Healing The Heart

Jasmine gaped in surprise. The girl repeatedly read the contents of the contract which had been unilaterally renewed by Mr. Bagaskara.

"What is this...?" Jasmine hung up on her sentence because she honestly didn't know what to say to Mr. Bagaskara who was sitting casually in front of her.

"Sam and Bara have made a deal with me. They don't need your services anymore, so their schedule will be scrapped. You only need to work with Joe at his cafe for a week while his schedule lasts. How about that? If you agree, you can sign our contract renewal."

Jasmine smiled faintly, she was touched and so happy with what Sam and Bara did for her.

"I agree," said Jasmine and then signed the contract.

After talking for a while with Mr. Bagaskara, Jasmine withdrew to return to the Bagaskara brothers' residence, escorted by a large bodyguard.

To be honest she was very uncomfortable with the presence of the bodyguard.