2) what is spritual love first of all the meaning of spirituality is this attachment from everything that you think your even yourself mean of someone's language you also still you will stand still because that time you will be this disattached by your image and value now what is sprituall love dissataching yourself and loving in a one treating everyone and everything in equal bases and kind to animals trees nature and people who call themselves an animal lovers people don't because are not if you would you would be and vegetarian treating everything equally seeing things logically if you are animal lover then why do you make them pets that's why do you eat chicken fish , cow why are they not animals? just going to dog or cat on the road and feeding them that does not mean you are animals or a nature lover.If you would you want to eat animals why do you eat chicken or motton why why after eating a mango you don't feed the if you have then there would be many trees today why do you make them pets and make attitude status story in insta Instagram, WhatsApp what is attitude why do you want to complete someone's ego if you really think yourself nature your friend please don't make animals your pet because if a alien or something like that came to our planet for much more advanced than us andthen says you human s are useless and treat us like that how will you feel since we are the advanced species among all living beings on earthwe should take the responsibility of every creature on earth and species and sprituality play s an important role on sex . obviously it plays and important role in everything where science ends sprituality start s .but in sprituality it is called sex chakra -you are responsible for your fruit.
for-eg --- when you give an exam before you study if you work hard you get good mask.mask for that , that,s your gift but talking bro sex it is not like that you don't want the gift the baby but just enjoy the journey/sex what does it mean.Coming to the main topic of the story Doubt of 90%people.
What IS SEX?????
ans) today 90%people doesn't know the exact meaning of sex they cannot enjoy it they get addicted to pornography they cannot enjoy a dirty feeling borns for is provided for sex. today in our nature our society a wrong information is provided regarding sex. you go to sicologist YouTuber,s share problem you are addicted to masturbation. you don't know the actual meaning of sex instead of enjoyment you are addicted to it.
and because of this is wrong information the wrong information the lie/ the worsever lie provided by p********** and Instagram models and who ever idiot they are but in my this book I will not let you be the one of them off wrong information the actual meaning of sex is after marriage you need someone who will get your dynasty or continue your family your son after this only applies to a human being to understand that actual meaning of sex you need to know every object of his /her up so the main concept of every human being is understood their advantage oviously every living creature understood his /her advantage but the concept of human being is to fully control the reality like when we understand what is light we created bulb when we understand what is air we created AC ,fans so like this way for living a comfortable life we make everything easy and comfortable like we monthes,hours,days,years with our calculation for every particular thing we have find out of pattern and living easy way we don't want to hard work but wont turn fame famous city like a god we want to stay so like that we are very very nice people want s someone after him who can see his dynasty extend his family including daughter/son similarly a mother of poor family don't want to see his son poor so in future so the mother works hard for his son struggle so give him to give him the education right so first let us understand what is reproduction in every creature in every creature reason of reproduction why maximum people are attracted to it.
what is reproduction ?
.•} meaning of reproduction is nothing else but creating new living being the fruit of your hard work what the living being will do that's up to you but animals work with their subconscious part of their brain they don't have such sence but still they take the responsibility of a mother and father and stay still on it without thinking what is further their son daughter do will do and the biggest mistake is people enjoy their hard work but don't want the fruit ( in case of sex)
2) what is the reason of reproduction?
the meaning of the meaning of sex is nothing else but two different hormone coordination with each other for creation of a new leaving being the now you have feelings for their or not that is fully different now check carefully if the exact meaning of sex is chemical coordination and then why you think of figure has ,big a** hole skin colour body here and height these are not the criteria from your own decisions that don't even have any reason why these are your criteria these are the wrong numbers putted in your brain by p*** have ever your ask yourself why you like because your puberty-sexuAl maturation wrong. the meaning of maturation recognising the responsibility of yourself not being sucked by any useless thing and maturation means recognisingn your responsibilities be it your family your ex your brother your, sex life anything. but you are being sucked off by sex you cannot control it it is controlling you because of nothing is elss wrong information.pornography is a kind of sexual drugs which will make you run for ever never give a destinied satisfaction. if you have stopped watching p*** also and stop masturbating also still the dirty feeling is destroyed inside the self is unknown now coming to the reason of the reproduction,
now the term reproduction is something that you want to form a creature not to have sex mean s. four human beings the reason of reproduction is to extend their family but plants and animals it remains a question mark because they are less consciousness than us but one thing is common in humans the criteria occurred in them is inside benifiting pleasure not inside realisation
3) coming to the third point why maximum people are attracted to eot late,s first understand what's sensual pleasure the term "sensual pleasure" occurs because of earthly position we are chasing their chasing some for valuable things and some things that is meaningless but we are chasing-
Now, let's understand an equation
Good feeling|
1) excitement 2) pleasure 3)peace
1) learning and doing new things (Lntd)
2)self development 3)hard work 4) money
5) consciousness 6)state of mind
7)self realisation
This thing s are related to our pleasure and happiness
Lntd=excitement=self development
self development x hard work=Money
money x consciousness=pleasure
self realisation/hard work x pleasure=consciousness
And the term "fomo"is a illusions
so we understand by this one occurs by the other and term "fomo" is a big illusion it's a myth of fake perfection
the cause of anger is attachment because we think in this world something is our .but it is not because of this attachment our self is unidentified. And the term "our thinking" occurs because of benifiting and this benefit also occur because of society culture and this benefit is also an illusion because it's not the way of permanent satisfaction this are all pleasure of one moment . because thinking something of our is occured because of Earthly possession. I am not saying job , working is wrong but thinking a brand , everything of your is wrong dissatachment doesn't mean leaving everything but it's actuall meaning is not give importance to worldly possession yes, you have responsibility for them that much you can do.
but don't get attached to it and for identification of self disattachement should be the main principal.Because the ego will be destroyed the love for your image will destroyed and love the self /Inside the root occur. super excitement occurs because of sacrificing or leaving something.
For eg-you stopped eating meat to give a better life to animals.
Today if you say you don't want love the self you insult yourself in a day more than 3corore
times.Now, now why maximum people are attracted to sex because they don't know the true meaning you have to go to sicologist, YouTuber s why?
here only you loose the person who is the most lovable , for you is yourself and loose the self only . get depended to other s
first ask yourself how dare a worldly brand sucks you.
how dare pornography , masturbation,dirty feeling on sex.
Now ask yourself a question if love something will you not have respect for it control in it.
find out the root pornography is providing you a wrong information . I accept that there are something few things in the internet that trys to suck our .high d dopamine in your unknowing disrespect s you , control s you make you run and doesn't give you satisfaction like-porn, internet,meme,tik tok.first of all its destroying your brain cells, sucking you off.taking out the wrong image off sex which is sex not.
And now you may ask if it's is wrong why I am addicted to it if it's wrong.
there is a term called truth doesn't sold in the market but lie.A 3years child is in self and unknown and un learnable the moment.he starts enjoying only thing and thinks it is his
he lost his self because the brand have make him feel good for the moment And now will make him chase for hole life . And now to make you understand the exact meaning of sex and make you know what is sex and make you know what is creative sex actually .i will like two divided in few parts:-
1) what is Brand
2) truth of pornography
3) masturbation
4)final truth of sex
to be continued~