what is sex wh meaning of sex what relationship what is love:

according to us we consider human nature of

five states:


2) marriage

3) relationship


5)karma-responsibility of mother and father.

1) what is love? what is true love

human nature says love occurs because of 5things




4) hearing

5) vision

now the point is if love someone by judjing this qualities how can you love him/her

the meaning of love sacrificing yourself without knowing anything .ok submission .

someone says falling for your soul is a kind of

love I believe in.

now the point is a soul never think s according to science we knewed soul is a energy . but still we did nt know what form

however the point is a soul never think s but our brain think s now if you say-

falling for your soul not for your body is a kind of love I believe in.

then my question is soul is a energy that doesn't have any shape , visualisation and most importantly it is a part of your body because it has mass 75g now don't ask me how dear readers you can google so if you can't see energy,you don't know how it then how you can identify your love.because the person you had loved and said your true love . you have seen him/her face . you have seen how he/she looks if the person does nt have body only can you identify her can you?

coming 2point

according to Sandeep Maheshwari love is not a temporary or permanent feeling it is a bond that is everlasting now bond means relationship and everlasting something that is universal undestroyabale now this point is fully wrong.why?

in this universe there is nothing everlasting or permanent. to identify a person loyalty also you need to think your brain needs to ask questions"why"?in your life 24hours there are only 2minutes you r brain do not think s "may be. so while identifying loyalty of a person you need to know no one is fully wright or wrong .there is nothing called permanent, everlasting love or friendship.

friendship-when you talk to someone you think that person relatable or like you and while talking your point s are similar so an attachment borns on both after that if you fight also after 3/5days you will become friends because of attachment and memories a relations is born in both of you. relation of friend ship and for this also you haved think

now including all the logics and theoryes we came to an end that true love doesn't exist and relationship is something exists but borns, occurs

cause of relationship are:

1) attachment

2) relativity

3) same talking points

now still there is two kind of love left

1)humanitical love

2) spritual peace(nature loving)

1) humanitical love-what is humanitical love-what is it thinking for someone s others right thinking for someone else and there are many kind of love s you can love with your career ,aim, your friends, your pet, your friends

and your things and food but behind them there is a criteria some you know and some are unknowned by you things which are criteriable are your things, food,etc and the uncritariable are friends family pets and other s means you can explain someone why you love sammosa ,puri, cold drink s but you can't

explain someone why you love your family, friend and aim why talking an eg suppose you love a dress you have loved the dress by seeing it's design colour and other s so by this point we came to know there are two condition of love:

1) occuring by judjing

2)have occurred but with out your knowing

talking about occuring by judjing . something that you have looked it or something that you have looked liked after that you loved it or something that make you feel good this called

judjing love it basically happens with things such as, clothes, food, boyfriend etc.all the outside stupid products.

now coming to the second point one love that occurs without your understanding like you cannot explain someone why you love your family, friend s,pets,why this happens here relationship take place to aims also you spend a lot of with your family friend and pets a relativelyty have occurred between you and your closer ownez but of have not given any response to that subject but when something happens to your loving owners then you understand .same thing s happened to aim you want to become to doctor , engineer what ever you love enjoy it but no why

so, occurance of enjoyment experience make relationship with what you love E/l =E
