked at Jasmine with a questioning look.

'That bastard, the tone of his voice sounded annoying. Where did the Jeri I used to worship go?'

"You come alone? How is your relationship with that cute girl?" Jasmine answered Jeri's question curtly. It was clear he was making fun of the man who just left him and ended up with another woman.

Jeri just smiled faintly and turned his gaze towards the television.

"We're getting married soon," he said slowly.


"Wow, great news. Congratulations!" Jasmine said it.

They were over, after all, really ended, so it was good that the man had his happiness. As a good ex, Jasmine should be happy, right?

"Ah, damn it. I was expecting a different response from you!" Jeri smiled bitterly, inhaling long and heavy breaths.

"Like what? What did you expect? You want me to cry, begging for you to cancel and come back to me? No kidding!" said Jasmine.

"The funny thing is, yes. I was hoping you would hold me back!"

Shameless bastard.

In the past, Jasmine loved Jeri. Even when he had left her. But that feeling was long gone.

"Wow, excuse me, I'm still here!" Joe snapped. Seriously, he felt like an idiot who knew nothing about this matter.

"I don't want to be stuck with your love story or whatever. So, can you guys do that another time?" Joe looked at Jeri in disbelief.

Joe pulled Jasmine and half dragged the girl into Bara's room.

"Why are we going to Bara's room?"

"To search for treasure!"

Hmm? Jasmine frowned. He did not understand what Joe meant.

Treasure? Gold? Money? Or what?

Joe wasn't joking, as soon as he locked the door, the man was immediately busy rummaging through Bara's room.

"Gotcha!" squealed Joe.

With sparkling eyes, Joe approached Jasmine holding a box.

"The treasure?" Jasmine asked in surprise.

Joe nodded slowly, then pulled Jasmine's hand back out of Bara's room, they went to Joe's room and sat on the balcony of the room.

"TADA!" shouted Joe as he opened the box.


"Just for your information, this is no ordinary chocolate!" said Joe who seemed to be able to read Jasmine's mind.

"So, that's amazing chocolate?"

"Do you know how much it costs?"

"Is it expensive?"

"This one box of chocolates is equivalent to the price of Sam's luxury watch!"


Jasmine had seen Sam's watch boxes, and they were much more expensive than her house in the village.

"Give one for me!" Jasmine insisted.

When else can you eat super expensive chocolate like this?

Joe smirked and gave one to Jasmine. One? No, they both finished all the chocolate in the end. One full box.

To be honest, the chocolate is no more delicious than the local chocolate sold there, there is a slightly bitter taste in the first bite, but once eaten, the chocolate gradually becomes sweet and melts in the mouth, there is a soothing warm sensation, chocolate that makes you want it more when you eat it. you bite it. No wonder the price is very expensive.

"Is it okay if we eat it like this?"

"Problem? Bara will kill us both if he finds out we ate all the chocolate!"

'What the heck!'

Jasmine immediately swallowed whole curses that she wanted to throw at the youngest. But of course, remembering who he was, she immediately held back, she kept the swearing to herself.

"I just have to say that if you take it, Bara won't be angry with me."

Joe laughed, a very loud and carefree laugh.

"You think Bara will care? We both have eaten the chocolate! So he won't think twice about killing us!"

"Joe, you are rich, you have a lot of money. Just buy a new one!"

"Unfortunately, I just bought a new car. I ran out of money. And just so you know, this chocolate is not produced every day. It's special, very hard to get!"

Jasmine immediately went limp for a moment, while Joe was so relaxed.

So... they eat treasure.


This is the only way. Whoops!

"What do you want me to do?" Sam asked again. He sat back on the sofa after closing his laptop.

Jasmine bit her lower lip and looked at Sam with horror. Why did Sam repeat that question?

"Joe can take cover behind Mr. Bagaskara. But I don't, you're my only hope, Sam!" softly Jasmine.

Sam laughed crisply as if he had just heard Jasmine make a joke.


That sucks.

"If you know it's Bara's, why do you eat it too?"

Is he asking or teasing? What's with that tone of voice?

"Joe said that chocolate was worth your luxury watch. So I was tempted!"

Sam laughed again, a laugh even louder than before.

Jasmine is afraid that Bara will be really angry and finish her off.

"Then, you think, Bara wants to listen to me? Your life is over, Jasmine! I can't help it. I can't quite calm Bara down when he's angry!"

"So you're going to let me die?"

"Hum, should I let you die in the hands of Bara?"

Jasmine knew that Sam was not serious about his words. It's just, joking at a time like this is completely unacceptable.

Jasmine did not know why the chocolate was so precious to Bara. This is all Joe's fault.

"Sam, come on, I'm serious!"

"Okay, okay, sorry. If you want to survive, of course, you have to replace it!"

"I don't have money and Joe says, that chocolate is hard to get!"

"Indeed. About money, you don't have to worry, it's just, I'm not sure she'll want to make that chocolate again," murmured Sam.


Sam nodded, then he looked at Jasmine with a sad look.

"Aisyah only makes those chocolates and sells them to us when she needs money. But, it looks like her life is getting better now, she doesn't need our money anymore, so I'm not sure she wants to make us the chocolates!"

Jasmine did not understand. What exactly does Sam mean? But what she knows now, is, that chocolate seems to mean a lot to Bara. And unfortunately, everything has melted into her stomach and Joe's. For God's sake, she wanted to cry now.

"Still, we have to try. Come on, let's get her to make it for us. I'm afraid Bara will be mad, Sam."

"Hum, okay. I also don't want you to die at Bara's hands, so let's try it." Sam gently stroked the top of Jasmine's head.