A House for Jasmine

Due to the schedule of the three that kept colliding, finally, Sam, Bara, and Joe had to postpone their vacation until the next week.

Jasmine took it easy with it, leaving now or tomorrow, it made no difference to her.

Today Joe is busy enough in his cafe that he can't accompany Jasmine and her two brothers to choose a house for Jasmine. So, Bara and Sam were forced to accompany the girl.

Bara scowled in annoyance to find Sam still wrestling spoiled with his bolster in the room. Unfortunately, the door was locked so Bara could not break into it.

"Even though I told you last night to come to look for a house for you, Jasmine!"

Jasmine smiled faintly while drinking the chamomile tea that Chef Agnes made.

"Here, Jasmine!" Bara pulled Jasmine's hand to sit on the carpet in front of the tv.

Bara then opened the laptop and showed Jasmine photos of various types of houses.